Blogs from North America - page 7998


North America » United States » California » Auburn June 29th 2007

Since blogging and laptops are new to me, we (my much more technically savvy husband and I) got a little bit ahead of the departure time line to allow wiggle room for LOTS of mistakes. I did not dissapoint him. We were kind of "beta Testing" this whole blogging scenario. Actually, I will not leave until the week-end. This time line discrepancy was brought to my attention when I was performing the time honored act of all women about to depart on perilous journies into unknown places-having a manicure and a pedicure-at my local spa. (Here is an unsolicited advertisement for my manicurist Quincy and my "skin-fixer" Shelly, at the Casablanca Day Spa in Auburn, California-they are both wonderful! If you are ever visiting in the area and need a day of rejuvination, they both come ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Portland June 29th 2007

Just trying to see if I can truly download a picture into a "blog."... read more

Well, as we look ahead and begin thinking about states further east and countries far, far away... there is time left for one last backcountry adventure while we're in California. We drove north of Yosemite/Tuolumne to Bridgeport (home of the highest-priced gas I've ever seen - $4.05/gallon) and Twin Lakes (home of many retired folks with RVs) to begin our three-day trip up to url="" target="_blank"Incredible Hulk. We heard so many good things about here that it would be difficult to live up to our expectations; especially after the trip we just finished into Whitney/Russell. Since we'd just left the backcountry, our minds were fresh with the items we wish we had or hadn't brought... added to our packs was a book (Siddhartha/... read more
Splitter crack climbing
Campsite Dishwashing
Dessert, anyone?

North America » United States » Connecticut » Stamford June 29th 2007

UntitledLKaneHi all! Yesterday was a great day. I saw a few friends, talked to a couple others, and left some messages. I saw Bev Clancy (Titus), who's a dear friend from the old neighborhood. I caught up with her, and her family, and I always love seeing & catching up with her! I also stopped by & saw Michael Apy, who was our family's car insurance agent for many years. He helped me through lots (!) growing up..."on the road"! He's doing great, as is his family. I also briefly visited "Glo" (Gloria Franco), the mom of one of my best friend's, Katie. Glo is an incredible, extraordinary woman, and we agreed to have tea another day next week, when I'm in town around 3pm, tea time! Betsy & Mrs. Groher - I'll give her a ... read more

Our trip to LA started off on the wrong foot…first we were stuck in the miserable traffic LA is known for, and secondly, the RoadFood guide disappointed us for the first time, sending us to an overpriced restaurant that had great décor but so-so food. Brian literally paid $18 for a cold ham sandwich….miserable. At least as we were driving to dinner we got a glimpse of a movie premiere! We have no idea if it was something big or not but we saw a red carpet, a crowd, limos, and lots of cameras flashing. It was pretty cool and I’m sorry I didn’t get any pictures, but we were tired! Anyway, the motel we stayed in was located right in Hollywood so we had a pretty good location for the things we wanted to ... read more
Rodeo Drive

And allow me to share with you why I'm not... I had my whole morning planned down to what I was going to read when I was finally seated on the flight for the first leg of my journey to Kalispell. Everything went smoothly...I left insanely early in case of traffic and was shocked when there was none. But then I got to the airport. I've already posted a whole entry when I was on my way to North Dakota on how much I hate Philadelphia Int'l Airport so I'm going to repeat myself, but rather I will add to my reasons to stay away. PHL is easily overwhelmed. Between the storms we had in the area last night and the fact that this is the Friday before a week with a holiday...let's just say that ... read more

I went to the free Milonga that opened Nora's Tango Week here is San Francisco last night. We got there at about 7pm and stayed until it ended at Midnight. Some people we recognized from Southern California. Lots of nice people and good dancing. There were shoes for there and I finally gave in and purchases a pair with a heel that is a higher (plus they were so pretty!!!!). After about 2 hours of dancing in them, my feet did ache a bit (I don't think one is supposed to break them in at a Milonga). They will take some getting used to but I danced fine in them. Fear overcome....thanks Michele! ... read more
New Shoes

North America » United States » Colorado June 29th 2007

I have learned that I have contracted airborne trichinosis. Symptoms include stomach cramps, nausea and general whininess. Emily and I have concluded that the source of said airborne trichinosis is the Funky Mustard Corndog vehicle air freshener purchased specifically for this trip. Unfortunately, Emily’s humorous gesture has wrecked havoc on my immune system and I am skeered to ever eat mustard again. I have secretly hypothesized I actually feel like God has run me down with a team of horses because she forced me to the Booneville Bobber where I regretfully ate most of a grease and gristle omelet with a side of trucker coffee. ... read more

North America » United States » Indiana June 29th 2007

What a day of driving. When I left Door County around 9 am I thought I was good to go to make it through Chicago and arrive at my stop for the evening by late afternoon. What was I thinking??? It took me 4 hours to drive the 100 miles or so from the WI - IL state line to Indiana. And the last part of the route to get around Chicago was my plan C!!! I had every intention of splitting Chicago wide open on I-94 and motor right through downtown. In hindsight it might have been best to stick with my original plans. But upon hearing it was an hour drive on the JFK (I-94) to downtown, I opted to go around I-294 (which is the way the signs route you to Indiana). It ... read more

UntitledIt was another full day of great activities and meeting. Our day started off with a meeting at the OAS (Organization of American States) to meet on sustainable development. The meeting covered three main ideas: 1. The impact of climate change; 2. Human health and enviornment; 3. Chemical exposure. Our discussion was again very positive because it provided information on improvement and success of current work happening in the Americas, as well as ways that people can help. From the OAS we headed to the Mexican Cultural Institue. The Mexican Cultural Institute is housed in a mansion that was built in the early 1900s by the US State Treasurer of that time. The building itself is a historical site and is worth an estimated $46 million dollars, not including the countless artwork throughout the home. It ... read more

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