Blogs from Stockholm County, Sweden, Europe - page 13


Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm February 23rd 2016

After days of rigorous training, sore legs and hard work, this little granny was pretty excited about the prospect of a day off in Stockholm. Our first stop was the Vasa maritime museum, which is dedicated entirely to the recovery of a ship that sunk in Stockholm Harbour within a few hundred metres of its launch in 1623 and was recovered from the muddy bottoms in 1961. Remarkably, the ship has been restored to incredible condition despite being submerged in salt water for a few hundred years. I got a real kick out of all the lion heads carved above each of the cannon port holes, and I also learned that the astrological fire signs such as my fellow Leos are "prepared to draw their swords in anger".... so I guess that explains why I like ... read more
Lions on the ship Vasa

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Norrtälje February 20th 2016

It's Day 5 at the Ice Fernz Pre-Worlds Camp, and the team is in full swing. Everyday, we usually have 2 on-ice trainings, an off-ice training, team meetings, and meals. Here's a typical day at Training Camp: 6:45am wake up 7am breakfast 7:30am walk to the rink 8am off-ice warm-ups 9-10:20am on-ice training session 10:30am cool-down, stretch & shower 11:00am lunch 11:30am team meeting 1:00pm snack 1:30pm walk to the rink 2pm off-ice warm-ups 3-4:30pm on-ice training session 4:45pm cool-down, stretch & shower 6pm dinner 8:30pm team meeting 9pm evening snack Yesterday was special, and we got a whole afternoon off....FREE TIME to explore the beautiful township of Norrtalje--a port town of about 20,000 people that is a popular spot for summer holidays. Here are some photos from the township.... read more
Swedish Pride
Pedestrian Street in Norrtalje
Proper Cobblestone Streets

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 21st 2015

Got the wonderful suggestion from my boyfriend, James, that we start a travel blog together and keep a track of our trips and travels and of our expanding adventures as we get to see and learn more about our mysteriously beautiful planet. Being a bit of a lot of a romantic I jumped at the chance but now I sit to type, I realise I've never written a blog nor have any idea of what to say. I guess blogs might end up being a bit of a way to enjoy your journey all over again and display the ninth version of that photo you finally managed to get at the right angle, whilst hopefully passing on some useful information to others;) So, here goes... James and I are both avid travelers and seeing as we ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 6th 2015

In the first week of September our Swedish colleagues invited me to Stockholm to speak at their client event and to give a workshop at their internal knowledge sharing event on the subsequent day. The client event was an afternoon one, so it would not start until 4 pm on Thursday 3rd September. I flew into Stockholm on Wednesday night because I wanted to take the opportunity to meet up with my Swedish colleague Mats and discuss some business on Thursday morning. We met in Fotografiska, the museum of photography in Stockholm. I won’t bore you with the details of our business talk, but after our meeting we took some time to walk through the museum. Currently there was an exhibition by Nick Brandt, a wildlife photographer who takes very intimate photos of African wildlife. He ... read more
Getting ready for the boat trip
On the boat I
On the boat II

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm September 1st 2015

Today's German comedy word: Evershagen = the name of a small town spotted on the train from Rostock to Warnemunde!! (I kid you not. Check your atlas!!) Distance from Warnemunde to Stockholm: 470 nautical miles Total distance sailed: 470 nautical miles The alarm went off at 8am on the dot. Another smooth night as the MSC Sinfonia has glided its way across the Baltic to Stockholm. Looking out of the window, the ship was still cutting its way through the water as some of the 24,000 islands that make up the archipelago passed by. This is allegedly one of the prettiest approaches to any port in the word. So much so that yesterday evening we were encouraged to step out on deck at about 4am this morning when we would have started our approach and enter ... read more
Show me a sign that we're nearly there!!
Benny, Agneta, Freda and Chris?
The famous ABBA lights

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm August 23rd 2015

I arrive in Stockholm, considered the capital of Scandinavia, and I was glad to be here. It was a little uneasy coming from Oslo, due to the bus situation instead of the normal train commute, but all worked out. I now search for my hostel, and luckily I found rather quickly with only a few hiccups along the way. I had a bit of a wait to check in due to a backlog of people checking in at the same time. Come to find out, the three that were checking in before me were actually going to turn out to be my roommates, and seeing this, the guy at the front counter just checked us all in at the same time and read the rules where we all could hear. This hostel actually had different things ... read more
Europe - 2015 1159
Europe - 2015 1181
Europe - 2015 1222

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 16th 2015

I got on the bus at the Airport to get into Stockholm and was truely amazed by the lack of people. There was me and this one guy from Australia on there. We both questioned where is everybody? From my own stay here, I think I know why...its not because its not a fantastic place to visit, its just expensive although cheaper than Norway apparently! From the moment I stepped off the bus at Central Station Stockholm, I was in awe because at every angle there was something that deserved to be photographed. My accommodation has been pretty special staying just moments away from the very impressive City Hall (building with 3 crowns on top, see pics). It has been an amazing place to visit and I would love to return, but only after winning the ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County » Stockholm June 3rd 2015

My first day in Stockholm - Venice of the North - was also my first day in Scandinavia and the furthest north I'd ever traveled. I'd been so excited about my first visit to this city, where I have distant and unknown relations, a place I've wanted to visit for years. Once I finally arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by the familiarity of the foreign, as well as the greenness and vibrancy of the flat landscape. Everywhere I looked was brilliant green, or watery blue, or grey clouds or stone. Not unexpected was the orderliness and efficiency of the city and the kindness of its people, the beauty of old city, and the embrace of the natural and the well-designed. After dropping our luggage at the Old Town Lodge, where we were offered an early breakfast, ... read more
Gamla Stan
Fountain in Gamla Stan
Old Town Lodge

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County May 27th 2015

Hola gente! Se habrán dado cuenta de que estuve pasando por alto esto de escribir el blog últimamente, pero hoy no solo se cumplen 3 meses de que estoy acá sino que también, coincidentemente, se cumple un año de mi primera experiencia de trabajar lejos de Buenos Aires y me pareció interesante contrastarla con mi estado actual. Hace exactamente un año, llegaba a la ciudad de Mendoza para comenzar lo que creía que sería una larga carrera en la empresa de servicios petroleros Baker Hughes. En el momento, parecía una gran oportunidad: empresa multinacional con mucha capacitación, trabajo de campo en contacto con máquinas muy interesantes, viajes programados a EE.UU y un sueldo como para quedarme muy tranquilo el resto de mi vida profesional; en resumen, el trabajo ideal. Sin embargo, al poco tiempo me di ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Stockholm County May 17th 2015

The Norse Sun god Sol blessed us today with a smashing morning in Stockholm. Our host had 5 bikes in the yard but unfortunately only one was unlocked and it was one of the kids. Deaks cut a few laps on the bike and then the scooter while the girls got ready for our big day out. It would be rude not to sample the local bakery (bageri) as it is just next door. Lattes, varm choklud and a plethora of baked goods set us up for a mssive day. A quick T-Bana to Slussen and then we jump on the ferry to Djurgarden - an island that was a royal game park for Elk and Deer in the 16th Century and has transformed over the centuries to be the recreational hub of stockholm. It is ... read more

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