Blogs from San Marcos La Laguna, Western Highlands, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 3


Deze nacht niet goed geslapen! Denk dat er vlooien of een of ander beest in mijn bed zat, want sta vol met beten .. en beten jeuken .. en als beten jeuken .. dan moet je krabben! Nu dat eindelijk al mijn muggenbeten en blijnen bijna verdwenen zijn, sta ik dus vol met beten van iets anders. Tof tof .. Had er dus ook geen probleem mee met op te staan om om 8u de yoga-les mee te volgen. Was een lesje van 2 uur .. maar was me niet echt bevallen. Was vandaag precies men dag niet om mij in allemaal posities te wringen, lenig te wezen en op men ademhaling te letten. Dus no more yoga for me. Besloten om nog nachtje meer te blijven .. maar eerst boot nemen naar ander stadje aan ... read more
San Pedro
San Pedro
San Pedro

We´re still in San Marcos, but loving every minute of it. We´ve fallen into a pattern of sorts. Lucy goes to yoga every day, I´ve been going to Spanish, Jack goes for a run. There´s lunch, there´s slow strolls to enjoy the view, we read our books on the deck slowly, easily distracted by the views. Then it´s dinner time, we choose a restaurant, play cards, and come back to enjoy the view some more. San Marcos is a tiny little village, split in two by a not very busy road. Up in the mountains are the houses where the local indiginous live. Below, by the lake, is the network of paths that form the main village where hotels, resturants, plus a plethora of new age, holistic and spiritually enlightening options. I had a massage yesterday ... read more
Jack, chilling.
Our hotel
Volcan San Pedro

After a gruelling morning lying by the pool at the gorgeous Hotel Atitlan, Lucy and I took one of the ¨lanchas¨, a little fibreglass boat, over the lake to San Marcos. The trip over allowed us excellent views of a number of other little villages at the lake edge, all small sleepy villages, some with surprisingly large and lovely houses built into the hillsides. I suspect mostly owned by holidaying Americans. Lucy befriended one such lady on the boat, who told her that on various spots on the lake there are some huge mansions. One of which is apparently owned by the man who owns all the department stores in Guatemala City. He choppers down to the lake, but interestingly is also required to chopper to work in Guat. City, as he has so much money ... read more
Better in person
The beauty of Lago Atitlan....part 2

This is my next item on my list of "Top Things to Do in Guatemala if You're Visiting for a Short Time." (See Dec 24 entry for my list). I have already posted an entry on Lake Atitlan last October, (see "Zipping Along over the Jungle" on October 14), of our time at Hotel Atitlan. This time we decided to stay at a different place than Hotel Atitlan, a tiny village inn located "across and to the right" of the lake and is not accessible from our "usual" town of Panajachel. We took a little launch (a boat hilariosly named Titanic) across the lake to the docks of San Marcos, and walked about 100 feet to the entrance of Posada Schumann, a lovely little set of stone cabins overlooking the lake. We spent some time walking ... read more
Bringing in the coffee harvest
Posada Schumann
Nick and Tamara at the dock

So I finnished school the other day and got my diploma. Another piece of paper i´ve recieved from some school that will do absolutely nothing for me. I could wallpaper my room with these. That´s not entirely spanish is much better than when I first got here. Now I at least have some idea what the hell is going on. The last few days have been awsome. Met some really amazing Americans (can you believe that) and we had quite the piss-up my last night in Antigua. It also happened to be one of the American´s birthday so we went for a great dinner and some serious drinking. Red wine is a truly amazing and dangerous thing. On our way home from the bar the police stopped us on the street and started searching ... read more

Heh, Hope everyone is great. its been a week since I posted last I think so I,m just going to lash into it! I was in Antigua until Monday. I would have left sooner but I had to wait for the guitar shop to open. Well I bought a guitar and straight away, once I got back to my hotel, met and american dude who hought me some blue scales! He brought me into the local market which is huge and where you can buy anything. I got a pound of the best strawberries for less than a euro. They were selling anthing from fruit, veg, fish, meat, little resturants inside where you could eat for nothing. I saw dead crocadile for sale, although I felt sorry for the croc. This was Monday and Tuesday I ... read more
I smell rain!
A jump with a view!

We came back to Guatemala in the morning of the 4th of June (my birthday!). Our first thought was to stay in San Pedro for a couple of months but that was impossible. Our home was in San Marcos and so where the friends. I write more about this time later. Now months have passed and I have been in Sweden as well for 1 month visiting family and friends. While we where there Chris moved in to a house that belongs to a Swedish lady, Kristina, that I know from last time I was living here. The house has very high standard from what we are used to in Guatemala. But it feels necessary to be living like this now with Julian. This first blog I just wanna post for you to see how we ... read more
House 2

hello there, a lot has happoened since i last wrote. i have finished my language course in antigua that went ok, but i still lack the ability to hold conversation but i am getting through. antigua truly was amazing with beautiful cobbled streets. the family i was staying with were very nice as were the other students there. Ixchel spanish school was also very good and good value for money, one on one tuition and some really good people around. I went on a trip to climb the volcanoe pacaya, hard climb but soso worth it. although it rained the whole way up the views were amazing and the lava was so hot! got to lake atitlan on saturday afternoon and spent the day in the nature reserve looking for monkeys - didnt find any unfortunately, ... read more

We left you just before we went into silence over a month ago. We finally have some time to update you on what has been happening. The retreat was a life changing experience for both of us. The five days of silence was successful. It is interesting when you don't talk to your partner for 5 days and simply observe their behaviour. We had a cricket invasion in our cabin, which would begin every night as Brendan hopped in to bed, I must admit I let out a few giggles as I watched him try to enforce the rule of silence on to the jungle crickets of Guatemala. His agility was amazing , all that yoga must have paid off! We were enjoying our time so much that we extended our stay. Brendan went on to ... read more
The fountain!!!
View from our verandah
Life jacket are a good idea!!

Yes, I realize that I am just publishing this diary now, a month after this trip took place, but that just goes to show how lazy I am. First I should explain why I ventured from the affluence of the country club and the saftey of my tiny little college campus to vacation in a place where a hot shower was a luxury. I suppose I don't really have any deep or philosophical answer for that other that it seemed like a damn interesting place to see. Plus the fact that I wanted to visit my lovely friend, Steve. My first full day in Guatemala was spent in San Marcos on the Lago de Atitlan in the Highlands. Steve picked me up at the airport the previous evening after spending the night in the dorms of ... read more
San Marcos
The Palace

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