Blogs from North America - page 7997


North America » United States » Montana June 29th 2007

Hopefully our longest day of travelling with 10 1/2 hours on the road with quick stops in Milk River (nice visitor centre) Great Falls for lunch at Hardees (not so nice) a drive through the Big Belt Mountains between Helena and Butte (very scenic and twisting) Gas in Butte (great open pit mine in the middle of the city) and a stop in Hamer Idaho (pee break behind the LDS Church) before getting to Pocatello about 7:30. The boys travelled great and are very excited about getting to the Grand Canyon. We thought about eating at the "Rico Taco" mobile kitchen in Hamer (pop'n about 12) that was serving the migrant Mexican farm workers but opted instead for the less exciting Applebee's in Pocatello. Just a quick post today ... more to come along with some ... read more

After visiting Jacksonville again on our way up the East coast, and spending a day at the beach with one of Danielle's friends from college who's now a pilot in the Navy, we left for Beaufort, South Carolina. We stopped on the way in Savannah, which we had planned on walking around in, to admire the beauty and charm of the city. However, even though it was about 5 pm once we reached the city, it was still too hot to comfortably leave the animals in the camper for long. So, we parked, walked around for half an hour, and continued on our way. Definitely one of may places we'd love to come back to later and explore more in depth. In Beaufort we visited John (who had driven down to visit us in Jacksonville). ... read more
Echo and Brady
Echo and Brady

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Regina June 29th 2007

On to Yorkton Friday, 29 June 2007 Today we left Regina for Yorkton, a bit further east & north. However, we had to take a slight “detour” to retreive a shirt I’d left in Moosomin. It’s one I’ve had for years, one which I take travelling because it is light-weight, dark in colour, and always looks wrinkled, whether I fold it properly or not. Seems I’d left it at the motel there and only realized it when I needed it to take to a restaurant (they are often too cold for my “West Indian blood”, especially when the air-conditioning is on full bore). I’d telephoned the motel in Moosomin and yes, the gal there did have my shirt. So our plan (i.e., MY plan) was to drive to Moosomin, pick up the shirt, and drive from ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Diego June 29th 2007

The drive to San Diego was fairly uneventful I guess if you compared it to the previous San Fran - Vegas haul. It was a long way again, as everything in the US seems to be, but it was straight down I15, to the outskirts of LA and then down again to San Diego. We made good time getting to LA, then crawled along in traffic for an hour or so before arriving in Diego by late afternoon. We didn't have anywhere to stay. We had tried to book a couple of days prior, but with it being a Friday night everywhere on the net was booked up. At the end of the day if worst came to the worst, the car would have to double up as a bed for the night. When you ... read more
Ocean Beach San Diego
Crossing the Boarder
A Different Style of Hostel - A converted Warehouse

North America » Canada » Saskatchewan » Loon Lake June 29th 2007

Leaving Edmonton Every journey has a starting point. For our vacation trek, it was Edmonton, AB. Matt, having the previous few days off, packed and loaded the vehicle while Laura managed to sneak away from work early. While arguing over what Laura actually meant by 'leaving the city at noon', the Lancer (our vehicle of choice for the trip) backed down the driveway at 11:53AM. Our journey had begun! A quick pit-stop at Petro Canada saw us load up on fuel and we took off towards Lloydminster (or Lloyd-dumpster as the natives call it). Now it is at this point in our story that we must tell you that we had a third passenger on this trip. Our 6 month old puppy Kessler was also going with us to Saskatchewan. Suffice to say, Kessler does ... read more

North America » United States June 29th 2007

I participated in the Ridin’ the Rockies HOG Touring Rally that was held June 25-28, 2007. The plan for the week was to spend some time with my cousins before the rally started then take the long way home after the rally. I rode my 2005 833 Sportster from KC to the rally and back home. The following is a ride report of the ride. Friday 29 June 07 Friday morning was the start of my journey home. I wanted to take the long way home. Every year I try at least once to return from CO by way of NM, OK and TX, reentering KS in the southwest part of the state. The ride toward Wichita, KS on Hwy 54 is awesome. I have not traveled on Route 66, but from what I read ... read more
ABC State Pics
ABC State Pics
ABC State Pics

North America » Canada » Manitoba » Winnipeg June 29th 2007

Regina to Winnipeg  North America » Canada » Manitoba » Winnipeg By Bothan TaistilJune 29th 2007Maureen Kelly/Robert Tait June 29. The drive from Regina to Winnipeg is a long one. After settling at the campground we set out to look for a food store. We saw a mall with a sign “The Bay”. Thinking it was a supermarket we stopped, but soon discovered it was The Hudson Bay department store. On to the Safeway and then we were back to our Bothan for the night. June 30. We drove into Winnipeg and found a parking spot near The Forks. The Forks is located on the Red and the... read more

North America » United States » Washington » Seattle June 29th 2007

Mile: 0 After nearly two years of planning, we're down to less than one week until our getaway on the big road trip. Much gear has been purchased, house-sitters have been engaged and reservations made, (alas, summer crowds preclude total road trip spontaneity). Bill has finished the modifications on the van, taking out the center seat and adding a table . Under said table will reside 4 rubbermaid bins. Each of us gets to take whatever we want - as long as it fits into one of those bins. The top box will hold camping gear. The first of many destination stickers has been applied to it - from Archie McPhee’s in our beloved Ballard. Just like an old steamer trunk, the top box will declare our ports of call, the tackier the sticker, the ... read more
The interior
Ballard, USA

North America » United States June 29th 2007

Days 13-24 (by Iain) It's been extra long since my last post mainly due to the places we've been in having limited access or Ben wanting to stick up his super long report before I do mine. So we left Chicago last Saturday morning and are currently just about to get the bus to Las Vegas. In between it all we have stopped at St. Louis, Memphis, San Antonio and Flagstaff (Grand Canyon). It's been several long bus journeys past countless corn fields and desert landscapes- which both get slightly less exciting by the hour. After Chicago our first stop was St. Louis- a small wee city in Missouri known for it's music, the city itself wasn't to crazy but the suburb we stayed in was fantastic, everyone was friendly and had Scottish grandparents, there were ... read more

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