Blogs from United States, North America - page 1746


North America » United States » Wyoming » Saratoga July 30th 2013

Travels with Snowbirds Tuesday July 30, 2013 Park City UT to Deer Run RV Park Saratoga WY I know, I know, I never wrote the Arches Blog. I have some amazing pictures from that day. I will get to it, as I will get to the wedding and some pictures, just not today. The wedding was a wonderful event that started on Thursday and ended on Monday. I was too tired to leave on Monday, so I cleaned Moya, did wash, grocery shopped, and took off early Tuesday morning. Welcome Karen & Darryl. Hope you enjoy the blog. I spent the last few days in the RV in Lou and Kristine’s driveway, just because there were so many people at the house, it was easier for me to give up my cushy King sized bed and ... read more
Windmill Farms, everywhere
Orange & Black cottages

North America » United States » Missouri July 30th 2013

Hello everyone. The summer of 2012 was exceptionally hot and very dry, so we thought a cruise to the Baltics sounded pretty cool and refreshing for 2013. The weather has actually been much more comfortable this year, but we are about to depart anyway on another adventurous cruise – this time through Northern Europe. We are going to fly to London where we will spend a couple of days touring some of their fascinating sites before we catch the cruise (see diagram) to various ports in Northern Europe. Please stay tuned for regular updates about our next fantastic vacation. This will be the 8th of our cruises and 6th of our series of travel blogs. We expect this cruise to be at least as remarkable as each of our previous adventures, and we have been eagerly ... read more

North America » United States » Wyoming » Jackson Hole July 30th 2013

We are sorry to leave this beautiful spot. Spent our last few hours walking around town and enjoying the park at the town center. Off we go to home........... read more
The Bear at the Rustic Inn
Another TeePee at the Cabins
Breakfast at Rustic Inn

North America » United States » Virginia » Roanoke July 30th 2013

Good Morning Everyone! This is my first of hopefully many blogs! I am currently sitting on the couch in Roanoke visiting with family and the cats. I really don't know what to write at this given time considering I have a "To Do List" that is increasing in length by the thought. But all I know is that I need to create this blog now in preparation for the upcoming days. It became real to me yesterday when I got my visa stamped that I am going. I AM MOVING TO COSTA RICA! (this is where you put in the HELL YES mixed in with the OH CRAP). Two years teaching at Country Day School in Escazu, San Jose, Costa Rica. Living abroad has been on my bucket list. I will live with the locals and ... read more

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta July 30th 2013

Geo: 33.7481, -84.3909Nuestro último desayuno en el hotel... Pedimos un taxi y nos mandaron un Mercedes C280, quite comfortable. Pasamos de volada en el check in y el safety check. Compramos unos chocolatillos y galletas y de regreso.... read more

July 28th, 2013. 9:00PM PDT Day 19 Traveled 313 miles today. Our day started out rather calm, but wait, it doesn't stay that way. From our motel in Henderson, NV we drove 19 miles to Hoover Dam and got there early to get a spot in the parking garage. Since we were carrying 3 gallons of gas in a can, we were not permitted to park in the garage. Where we were parked gave us our exercise since we had to walk about a half mile and do 84 steps ( I counted them ) both ways. The dam is so big, it amazes us how this could be built in the 30's. From there we headed to today's destination, Hesperia, Ca. About 11:00 am,WE MADE IT, To California. Not long after we got into a ... read more
Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam

North America » United States » Alaska » Fairbanks July 29th 2013

8.30 Abfahrt. Erstaunlicherweise waren die ersten 250 km ganz flach und alles war unter 200 m NN - man hat ja schon vom Flugzeug aus gesehen, dass die Fluesse wilde Maeander bildeten... Nadelbaeume und Birken, zuerst noch schoene, hohe Baeume, spaeter wurden sie dann kleiner, weil ich mehr in die Hoehe kam. Und dann gab es den ersten Blick auf den Mt Mc Kinley (= Dinali, das bedeutet in der Eingeborenensprach: der Hohe). Er ist fast 6000 m hoch und wirkt deshalb so gigantisch, weil seine absolute Hoehe (6000 m) fast seiner relativen Hoehe entspricht - der Bergfuss ist bei ungefaehr 450 m NN. N von Anchorage waren zuerst noch mehrere Orte, solange wir halt noch im Pendlereinzuggsgebiet von Anchorage waren. Aber dann wurde es schon recht einsam. An Strassen gibt es nicht viel - diesen ... read more

North America » United States » Oregon » Newport July 29th 2013

July 28, 2013 Another chance this Sunday to be able to watch our church service on ‘live streaming.’ That’s always great news when we can see it. After the service, we walked around the park for quite awhile and then got ready to go into Newport. Headed to Georgie’s for some great clam chowder and fresh albacore tuna salad. Maybe one that we saw being cleaned last night… lol Went into Newport and to the Marine Discovery Boat Tours and reserved a place on the boat for tomorrow – whale watching!! I hope we see some, the boat today didn’t see any. Praying for whales. We were content to sit on the dock there and just watch a silly sea lion and all the boats coming and going. One place along the docks had a machine ... read more
Fishing Boat Leaving Harbor
Briefing Before We Leave by Naturalist
Blue Building Shrimp Processing Plant - 24/7 Shrimps Millions and Millions

North America » United States » Utah » Salt Lake City July 29th 2013

Today was a travel day. Back to civilization, wifi and overcrowded cities. Hard to believe the contrast one hour's drive can make out here. We went from wide open expanses with nary a soul in sight to 4-lane highways brimming with people, buildings, cars, trucks, signs...stuff crammed everywhere. Makes you think (and also grateful for cellular towers). Spent most of the day driving from Jackson to Salt Lake City. When we arrived, Todd had planned a special treat for the kids - an Alpine slide in Park City that he used to take his Trails West kids to each summer. They've expanded a bit, adding zip lines, a coaster and other small attractions. It took some coaxing, but we were finally able to get Sean to agree to ride, so we all hopped on the chairlift ... read more
Grand Tetons 2
Grand Tetons early morning
Maggie's new pjs say I don't do mornings

We decided to do some kayaking today on Jackson Lake. Had planned to go longer but after an hour the clouds moved in and the rain started. We were able to kayak across to an island where we went along the coastline looking at some great rocks and just relaxing. Felt some wave action from a few motor boats going past. Stopped for lunch at the Jackson Lake Lodge (our 3rd time this week) at their grill which is more like an old deli counter that snakes around an entire room. Good food. The clouds and rain passed and we went to the top of Signal Mountain where you get great views of the Tetons and Jackson Lake as well as the Snake River on the other side. Got back to our cabin just in time ... read more
A peaceful moment for Drew
Sean chillin on the lake
Mary Ann crossing the lake

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