Blogs from San Diego, California, United States, North America - page 64


"Have a great night, and go F&*# yourself, San Diego!!" Seriously, this is so frustrating. I spend extra money to stay on the beach and I get about 2 hours of sun for 1 day over the 2 days we stayed there. When I was out here last year in May it was "May Grey, June Gloom". Now I come back in August and its cloudy too. Is this a joke? Yesterday we spent the day at various bars on Garnet Street where we hung out with some crazy college kids who clearly were way to excited to be back to college. Let me tell you a little hint about East Coast guys hanging out in California. Of course I am no blonde haired, blue eyed, mustle toned surfer, we all know that; however, I do ... read more

Checking in with everyone from the beach! The hotel, the Ocean Park Inn, is literally on Pacific Beach. We got in yesterday afternoon and I spent the day walking the beach. There are a lot of surfers, and I am considering trying it this afternoon. There is a pretty good strip of bars on a local street around here so thats where we went last night. Didn't stay out to late, I'm exhausted after now being gone for two weeks! Today it was cloudy in the morning so I caught up on some laundry but now it is sunny and I am heading to the beach! Tomorrow we leave the beach and spend a night in Old Town San Diego. Then on sunday we will go to the Angels game in Anaheim and then head to ... read more

North America » United States » California » San Diego » La Jolla August 19th 2007

Hello again friends, family, loved ones (and for those of you whom I may never have even met but who have donated to my cause anyway, please know that you are now firmly and forever entrenched in the “loved ones” category). As you may have noticed, I haven’t exactly been updating this blog with any real frequency or, you know, at all really, so it is probably no surprise to hear that I’ve got quite a bit to tell you about (and for those of you who’ve already scrolled down the page to see how long this goes on and are even now preparing to send me a “sound’s great” email before clicking off into other parts of the digital realm, please don’t, I’ll keep this brief(ish) and you may even have some fun). So to ... read more

Welcome Back All In this edition - "Musky scores again" (footy, not chicks of course). "San Diego Chargers & the US Tailgate experience" and "A Run in with Russell Crowe at the Shuffleboard Table (oops, no that was the last blog)" Since that last blog a lot has happened. I lost a little more hair on my head, gained a little more on my body, and took part in a few US traditions. None the least was the tailgating experience. Responding to cries of "go long" Jay took up position (to receive the ball) next to the hot chicks, and prepared to "accidentally" fumble the ball into the lap of any unforseeing girl who'd had too much alcohol to care. Unfortunately the best Jay could do was run into an old High School friend (dude, not ... read more
Wow I love your accent - Say to me "I'd like a hot dog sausage"
Tailgating at Qualcomm Stadium SD
A full house - well more of a King High

San Diego Draws to a Close So did I tell you about the footy games I played. I don't think I did. Well, the first game was a closely fought battle - right up until the point where Jay slotted a thru ball into the path of the striker (MuskaRooney) for a one on one with the keeper. With Gillette Fusion precision, Musky tucked the ball into the corner to grab the "W" for his team. Fobbing off the praise Musky was quick to applaud his teammates for their part in the goal. So we celebrated our teams success with a few pitchers of Newcastle Brown (yeah, can you believe its quite a cool drink over here) and Blue Moon. Nice. Drinking with Tiffany & Sasha So we met a couple of local birds in ... read more
Russell Crowe at the Shuffleboard table - sucking like Maggie Simpson
Be the puck
Pinky goes long

The Nala Report Sorry to disapoint you, but Nala matches Turner pound for pound on the cuteness scale. She's not quite so in tune with the shares market, but I'm building her up to that, and by the end of the week she'll be surfing Sophia like Kelly Slater. Oh, and Turner, FYI, she can roll over from her back to her stomach unassisted. Crankin out the milestones is Nala. She's only thrown up on me about 5 times too. I think that means she likes me. Cruisin in SD Shalyse and Dan hooked me up with a sweet set of wheels. The dodge mini-van. It's done more miles than John Wayne, and is probably in about the same state of health. Anyway - it's about on a par with 'The Bird' I drove in NZ ... read more
The wagon & Sophia
Random Medallion Winnebago Man
Nala in stroller

North America » United States » California » San Diego August 12th 2007

On board the “Surfliner” to San Diego Despite its name the populace seemed bemused by the small foreigner (with a strangely red looking head) carrying his surfboard onto the train. Frankly I was disappointed to be the only person with a board under my arm whilst boarding the "Amtrak Surfliner." What a bunch of wannabies. I fetl duped. Though I guess having to shout “all aboard the West Coast Railway Express Commuter to the South” wouldn’t quite carry the same credence. And then the Cast of ‘Little House on the Prairie’ Arrived Though the new guests who boarded at Oceanside put me at ease with their 1940’s dress code, the Surfliner now resembled some kind of religious retreat, and more importantly, to my distaste, Laura Ingles was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she ran into some ... read more
The Surfliner
The arrival of "different" people
The "different" people

Timeline: August 9th Pacific Beach, Caliornia. I am about to head out into the unknown and I am very excited but as always it creeps up on you and you cannot believe that it is finally here. D-Fish (Derek Fisher) and I will be leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow and then heading into the "Big Red Monster" to see Michelle in Yangshuo where she is teaching English. I have had a pretty difficult two years of living in San Diego and feel like I am ready for the next stage that life can offer. It has not been without its great times. I will certainly miss going down to the beach, hanging out with my wonderful group of friends, and spending relaxing days at my dad's house reading and listening to music with Michelle and Geier. ... read more
The Slocombe Boys
Beautiful San Diego Beach
Michelle and Geier

North America » United States » California » San Diego August 8th 2007

I came to San Diego to attend SIGGRAPH, the most important conference for computer graphics and digital content creation. The opportunity to explore the locations that I visit on business (and write blogs about them) comes only rarely and typically only during longer business trips; this particular trip became the exception. The reason? One of my objectives for this visit was the evaluation of technologies (and partners) to add to my business portfolio. One of the companies participating in the show specializes in training services and was offering an Adobe Photoshop advanced techniques session. I signed up as a participant and when I showed up for the session along with 24 other people we all received a brand new loaner digital SLR and the assignment to go out around the convention center for about one hour ... read more
The Kiss

North America » United States » California » San Diego August 4th 2007

Right so travel blogs been down for a while and all my stuff I've saved in drafts of e-mails to copy and paste. (As it will save me time in the future) From LA i went to San Diego. Now everyone i spoke to knew i was always planning on doing San Fran after LA but looking at accommodation and travel i decided to change it round a bit. Therefore on Wednesday 1st August I hopped on the bus to San Diego. Arriving there i found what i believe LA is missing...character. Don't get me wrong LA is cool but you don't need to spend too long there before it gets old and dull. Arriving at my hostels i got my priorities straight and did my washing. (I hadn't done it since leaving Auckland and frankly ... read more

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