Blogs from Middle East - page 1033


Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Avanos July 6th 2007

Geo: 39.9439, 32.856From what I understand, you don't get the best deal on your purchases if you go with your guide. I can say, however, you do get to shop in some really nice places with very personalized attention. Avanos is known as Pottery Central in Turkey. During our visit the kids enjoyed throwing pots/vases, whatever on the kick wheel while wearing "clown pants" to protect their clothes.... read more
Alex gets a little help.
Josh throws a pot
Kate throws a pot

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman July 5th 2007

Moving on Jordanian time has dominated my mentality. Everything that is planned could easily change at absolutely any moment. It's a wonderful lesson in patience. The presentations have been good although the turn out has been questionable. Already we have much intrest in students here who want to start a branch of Amnesty International. Great! As long as we change one perspective we've made a difference. We've also met some incredible people. Last night we celebrated Jude (my Jordanian coyear)'s birthday at her house. Her mother made a traditional Jordanian sweet whose name I can't remember. It was made of orange cheese and cream cheese and combined savory and sweet in a weird way. It was very good though. Tomorrow we hopefully go to the dead sea. It hasn't been hot at all yet but ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai July 5th 2007

Wow wow wow! I am speechless once again..figure of speech since I write so much..but it was absolutely breathtaking what I experienced today.....Keith and I were (Keith is one of Honerine's son's) picked up today in front of where we are staying by a land cruiser 4x4! Thank goodness again for the ac as standing outside is like having 100 blow dryers on high heat just aimed and you at full force. We were on our way to the middle of the desert but first we had to pick up some foreigners in the Jemeriah estates (very posh). I made my first faux pas as I sat in the front seat, I crossed my leg, showing the bottom of my foot, or shall I say, just your ordinary sitting position that any of us from the ... read more

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai July 5th 2007

Not sure exactly how to do this...I had some help in this insane cyber tookabout an hour and a half! yikes..he sized them down and was a very lenghty process...not sure why they all seem to be on only one of the blog sites..but that is not my biggest concern right now...I have to be home soon for pick up service to the sand dunes of the middle east..apparantly a 4 x 4 picks us up and drops us off at night..not bad here...and with my maid service who always has these delicous meals ready..I am quite content and grateful for my's really hot out again...quelle suprise....I just cant' bring myself to cover up with long sleeves and the sort..I think I am sick due to the a/c...I actually leave stores and go ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Gallipoli July 5th 2007

A Day on the Truck Some of you may be wondering what it would be like to take a “Truck Expedition.” So here is a typical day. Today most of the group was headed to visit the ruins at Ephesus, so we had breakfast scheduled for 7 a.m. This means the cook group started unpacking the kitchen at 6:15 to cook breakfast, and today’s breakfast is french toast and coffee or tea so that everyone could catch the tour bus leaving at 8 a.m. For cooking we have a natural gas powered 4 burner collapsible stove. Two of the 4 burners are usually taken up with tea pots of boiling water for drinks and washing; the other two are used to cook. This morning we used a 20” skillet to span both burners for the ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Southeastern Anatolia » Mardin July 5th 2007

Before starting about day 4, I forgot to add in the previous entry that we went to a small restaurant in Mardin, the capital of Kurdish area. The people there were extremely gentle and kind to us, the music was a blast and the food A LOT! hehehehehe I danced a lot, I didn't eat so much, but again, I danced like crazy, with all the girls (belly dancers we could be) Early in the morning we left the other dormitory where we spent the night for Mardin Museum. The weather was as sunny as during the last days, but still with the cool air of the night...still I couldn't spot any cloud on the sky. The streets of Mardin seemed tiny, but clean, cute, with crowded small buildings, lots of differently shaped shops. The ... read more
Me and Olivia
Mardin museum
Full party

Middle East » Turkey July 5th 2007

Geo: 39.9439, 32.856 I think we are all back on a "normal" schedule now. We woke up at a reasonable hour, had another fabulous breakfast buffet, complete with Nutella (chocolate hazlenut spread) on toast. We packed and went out to the store to buy snacks. We settled on breadsticks and simit and pistachios. We still had plenty of time to get to the bus station, but I didn't fancy hauling all the luggage up and down the stairs at the metro, so we took a cab. It was a fine thing that we took a cab too, because a child (I won't name names) left his/her bag with his/her new digital camera inside it in the lobby of the hotel because he/she got couldn't resist the lure of the revolving door. As soon as we pulled ... read more
Ankara from our balcony at sunset
Caves across from our room

Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Urgup July 5th 2007

Geo: 38.6336, 34.9119Kate: The hotel in Cappadocia is fantastic. Mom and I shared a bed with a canopy in the honeymoon suite room. The idea of having a hotel in a cave is just brilliant. The manager is really nice. This morning during breakfast I saw and pet a kitty and called her Marmalade. She belongs to the neighbors next door. It's nice to have a kitty around again, if only for a short time. The food here would make Aunt June very happy. Yesterday we had this weird bread that looked like baklava but tasted like ravioli. We also had lamb and rice at dinner. I don't really like lamb. That was even before I knew it was lamb. I guess the idea of killing little tiny baby animals sickens me (Josh interjects with "baa"). ... read more

WOw...the heat today was quite brutal...about 46..but with the humidity...way more! I found out that there really isn't much to do in Dubai except eat and shop! ...and shop! The amount of money in this place kills me...all made from oil...gas is like 60 cents a litre..from what we figured out....a/c is everywhere..the energy consumption here is enough for for all of Canada! They idle their cars, don't recycle, and waste like there is no tmrw! The amount of Gold is alos ludicrous! Muslim law reigns...but not for foreingers...things hands are chopped off...heads are chopped off..there is really no crime here...sheiks are a dime a dozen and that's because there are so many little kings marrying so many women. Malls here are the place to be..spending is a national passtime...women dress to the ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul July 4th 2007

A bordo dı una motonave attraverso ıl Bosforo e approdo sulla sponda europea della cıtta': tutto attorno case a perdıta d'occhıo sı arrampıcano sulle collıne ma fortunatamente ıl centro storıco con le sue moschee, ı bazar e glı ostellı sı trova tutto concentrato ın un'area rıstretta ın posızıone prıvılegıata. Rısalendo apıedı dal molo dı Emınönü al quartıere dı Sultanahmet sı possono gıa' scorgere alcunı deı luoghı pıu' conoscıutı, tra cuı la Yenı Camıı (moschea nuova), la stazıone dı Sırkecı punto d'arrıvo dell'Orıent-express, ıl palazzo Topkapı sede del sultano, Hagıa Sophıa e la moschea blu. Dıetro quest'ultıma sı trova ıl ghetto deı backpackers, con grande scelta dı sıstemazıonı a basso costo, pub e localı notturnı che radunano gente proponendo allettantı danzatrıcı del ventre e musıca occıdentale ad altıssımo volume che vıene pero' bruscamente ınterrotta quando ıl ... read more
L' arrivo sulle sponde del Bosforo
Hagia Sophia
Una fumeria di Sultanahmet

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