Blogs from New Mexico, United States, North America - page 90


North America » United States » New Mexico November 7th 2008

Nach einer ziemlich frischen Nacht, in der es bis auf 0 Grad abgekuehlt hat, machen wir uns auf zu unserem naechsten Ziel, dem Valley of the fires State Park in Carrizozo. Dafuer muessen wir nochmals ca. 100 Kilometer nach Nordosten fahren, aber egal - wenn wir schon mal in der Gegend sind... Bei diesem eher kleinen und relativ unbekannten Park handelt es sich um Lavafelder, die nicht durch einen Vulkanausbruch entstanden sind, sondern wo die Lava direkt aus dem Boden gequollen ist. Dadurch sieht es nicht so spektakulaer aus wie „fliessender“ Lava, aber es ist schon auch ganz nett anzusehen (ganz nett anzusehen heisst in unserer Sprache: es ist schoen, wenn man schon mal da ist, aber extra weit zu fahren braucht man dafuer nicht...). Nachdem wir nun an unserem oestlichsten Ziel angekommen sind, machen wir ... read more
ein "Raketchen"

North America » United States » New Mexico November 6th 2008

So viel es um Tucson herum auch noch zu besichtigen gaebe, muessen wir uns endlich wieder aufmachen, um zumindest noch einen Teil der Dinge besichtigen zu koennen, die wir eigentlich sehen wollten (nachdem wir inzwischen weit hinter unserem Plan sind). Wir haben lange ueberlegt, ob wir die heutige Etappe machen sollen, aber vor allem Robert will unbedingt zum White Sands National Monument, was bedeutet, erst einmal eine Strecke von ca. 500 Kilometern hinter sich zu bringen. Auf dieser Strecke gibt es landschaftlich wirklich NICHTS berichtenswertes, aber immerhin sehen wir laaaaange Zuege mit 2 Containern uebereinander auf den Waggons (hoffentlich kommt da kein Tunnel...), einen Rastplatz, auf dem vor Klapperschlangen gewarnt wird und wir kommen wieder in die nun taeglich stattfindende Grenzkontrolle im Innenland. Der Beamte war recht gespraechig und im Gespraech ueber die unterschiedlic... read more
weils so schoen ist - noch eins...

North America » United States » New Mexico » Taos October 29th 2008

We got into Santa Fe about 3:30. We hurridly called Maroe, our shuttle driver, and he took us to Canyon Road, the place to find a concentration of art. Well, we went in gallery after gallery and decided there was no way to even begin to see them all so we got a recommendation for a place the locals gather. We discovered La Farola, a tapas bar, where we sat right down and met some interesting folks. I could not even understand the menu offerings so we opted for the recommendation of a great new friend, Bayla, who lives in DC and Santa Fe. Casa Sena was the place she sent us and we enjoyed it very much. However, the waiter and waitress are frustrated broadway wannabe’s and again there was a piano player, and they ... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Santa Fe October 28th 2008

Kathy is awake at 4 this am. Now that’s 7 back home but….it is 4 in AZ. We would like to highly recommend the Best Western, they have the best water pressure in their showers, this is great for all those folks heading into and especially out of the canyon, or the big ditch as Trey calls it. They have a fire pit outside, which we didn’t take advantage of, since we retired to our room after the big Mexican fiesta! It is really cool this morning and we see there are a few leaves left on the Aspen trees. Kathy is a little groggy from her early awakening so she allows me to drive. After all, how much trouble can I get in we are flat and straight east. She does doze and we make ... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Santa Fe October 25th 2008

Imagine my delight when the morning after I finished my canvassing in Colorado Springs that I woke up and checked one of my regular websites,, and saw that Colorado is now listed as a firmly BLUE state. Thursday it was a swing state, Friday it is predicted to go blue. Amazing coincidence?! I think NOT!! Today we, my host Jenny and her daughter plus friend, spent the morning on Pike's Peak (I got altitude sickness and had to go inside and drink hot chocolate) and at Garden of the Gods. Colorado is filled with beauty at every turn. As I traveled south to Santa Fe in the late afternoon, my heart was full as I recalled five days ago traveling north, not knowing what would happen in the next five days. Not only did I ... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Gallup October 17th 2008

All this area is pretty spectacular, known as the 4 Corners…Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah. I mean where else can you have your body in 4 different States at one time. Throughout this area we pretty much camped the whole time which I thought was pretty good going considering the temperatures got down as low as 26F…we used all 4 sleeping bags and were glad that we decided to invest in an airbed. There were mornings when we woke to frozen bottles of water left on the table. Chaco Canyon - was a major center of Puebloan culture between AD 850 and 1250. The Chacoan sites are part of the homeland of Pueblo Indian peoples of New Mexico, the Hopi Indians of Arizona, and the Navajo Indians of the Southwest. Driving toward Monument Valley we ... read more
Peublo Bonito
Chetro Ketl
Chetro Ketl

North America » United States » New Mexico October 11th 2008

Hat heute zeitweise geregnet und als wir in unserem Motel in Grants angekommen sind hat es so richtig zu schütten angefangen. Haben da schon kurz überlegt ob uns der Hurrican eingeholt hat. Im Fernsehen hat es auch kurz eine Unterbrechung gegeben um anzuzeigen wo es kritsich werden könnte. Unsere Gegend war zum Glück nicht dabei. Heute haben wir nur einen kurzen Stop beim Very Large Array eingelegt. ... read more
Very Large Array
On the road

North America » United States » New Mexico October 10th 2008

Waren 1 1/2 Tage in Roswell - wie man auf den Fotos sehen kann haben wir auch einige Aliens getroffen. Heute haben wir einen Abstecher nach White Sand gemacht. Da es keine Raketentest gegeben hat konnten wir auch hinfahren.... read more
US Air Force Identification Chart

North America » United States » New Mexico October 10th 2008

Oct 10th A great nights sleep at the Best Western and a hearty buffet breakfast sets us up for a great days cycling, all on the flat, the wind is light but against as usual. I have really enjoyed the company of Paul , Hughes and Susan, Paul's wife is flying down from Montana to meet him (later we find out her flight was canceled due to snow) but due to their different plans we split up on the route today. The scenery is interesting once again , the Rio Grande is nothing to look at, without all the dams and extraction it would be more mighty and imposing I'm sure, but the abundance of agriculture and greenery is a testament to its influence in this desert. I have booked a motel on the far side ... read more
Paul, Hughes and me
Paul Hughes and Sue
Rio Grande

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