Blogs from Middle East - page 1031


Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul July 9th 2007

Geo: 39.9439, 32.856Kate: Today we went to the Grand Bazaar. There is an indoor and an outdoor part of it. What I noticed was that there are a ton of gold objects, mostly gold jewelry in most of the stores in the inddor bazaar. When we ventured outside, Mom and I checked out a spirograph stand. A spirograph is a series of plastic disks that can be used to create drawings. We weren't able to get one at the stand at the time, but later we got one for 3YTL. For the whole day I noticed that there were an insane amount of stray cats and kittens roaming the streets of Istanbul. I wanted to pat and feed each and every one of them because they were so scrawny, but I couldn't pet them because of ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Dalyan July 8th 2007

It took around 2 hours by boat to go to Dalyan and it was a very hot journey with the sun right on top of us! Once there we changed to smaller boats and made our way to the Mud Baths and it was fun digging to get the proper mud rather then the watery mud which seemed to go. We stood in the sun to get dried up and it was quite a site! It took a bit long because the layer we had on was quite thick. Washing it off was a task in itself because the shower were so strong it was hard to stay under them. Then we tried the spring water which stunk of rotten eggs! It nice and warm but we didn't stay long in the water and then ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul July 8th 2007

hey everybody! its nadia writing faithfully at rougly 11 oclock pm. Its our third day here. The flights were a pain and i was totally jet lagged at cranky but its getting better. Yesterday we took a boat tour of the city. i fell madly in love with one of the guys on the boat. his name is Isaac and he so cute. i sat with him the whole way there. did i mention hes three years old and adorable? this russian kid would giggle for hours when imade funny faces. i eventually settled on doing cheer facials and he wouldnt stop hiccuping! The river that flows along Istanbul is extremely busy because its the only way to get to Russia by water without going through the north (icebergs!) Its really pretty. its colorful. all the ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul July 8th 2007

Hello to everyone from Turkey!!! I contınue my journeys and have now made my way to Turkey. Please excuse spellıng mıstakes on thıs post as I am usıng a Turkısh keyboards and some of the keys are dıfferent. Instead of tryıng to fıgure ıt out on my end I wıll let you decıpher the meanıng of thıngs here. The conference ıs almost fınıshed here and we move onto another tour for 3 days ınland today. In terms of One Chıld,s vıllage, ıt has been very successful. I have receıved many offers from people wıshıng to come and helpş along wıth some conversatıons wıth a wonderful professor who would lıke to set up a graduate exchange program of sorts to have them come and work at our school ın Bumala. İ put out some pamphlets (about 60 ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Marmara » Istanbul July 8th 2007

Geo: 39.9439, 32.856I woke up about 5:30 when Kate left to use the facilities. I couldn't get back to sleep because I didn't want to wake up when the train arrived in Istanbul. After I got dressed, I opened the window shade and was able to watch the sunrise on the Bosphorus River that is the dividing line between Europe and Asia here. Right now we are on the Asia side. I saw some ducks, a lot of boats-both small and large--some fisherman and quite a bit of housing; some of it reminded me a little of Miami because of the terra cotta roofs and the pink paint.As pretty as it was, by 6 I was getting a little antsy so I went down to the dining car for tea. I expected to get back and ... read more
Istanbul train station.
View of Istanbul from breakfast cafe

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai July 7th 2007

Well hello there guys!! So as most of you know I'm in Dubai!!! The flat is lovely and I'm living with a girl from my interview and we were on the same flight together too so thats worked out well. Its a 2 bed flat and very nice indeed. Will take a while to make homely but we are getting there slowly. We were into college the day after we arrived and had talks about basic things like accomodation, wages, uniform, fires and STDs!!!!! Then I had my first proper day training which started on Thursday and now its intense for 5 weeks........... Im in the first group so its a 5.30am (home 2.30am) wake up for me and I finish at 3.30 (12.30) so the days are long as there is so much to ... read more

Middle East » Turkey » Central Anatolia » Cappadocia July 7th 2007

Dopo una notte insonne trascorsa su e giu' da un lussuoso bus turco, mi ritrovo immerso nel paesaggio surreale di questa regione situata nel cuore dell'Anatolia: improvvisamemnte la monotonia dell'altopiano viene interrotta da un susseguirsi di profonde vallate, alcune delle quali simili a dei veri e propri canyon da far-west, mentre altre, piu' indescrivibili, rassomiglianti a distese gommose di dune bianche, oppure a fitte foreste di grossi funghi rocciosi alti come palazzi. Surreale e' la parola appropriata, la verita' e' che questi luoghi sono stati abitati per millenni e tuttora possono rappresentare la migliore soluzione abitativa; prova ne e' il fatto che mi ritrovo dormire in una grotta scavata nella roccia e mi ci ritrovo davvero comodo: fuori, un sole cocente in un cielo sgombro di nuvole porta la temperatura a superare abbondantemente i 30 gradi, ... read more
Goreme: Camera in una grotta
Cappadocia: Valle dei Piccioni
Cappadocia: A mio rischio e pericolo

Middle East » United Arab Emirates » Dubai July 7th 2007

Dubai parece una ciudad sacada de otro planeta, cuando llegue al aeropuerto me parecio como si estuviera en la pelicula futurista EL QUINTO ELEMENTO, un aeropuerto ultra-moderno con una capacidad de aviones y pasajeros impresionante. Hay muchas palabras mas que describen Dubai en mi mente.... 42 grados celcius, cientos de edificios en construccion, coches de lujo por todos lados, punto de encuentro entre la cultura arabe y occidental, paraiso fiscal (nadie paga impuestos), cero crimen, playas de arena blanca como talco y mucho petroleo. BURJ AL ARAB (HOTEL con forma de VELERO) Se que muchos se estaran preguntando que onda con este hotel, ya que se ha convertido en un icono alrededor del mundo. Pues dejen les platico un poco mas, es el unico hotel que posee 7 estrellas (no se como le hicieron para lograr ... read more
Esquiando dentro del Emirates Mall
Moda Arabe
Burj al Arab

Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Selçuk July 7th 2007

Boat trip  Middle East » Turkey » Selcuk By billclaytonJuly 7th 2007Bill Clayton Our day trip cruise went around from cove to cove, accompanied by other similar boats. None of the boats were very crowded; and it was a nice hot day; perfect for laying on the deck in the sun. Swimmers could jump off the boat, take the slide down, or climb into the water, depending on their own level of desire for excitement. There were also boats willing to take you for a bouncy ride on a big inner tube and a more tame version with 3 people side by side towed around. The slide was a kick; first you drop straight down about 6 feet, then you shoot the length of the ... read more

Middle East » Jordan » West » Dead Sea July 7th 2007

Hey, So I must apoligize for my lack of contact... internet has been very difficult to get my hands on and the time to use it even more so. Yesterday we played tourist and spent the day at the Dead Sea. It was incredible! The sensation is unlike anything else. We first arrived at this semi-resort that is frequented by tourists but mostly Middle Eastern tourists. It had a couple swimming pools and a private section of beach and showers... stuff we didn't need but it made it all easier. I think the place was named (oh so original!) "The Dead Sea Spa." After establishing ourselves on a couple chairs we headed down to the beach. The sand was incredibly hot and those few who forgot sandels had fried feet by the end of it. ... read more

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