Blogs from South Korea, Asia - page 373


Asia » South Korea » Seoul December 6th 2005

Last Saturday I had to go to foreign teacher conference here in Seoul. So after a long night out on the town I had to wake up at 7am for a 45min subway ride to the other side of seoul with one of my coworkers. We were positive about it though, thinking maybe we would learn some teaching techniques, immigration tips or at least get some free stuff. Boy were we wrong. First of all, there were around 500 teachers at this thing from all over Korea; one girl we met travelled for 3 hours to get there, so no small get-together here. The fiasco started off with a girl reading word-for-word the imigration laws off a handout we already had. After that a guy gave a serious speach with an overhead projection of his ... read more
Floor/Interactive Computer Screen
Colorful Cinema
Subway and the Cellphone

Asia » South Korea » Seoul December 4th 2005

I was told it never snows in Seoul by everyone here. I guess they were wrong because it came with avengence last night! Then today I took a trip to the DMZ at the border between North and South Korea. It's 4km wide and runs the length of the Korean Penisula with huge razorwire fences and armed guards. We were allowed inside after multiple checkpoints and passport checks by intimidating South Korean soldiers. We got a great view of North Korea and its "propaganda village" just over the border. No sighting of Kim Jong-il though, maybe next time. ... read more
The Dividing Line
DeMilitarized Zone
North Korea

Asia » South Korea » Incheon November 20th 2005

Happy Sunday morning to everyone from Korea. Although it looks like an unhappy Sunday afternoon in East Lansing as the Spartans are behind in both their "currently in progess" football game and basketball game. Hopefully we can pull out a win We're back in Seoul Incheon Airport for a 2 1/2 hour layover. Both the flight from Samui to Bangkok and Bangkok to Seoul went very quickly. We still have the longest flight ahead of us which will board in two hours. Bangkok Airport was hellish bureaucracy -at least four different checkpoints we had to wait through. However, I apparently didn't get busted with the wooden Buddha I brought out of the country without a permit (not quite sure how strictly they enforce that law since my Buddha is not an antiquity). However, I put it ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Seoul November 16th 2005

Colin writes: So we haven’t written anything in awhile… I suppose that is a sign of us acclimatizing to the surroundings.....not as much new to report. Of course it could also be that we are becoming lazy (of course by ‘we’ I mean ‘me’). Actually, we have nestled into our day-to-day pattern of work and evening routines just as we would at home. Ie.Workouts, movies, DVD yoga routines (yeah right) and reading. We still venture out on the weekends, however the 45 minute subway ride has started to become less exciting...especially when you are standing the whole time. Recently we took a trip to Namsam Park, a large green area smack dab in the middle of the city. It is where the tower is (not unlike Calgary tower). It was a beautiful fall day with amazing ... read more
Tennis anyone?
Beautiful and beautiful

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Itaewon November 12th 2005

韩国游记 许馨怡5B 2005年年终假期,爸爸提议我们一家三口前往韩国旅游。听到这个令人雀跃的消息,我这个韩剧迷可高兴得手舞足蹈。出国的前几天,爸爸提醒说那儿是深秋并千叮万嘱我们要带厚衣,以免着凉了。我可是在出发前的一星期便收拾好了行李呢! 大家所期盼的那一天终于来临了。十一月十二日傍晚,我们随同旅行团乘飞机从诗巫出发途经吉隆坡飞往南韩首都首尔。次日清晨七时,我们便飞抵首尔仁川国际机场。出了机场,一阵冷风迎面吹来,令我打了个寒颤。导游告知外面的温度已接近摄氏零度。 大伙儿便乘搭旅游巴士直接前往南北韩边界参观。过后,我们便迫不急待地前往著名韩剧《大长今》拍摄地点参观。爸爸还调皮地和女主角(李英爱)的假人像拍合照留念。秋天里的树叶都变成红色,美丽极了。游客们看了都不禁争先恐后地以红树林为背景拍照留念,有的甚至开始拾起落叶作为珍藏。 隔天,我们乘船到著名的南怡岛。导游带领我们大伙儿拍摄了韩剧《冬季恋歌》中的景色。景色之美,真令人叹为观止,流连忘返。之后,我们去学做韩国传统菜肴 泡菜,并穿起了韩服拍照。穿起了韩服的我,可真像个道地的韩妹呢! 第四天,我们到雪岳山游玩。大伙儿先去泡温泉,松松筋骨。山顶上有座古庙和一尊大佛像。山上的空气清新,而且风景优美,犹如仙境。在我国可见不到如此景色哟! 第五天早上,我们便前往首尔的华克山庄赌场。可惜儿童被禁止入场,气煞我也!爸妈在里面可玩得起劲,我却只能在外头等,真是扫兴。第六天早上,我们到世界闻名的爱宝乐园。那儿有着类似迪斯尼乐园的景象与设施。我们尝试了许多刺激又好玩的东西如∶过山车 森林探险 动物园和缆车。乐园内的装饰也开始配合圣诞节的来临而变得非常梦幻,美丽极了。为了争取游玩的时间,我们甚至连午餐和晚餐都在乐园里解决呢! 第七天,其他团员都回马来西亚了。爸爸决定再多留一天。把行李安顿在希尔顿酒店之后,我们便步行到附近的明洞与南大门市场并采购了许多当地的土产与手工艺品。 次日早上,我们经由仁川国际机场飞回祖国。这次行程,令我增广见闻,获益良多。我真期盼下一次的出国旅游 (Written by m... read more
New Korean Family?
Hilton Hotel
Sweet Couple in Seoul

Asia » South Korea » Seoul November 12th 2005

What a night! Off to the World Cup Stadium to watch S. Korea play Sweden. The stadium is huge and the fans are wild! We all had t-shirts that said :Be the Reds! Myself Kirk, Chris (both from Manitoba) and me off to the game. We had pretty good seats. Lots of beer and dried squid to boot. Ha ha no hot dogs! We saw some other foriegners we knew from some of the tours we did. The korean man sitting next to us lived in T.O. So we chatted for a while. In the end S.Korea and Sweden tied 2-2! As we left teh stadium and headed to the subway ,Chris was really drunk. He tried to get everyone in the jam packed subway to do the wave. Koreans do not apppreciate being bugged in ... read more
Big soccer fan
After the game!

Asia » South Korea » Seoul November 11th 2005

Colin and I arrived in South Korea an hour ago. The flight did not seem like it lasted 14 hours. It seemed as short as the trip to Ireland. It was light out the entire time, so that helped. It was cloudy over much of northern Canada and the Artic Ocean. However we had a great view of the snowly desolation of Siberia. Korea is much more mountainous that I expected. The Koreans are very friendly and helpful. The airport has free internet, beds, showers, massage, etc. I can't imagine that in America. The sun is just going down here on Friday evening. It is in the very early morning on Friday in Michigan. I will write more from Bangkok once we arrive there in 9 hours. Everything is going great so far.... read more

Asia » South Korea » Busan November 5th 2005

Ahem...Is...Is this thing on? Well, folks, it's been a little while. I've received several inquiries as to the status of my blog, and my life here in Korea, and I know some of you may have been ardently awaiting a new entry. What have I been doing with myself for the past month or so? "Not working on your blog, that's for sure," I hear some of you muttering. Yes, I can hear everything you say, even before you say it. Not much, is the short answer. That's really the reason behind the lack of bloggage - laziness, pure and simple. The long answer is that I've been busy, have had some personal issues to work on, and have made a few excursions, but nothing I have felt was warranting an entire blog entry. Plus, I ... read more
Tykes on Bikes
On the Way to Daegu
Screwing around in Sinpyeong

Asia » South Korea » Seoul October 31st 2005

They don't really celebrate Halloween like they do back home in South Korea. However it was a very fun time for everyone. I kind of dressed up like the invisible man, just something I picked up from walmart. The students were all dressed up and we had a little party at out school. Everybody was dressed up and we had to parade around the town in our outfits. We also handed out candy to everybody we saw on the street. There was a party on the late night at Rocksin which, I think was pretty fun....cant really remember if you know what I mean. ... read more
KKK and Larry Bird
my class

Asia » South Korea » Seoul October 31st 2005

GDA Junior Teaching and Testing English Academy. Well, it was Halloween day and all of the Kindergarden teachers and some of the afternoon teachers as well had set up a mini haunted house for the kindergarden kids!! What a blast they had! They all looked so cute. Have a look at some of my kids and some of the cool teachers at GDA! By the way, Koreans do not celebrate Halloween! We looked crazy when we all dressed up and went out that weekend !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... read more
Judy and Ji-Soo
Tony (hardest worker you will ever meet)

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