Blogs from Europe - page 11734


Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest June 13th 2007

Hoping to hear from the doctor tomorrow the progress on my ear healing and the likeliness of flying to Rio next weekend.... read more

Europe » Spain June 13th 2007

Estella - Los Arcos ca. 22km. Gestern war es echt noch lustig. Habe eine nette Herberge in Estella gefunden. Erst bei einer privaten, die hat aber von aussen nicht so toll gewesen, dann bin ich an den wunderschoenen Kirchen vorbei zu der richtigen Pilger hergberge der Gemeinde. Gleich am Empfang meinen Stempel bekommen und eine kleine Nackenmassage des Herbergsvaters. Echt nett!!! Magret und Hannah aus Lippe waren auch da. Gabi, Martina und Ludmilla aus Oesterreich kennengelernt. War ein echt lustiger Abend. Haben uns zum kochen in Los Arcos verabredet. Die Waden! Ich dummie hab null gedehnt. Da lag der Fehler. Heute gings beser aber bergab mit meinen kaputten Knien war nicht so eine FReude. Haette rueckwarts gehen muessen. Zu spaet daran gedacht. Bin heute um 6.25 Uhr los und um 11.45 Uhr in Los arcos angekommen. ... read more

Europe » Spain June 13th 2007

Hello everyone, I am writing once again to tell about my week. This last Friday was really fun. I went to an awesome tapas restaurant with some of the people from my program. This place, named Lizarran, was so awesome because you are able to try many different types of tapas. You sit outside, right near the cathedral, and the servers come out every 10min or so with plates of different kinds of tapas. Then when they come to your table you take one if you want it and wait for the next plate to come out with a new dish. Each tapa has a little tooth pick in it and at the end they count your tooth picks and it is one euro per each one. So we all ordered pitchers of san gria and ... read more

Europe » Ireland June 13th 2007

Off to see the wizard... or rather not, arriving delhi on Monday morning, 18th June, and off to McLeod Ganj the same night. Will stay there for 6 weeks and hopefully get some volunteer work whilst there. Then a quick jaunt round Ladahk, as it was the high light of the last trip, and then home. I haven't as long as last time, where I tried to do most things in the the north west of india, so concentrating on volunteering. last time went, in no particular order, to amaritsar, jaipur, jodhpur, pushkar, jaisalmer, amedibad, shimla, manali, dharamasala, Leh, agra, delhi, orchra and that was about it. I spent 4 months in Mcleod Ganj working at the Dip Tse Chok Ling monastary, teaching as best i could. enough for now, more on monday, when i ... read more

so, before going to belgium we kind of just assumed that our little bit of french would get us by in such an international country. as it turns out, brussels is the only international city. though touristy, bruges is predominantly flemish. we were not prepared for this, to say the least. on our way to bruges from paris, we had to switch trains in brussels, so we figured we'd get out and wander around for a bit because we'd heard good things. well, coming into the train station we saw grafitti everywhere, which was a little discouraging. however, we sucked it up and decided to make our way to the grand place, a large, rectangular plaza surrounded by the old town hall and some other really old looking buildings. can't you tell i absorbed the culture ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 13th 2007

Ah, finally back to a's been so long. BARCELONA: After our return from Morrocco, Lisa and I ended up spending the night in the Madrid airport, because our flight got in so late. Okay, so we really didn't want to spend a night on accommodation because we were heading to Barcelona so early in the morning. The night we arrived we checked out Las Ramblas, which are pedestrian streets filled with shops and people....oh the people. After a restful night in our pension...we headed out to hit up the sights for the day. First, we went to Park Guell, a park filled with Gaudi architecture. (Gaudi architecture is amazing, much different than anything i've seen before) We then headed to a Labrynth park, literally a park with a labrynth in it. I must say, ... read more
Pretty Fruit
Not so pretty

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Venice June 13th 2007

Later in the day, after much exploring, see Tony & Maria coming along Viala del San Giglio. We give them the tix, so they too can do a cruise of the grand canal by water taxi. A great way to see Venice life... Towards dusk we enlist Luciano to give us the guided tour in his gondola around the waterways, while sipping champagne - it IS Jo's birthday, after all. Luciano, may be Italian, but he doesn't sing. But he sure can gondole, tho!... read more
Clock tower in San Marco Square
Happy Birthday, Joey

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Paris June 13th 2007

paris and rob in parisand france and stuff haha Europe » France » Ile de France » Paris By paris and robJune 13th 2007paris and robeee ... read more

Europe » Italy » Veneto » Venice June 13th 2007

Geo: 45.4368, 12.3217Hi all,Am back and will be finishing up this blog. My last internet connection that I did my observations on wasn't working so well and I wasn't even sure it had sent. So actually all of my observations didn't get put in. So I will finish that and then finish out the trip.Only one time did a waiter come back to our table and ask how we liked the meal. (have heard they don't want to rush you) He was the owner and actually made the pasta!! yummy!Most of the tourists go back to their tour boats in the evening, in Venice. So you have St. Marks Plaza fairly empty compared to during the day. Listening to the little orchestras there was a highlight! Some impromptu dancing was fun to watch.Rome was just coming ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom June 12th 2007

I (Adam) scored a week of work on Jersey, one of the islands in the English Channel. As I sat in the departure lounge at Gatwick Airport I soon realised why the general hospital needed extra staff... it seems that Jersey is a popular holiday destination for the senior citizens of London. No doubt some of the holiday packages include an intensive care stay. Jersey is a very pretty place with a population of about 100,000. Or as my new mate Pete explained, "one hundred thousand alcoholics clinging to a rock" and "when the tide comes in we just stand closer together". People must have to stand real close as the island has huge tides of around 11 to 12 meters. There is a castle on an island off the capital St Hellier. At low ... read more
The Liverpool Pub
Real Beach
Boat Ramp

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