Blogs from Perth, Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 21


Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » South Perth August 7th 2013

So I have now been in Perth 3 weeks... Time does fly! These first 3 weeks have been so amazing, new surroundings, new people, new wildlife, pretty much a new life earn escape from England. Although being slightly disappointed when I come out of the airport to not be welcomed by kangaroos, however I eventually saw some when I went to the zoo! An amazing day out with so many different animals to what there normally is in England! For the first week me and my friend Emma who I met shortly after arriving, went an a whole lot of adventures. Firstly we went a shopping centre nearby called carousel, which has everything I could ever need. Followed by going into the city for the first time that evening and into Subiaco where I got to ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » South Perth August 7th 2013

Oy Mate! I have been here in the Outback for about a week and a half, but am just now getting around to writing because things have been so crazy. After my 32 hour trek, I decided a nice long sleep was required as soon as I got here, so I unpacked and did just that. The following days after that were filled with an abundance of new faces, new sights, and new everything. A lot of the people here at Curtin University, which is where I am studying, are international, so for the first few days I met a large number of non-Australian students. Since it was still the Aussie’s winter break, a lot of them were still away on vacation. I came here expecting to go to school with mostly Australians but it’s actually ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth July 26th 2013

From Trayning we continued to Dowerin and moseyed around the town for a while. A nice neat little town with a lovely little bakery. I saw there for the first time in years a tank loaf and horseshoe rolls. The cinnamon buns where the largest I have ever seen and so cheap. Dowerin also has a lovely second hand bookshop but I managed to leave without purchasing anything tempted as I was. We decided to head out to a camp site about 20 kms north east of Dowerin - Minnivale. It is a small township which is now reduced to 4 houses and a church. The silos are still intact, which is more than can be said of the bakery. The Shire is developing the camp site to entice travellers to visit the region. Situated next ... read more
002 Nice ride
003 Minnivale all that remains of the bakery
004 Nice detail on oven

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth July 20th 2013

TRAVEL ITINERARY 21 July 2013: Depart Perth, Western Australia 21 July 2013 - 24 July 2013: Dubai, United Arab Emirates 24 July 2013 - 29 July 2013: Amsterdam, Holland 29 July 2013 - 5 August 2013: The Hague, Holland 5 August 2013 - 7 August 2013: Brugge, Belgium 7 August 2013 - 12 August 2013: Paris, France 12 August 2013 - 15 August 2013: Krakow, Poland 15 August 2013 - 17 August 2013: Warsaw, Poland 17 August 2013 - 20 August 2013: Berlin, Germany 20 August 2013 - 23 August 2013: Prague, Czech Republic 23 August 2013 - 26 August 2013: Nuremberg, Germany 26 August 2013 - 27 August 2013: Munich, Germany 27 August 2013 - 28 August 2013: Dubrovnik, Croatia 28 August 2013 - 4 September 2013: Adriatic Odyssey Cruise / Croatia, Albania, Montenegro, Greece ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » Victoria Park July 18th 2013

Um sieben Uhr hab ich mich aus dem warmen Bett geschält, um eine kleine Fotorunde am Strand zu machen und ein paar Quokkas zu sehen. So ein Sonnenaufgang am Meer kann schon immer wieder sehr viel… Gegen 0745 Uhr gabs ein ausgiebiges Frühstück, ich hab das Ticket für die Rückfahrt organisiert und bin um 0825 Uhr von Rottnest Island abgefahren. Die Fähre war größer als die gestern, schneller und gleichzeitig um einiges ruhiger, was aber vor allem am ruhigen Meer gelegen ist. Mit dem Auto bin ich zum Flughafen gefahren, hab noch einmal vollgetankt (der Liter Sprit kostet hier ungefähr 1,10 Euro) und den Mietwagen am Flughafen abgegeben. Von dort hab ich mir ein Taxi genommen und bin zu Wicked Campervans gefahren, um mir meinen Campervan für die restliche Strecke abzuholen und Richtung Norden zu düsen. ... read more
Guten Morgen auf Rottnest Island!

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth July 15th 2013

Mit der Zeit hab ich mich um eine halbe Stunde vertan bei der Umstellung von Adelaide auf Perth. Hier in Perth sind es jetzt im Winter sechs Stunden Zeitunterschied zu Österreich, in Adelaide waren es siebeneinhalb. Das hatte zur Folge, dass ich in der Früh eine halbe Stunde mehr Zeit hatte. Gemerkt hab ich es nämlich erst im Frühstücksraum ;-) Der erste Weg heute führte mich in die knapp 10 Minuten vom Hostel entfernte Zentrale von Wicked Campervans – einen fahrbaren Untersatz für die Strecke von Perth nordwärts galt es zu organisieren. Im Gespräch mit dem Herrn am Schalter konnten wir nach kurzer Zeit auf Deutsch wechseln, weil Christoph ein Deutscher istJ. Er zeigte mir die Möglichkeiten, und ich entschied mich für einen allradgetriebenen Campervan, den ich ab Donnerstag früh abholen kann. So hab ich zwar ... read more
Bananabread mit Espresso im Café Café

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth June 30th 2013

Travel is full of surprises, and we had one this week that has adjusted our planning a little. We had planned to leave Yanchep (Perth) on 10th July, but we have found that the Kalbarri National Park road is closed for major upgrade, but provision has been made for access during the WA school holidays. So we will stay here for another week or so. During the week we made good use of the Perth transport system. We took an early bus from Yanchep to Clarkson station, and then two trains to get us to Fremantle - about 2 hours as the bus does an amazing Tiki Tour. Sorry, maybe Cooks Tour might be better understood. The days travel was marred by the writer leaving the small rucksack on the bus. (Fortunately we were able to ... read more
Fremantle Marina
Sad faces
Hansom Crabs

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth June 22nd 2013

Captain Cook Tours have a reputation for good quality tourist activities, so Mary and David, Marg and myself decided that on a bright sunny day, a lunch cruise on the Swan River from Perth to Fremantle return would be a good activity. It certainly proved the highlight of the week as we climbed out of the "Frustration Ranges' that have bugged us since being on the West Coast. The way ahead showed its first run out of the 'Frustrations' on Tuesday when the Cardiologist confirmed what I felt would be the results from the combined echo and stress tests that all was generally well with my heart, and I just need to live with the palpitations when they occur providing they stop in a reasonable space of time. Next was Marg's Dell computer. The repair man ... read more
Riverside Opulance
Our Captain Cook Cruise boat
Bar by the Ferry Terminal

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth June 17th 2013

Do you like visiting the zoo? I do, Marg does, but we had one grandchild that was a little uncertain, but came along anyway. Most major cities, and indeed some smaller centres run zoos, some formal, some more like a safari park. Perth Zoo is formalish, located in beautiful park lands with well signposted paths and maps pointing to the various types of animals/birds etc. You do need to put aside a whole day for the visit. We walked for 5 hours and still skipped big chunks of the park. Many Perth families become 'Friends of the Zoo' and can come and go as often as they wish, but for visitors that's not practical. We were impressed by the park even before we looked at the interesting creatures in their displays. The trees and shrubs are ... read more
Sharing a confidence
Perfect reflections

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth June 15th 2013

Perth Part Two Another week or two has flown by with many activities/appointments etc as well as lots of fun with the family in Perth. It seems that between various health checks and tests, a small motorhome repair that still persists and a computer repair for Marg that didn't go right, we seem to have struggled up frustration hill! Hopefully the coming week will flatten that hill once and for all and we will soon be able to head north. Yesterday was one of the few days where we were free to go look-about and spent time at Yanchep National Park. This is a large area with a shallow lake at the entry, limestone caves, and quite a number of bush walks ranging up to 55 ks. As this is a national park, we used our ... read more
Black Shouldered Kite
Carnaby Cockatoo
Yanchep National Park

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