Blogs from Washington, District of Columbia, United States, North America - page 9


Today we visited: . National Archives (D of I, Constitution, Bill of Rights and Magna Carta) . Tea Party . Holocaust Museum (finally able to see the perm exhibit) . Parade . Fireworks ... read more
walkabout 150
I thought this hat was patriotic
Cannon being patriotic

We visited . American History . Holocaust Museum. We showed up to late for the perm exhibit... read more
walkabout 116
walkabout 118
it's growing back

Day 30. We visited: US Capitol Tour Washington Monument Tour US Bureau of Engraving and Printing -- we saw $100s being made Holocaust Museum - Propaganda Exhibit ... read more
US Capitol
The speaker of the house will be the end to liberty
view from W Monument

We dawdled this morning before heading to DC to see the Mall and the memorials. We checked early (around 9:30) and there was still parking available at Vienna/Fairfax Metrorail Station, but by the time we got there (after 11:00) all lots were full. So we headed on in to West Falls Church Station and managed to get the last parking spot in the parking garage. That's a lot of cars; Fairfax has 5,169 spaces and West Falls Church has over 2,000. Tomorrow we should head out earlier. So anyway, we got to the station and a very nice lady showed us how to get tickets from the machine and how to get a Smartrip card, which you have to have to get out of the parking lot. We got on the Orange Line train and off ... read more
White House
World War II Memorial
Vietnam Wall

US Part 1 East Coast Tuesday June 23 - Thursday June 25 As maybe suspected there has not been that many entries to this travel blog. The trip this far has been fantastic, well, we had some challenges in the beginning… On the day before departure James suddenly had a fever. 40 degrees C on the thermometer! This actually lasted all the way through our visit to Washington… I have not yet been able to download any pictures from Emils camera or from the small camera in the camcorder so we have no pictures as of yet… And the reason is that I managed to loose my camera on the very first flight to Copenhagen. Anyway, we bought a new one in New York on Sunday, now we only have to work out how to download ... read more
The Capitol
Washington Monument

Demonic possession, congress and cardio- a typical day in D.C “Agent Mulder, I'm Dana Scully, I've been assigned to work with you.” (He shakes her hand) ”Oh, isn't it nice to be suddenly so highly regarded? So, who did you tick off to get stuck with this detail, Scully?” ”Actually, I'm looking forward to working with you. I've heard a lot about you.” ”Oh, really? I was under the impression that you were sent to spy on me.” And so began the wonderful, weird, sexy, paranormal, frustrated, exuberant, conspiratorial and beautiful relationship of Miss Dana Scully and Fox ‘Spooky’ Mulder. And where did this wonderful pairing meet? (fictionally of course, just don’t want you to think of me as one of those people who can’t tell reality from fiction… ahem…) Why the J. Edgar Hoover Building ... read more
senate building
capitol hill
aaron + adam

We leave the hotel in roughly an hour. Dulles International Airport. Frankfurt International Airport. Atatürk International Airport. In less than 24 hours, life starts over again in Ortaköy, the swanky neighborhood on the Bosphorus where I will be passing the summer. Stay tuned...... read more

Hi everybody ! This isn't really part of the travel blog -- I'm just posting it so that you know where to find us, since so many people have asked. So ... hopefully we'll be able to post every couple of days, and you should get an email when there's something new. Love, Karen.... read more
at the inauguration
the new prez
our sentiments too

Sunday, 7 June: We woke up in plenty of time for our shuttle, so after the morning necessities, we were on our way to our first day of touring Washington D.C. There were about 12 other KOA folks on the shuttle. We arrived at our drop off point near the Capitol Building and decided to look for coffee before boarding the Tourmobile, but ended up touring the Museum of the American Indian for almost two hours. The place was quite fascinating, to the point that we had to drag ourselves away so we could see other sights. I did get my coffee there though. From the museum, we headed back to our drop off point to hop on the Tourmobile. We wanted to get a better idea of what to see, so we took over half ... read more
Sorrowful Liberty
Museum of the American Indian
Museum of the American Indian Collage

Monday, 8 June (D.C. Day 2): Again, we took the KOA shuttle into D.C., although it left a bit late this time. The first thing we did was to see about a tour of the Capitol Building. We were having difficulty locating the ticket office when a guy pulled up in a big golf cart with 3 bench seats. After telling him what we were looking for, he told us to climb aboard and he’d take his there. Cool! Unfortunately, when we go there, the line for “walk ups” was quite long. I guess we should have made reservations somehow, maybe thru our congressman. Anyways, we decided not to wait and instead headed to the Postal Museum. We left the Capitol Building thru the Library of Congress tunnel and ended up spending some time there looking ... read more
Library of Congress
Supreme Court
Postal Museum

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