Blogs from Washington, District of Columbia, United States, North America - page 7


First blog entry- Mark and Liz have made a big decision- we are leaving life in the big city and moving across the country. We have a general sketch of a plan- move from DC in approximately a month, drop our belonging off in storage in Kansas City and then head out West to Jackson Hole. Depending on our job prospects, we will take some time to visit friends and relatives along the way. Let us know if you request a stop and we will do what we can, or better yet, if we can bum on your couch for a day or so. We hope that this blog serves as record of our trip for us to look back on, a way to share our adventures/keep updated with family and friends and to post pictures ... read more

Well its Saturday evening and we have spent the last 4 nights in Washington. This is our last night here as we are leaving for New York tomorrow morning. So far my feet feel like they have walked every inch of this city, but I feel like there is still loads to see, especially in the museums. We have been to the natural history and aviation and space museum this week, spending almost a whole day in each and that’s going around them at speed! We have also seen all the main sites along the mall, walking to most and also doing an open top London bus tour around them as well. I found the main area around the mall to be very odd. All the buildings and monuments are made of white stone and have ... read more
Day 1
The Washington Monument

Well today started with some rubbish weather, typically english, drizzly rain and cloud. Apparently the really nice weather finished the day we arrived!! So we decided today was a day for more museums, being as Washington itself seems to be one big advert and archive for everything american. We went to the air and space museum, which was good, well i say good i mean average, well i say average i mean dull. No in all honesty Nath enjoyed it and so did I for about an hour and then I went to the gift shop. We had plans to go to 2 other museums but that never happened as the air and space one took so long, so its an early start tmr to try and get some more done. After having a nice relaxed ... read more

I lived in Silver Spring, MD, in 2004, during an internship with the Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL). Sadly, I've only lived in four places during my lifetime (Tekamah, NE; Norman, OK; Silver Spring, MD; Huntsville, AL), and easily my favorite was the DC area. So many people, so many places, so much food, precious little time. The year went by in a flash, and I cherish each moment I had during my temporary stay. It took maybe a day for me to realize that the best way to travel in DC was by public transportation. New York City has "the Subway", Chicago has "the L", and Washington, DC, has "the Metro". I love all three of them, in different ways. I love the Subway for its attitude, the L for its ease, and the Metro for ... read more

Well apolgies first off for the lack of photos, we have taken some but being a bit slack at sorting them out. Yesterday was good, Washington is really quiet and really clean!! something quite erie about it. Don't quite know what I was expecting but it just seems a bit sterile. And people jog everywhere, in the heat, talk about nuts. Went on this rubbish free tour last nite to some arts display put on by the hostel. Somekind of martial arts thing which looked more like morris dancing to us. Met a few lads though so it wasn't a complete waste. They made us feel quite old and posh though cos they were all young students. Walked back with this one guy called Ben, who I think was more interested in Nath than me. Come ... read more

After a year of world travel we have been coping with rejoining normal life, seeing the same scenery day after day and despairing the fact that in America 2 weeks holiday is a priviledge and not a right. But finally after 3 long months of working without a day off we at last are experiencing our first American paid holiday, Labor Day. Borrowed from our neighbors to the North, Labor Day is a celebration of the worker. So revelling in the fact that we now qualify to celebrate this special day we packed our bags and travelled a few hours south to America's capitol, Washington DC. Hopping on the Metro we made our way into the city past the untouristed bits that seem the exact opposite of the white stone of the Roman-esqe Mall. We disembarked ... read more
Washington Monument
The  Capitol

Hello all well we have arrived safely yipppeeeee. I think I did ok on the flight and it was actually a very smooth ride (even though they said at the start they were preparing for some rough weather). Thanks to all of you for your suggestions of how to handle it. The flight itself was interesting, I got to speak to the pilot as he walked past as the cabin crew mention i was nervous. They were great and gave me lots of sparkling wine to help !!!! The was a small arguement on board as some drunk guy was causing havoc and was threatened to be arrested once we landed. All was ok in the end, and I heard the crew swapping emails with this guy for some reason? Oh yeah just before we got ... read more

WASHINGTON, D.C. July 29 - August 4, 2009 It had been over twenty-five years since we spent any time in DC, so we were really looking forward to our trip. However, we never guessed we would enjoy it so immensely and consider it to be one of our favorite vacations. It’s the best city in the world for a “fun education,” and it makes history daily! We flew into Reagan National Airport around 3 p.m. on Wednesday and took the Metro directly to our hotel, the Washington Grand Hyatt. When I say directly, I mean directly because the Metro central station is located below the hotel! Instead of a $30 cab ride, we each spent only $2 for a Metro ticket. When we reached our stop (in about 20 minutes), all we had to do was ... read more
Museum of the American Indian
The White House
A portion of the Berlin Wall in the Newseum

Washington D.C. to New York - 33°c So that I had plenty of time to pack my case for the last time (on the Contiki part of my trip anyway!) and collect everything that had gotten sprawled out around my hotel room over the past 3 nights, I set my alarm for 6:45am this morning so that I would then be ready for our 7:45am departure. As it turned out I still managed to get to the coach a good 10 minutes early anyway! Once again, before I packed my case I ensured I dosed myself up on my cold and flu medication and took enough tissues with me for the journey too! We boarded the coach and Kristina played our ‘day song’ for the final time. For the past 26 days “In The Summertime” by ... read more

We got up in time to catch the coach into DC at 9:00. we got dropped outside the Smithsonian Castle again and walked round to the Holocaust Museum. We had to line up to get a ticket to get in, our time was for 10:30. We went in, its was veryyyyy sad but very well set up. We stayed here for just under 2hrs, watching the videos and reading all boards and looking at all the photographs. After this, we headed over to the National Museum of American History. In here we saw The original flag that inspired the American National Anthem, The Star Spangled Banner. It was huge, and under guard as you were allowed to take pictures of it. We then headed into the Popular Culture section of the museum where we saw the ... read more
National Museum of American History
National Museum of American History
National Museum of American History

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