Blogs from Incheon, South Korea, Asia - page 5


Asia » South Korea » Incheon May 9th 2011

OK, technically I'm an Incheon man, as that's where the airport is. My flight from Seattle was fairly uneventful, other than the 3 babies a few rows ahead of me trading off fire engine impressions for the whole 12 hours. I tried to learn a little Korean, but the "learn Korean" program they had on the little screen was not very effective and it took me several runs through just to learn how to say hello, goodbye, excuse me, and thank you (and I only remember 2 of those now...). Fortunately I'm only here for a few hours before I go to China (where at least my mangling of the language is a product of years of hard work and confusion instead of just minutes). It's very foggy here, so my flight to Shanghai has been ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon February 25th 2011

Dear Becca, Thinking of you in the airport.... read more
Just say No
Scary public art
Kraze or Kraz-e?

Asia » South Korea » Incheon February 25th 2011

A map pin in South Korea, that is. This is my first visit. After an easy but exhaust- and grit-filled tuk-tuk ride to the airport in Phnom Penh, I was able to check in immediately and go upstairs to the comfy chairs. Those of you aware of my craving for chocolate last night should know that I got neither the chocolate linga (lingam) nor the chocolates shaped like the big stone faces from the Angkor Wat temple area. Instead I had a small, lackluster muffin that was more or less sufficient to hold me until Seattle. The flight to Seoul was fine, though I didn't sleep much, or well. Breakfast was either a nasty omelette with grey-green overcooked broccoli, which I declined, or a disposable plastic tub (similar to the ones tofu comes in), heated, full ... read more
Yonggungsa temple
Korean Buddha

Asia » South Korea » Incheon February 15th 2011

Heute war in Tokio wieder ein sonniger Tag, was mich dazu brachte noch mal den Tempel in der Nähe zu besuchen und Fotos zu machen. Diesmal habe ich 100 Yen gespendet und aus einem Behälter ein Schicksalsstäbchen gezogen. Auf dem Stäbchen waren japanische Zahlen, die man dann auf einer von hundert Schubladen suchen mußte. In der Schublade war dann ein Zettel mit einer Vorhersage. Diesen Zettel hat man dann gefaltet und um ein Seil neben dem Tempel gebunden, damit sich das Schicksal nicht erfüllt, falls es schlecht war. Falls es gut war nimmt man den Zettel mit. Mal schauen. Danach gings zum Flughafen und in den Flieger nach Südkorea. Nach vier Stunden bin ich dann am Flughafen Incheon in Südkorea gelandet. Hier habe ich dann meinen Anschlußflug nach Sydney bestiegen. Landung ist Morgen um 9 Uhr ... read more
Anflug auf Südkorea

Asia » South Korea » Incheon January 20th 2011

I'm in the plane, and I'm not sure if it is January 19th or the 20th anymore, I think I'm somewhere in between! I just watched the sun rise over the mountains of Russia. A pink light so gently kissed only the top of the mountains - all covered in snow. I can see rivers snaking through the ranges iced over and layered with powdery snow. I have the sweetest couple sitting next to me - she is so helpful and caring! They reassured me to feel free to use the washroom whenever I need -- even gave me her friend's homemade cookie tart from the row behind us! Wish I could explain what is out my window. We have had two meals on the plane so far and one snack. The first meal came with ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon January 8th 2011

As I write this entry I have tears in my eyes since I am homesick once again, but overall I think I am doing much better then when I first arrived here. The first 2 week camp is done, and I made it through. I taught my class of kids for 2 weeks, and have a grasp on how to teach in the classroom. The next 2 weeks are a lot less intimidating. Actually, I'm sure it will fly by. Good points about being at this camp are as follows: 1. Made some new friends - Korean and American, and Chinese 2. Got experience teaching kids, found out it wasn't so bad, so I may find a job doing that since the hours are better then teaching adults. 3. Will get paid at the end of ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon January 1st 2011

The original date that I made this post was the day of my arrival, Dec 22. However, I am only able to post it online now. A new post will follow shortly - and from now on I hope to make many more posts to keep in touch with all of you fans back at home. And so - my post from Dec 22: wow. 2 plane rides and a grand total of 24 travel hours later, and I'm in Korea. After arriving in my travel-worn state, I was picked up by two mostly non personable TLBU transporters, I arrived to the TLBU campus and was greeted by a very friendly and welcoming staff person that had been my main contact point prior to arriving in Korea. Her smile made me feel much at ease, even ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon December 22nd 2010

PRE It's 3 days until Christmas and like the more Christian or Western part of the world I am EXCITED! Even in South Korea which is traditionally a Buddhist country, Christmas trees are going up and Christmas music is playing (albeit 3 months too late). Why do we get excited? I think it's because of the families coming together -seeing your rellies that you can only fight or play with once a year. Giving and receiving presents, or giving the presents you received and didn't like LAST year. And the EATING - Pavlova, fruit salad, potato, pumpkin, chicken, cake, chocolate....! and the hopefully sunny but usually rainy weather in New Zealand. Plus last but not least, the mandatory one week holiday between Christmas and New Years that we cherish to frolic in the sun, play sports, ... read more
dogs on tables
some scared patrons?

Asia » South Korea » Incheon December 22nd 2010

The first I heard of North Korea bombing the Yeonpyeong Island on the West coast (beside Incheon) was from my boyfriend when he simply said to me "It's started". "What's started?" I asked, confused. Dinner? a TV show? the rain? "The war" he replied. None of my colleagues or my students for that matter had told me about the bombing that occurred at 2pm that day. Did it not concern me as someone living in Korea, I wondered, though it probably says more about the unflappable Korean character. The next day however, I had some children in my class who managed to say with pictures, actions and a few words "North Korea is going to kill us" or something along the lines of "We all gonna DIE!" They seem to love the word "die" and they ... read more

Asia » South Korea » Incheon December 13th 2010

If you need to know one thing about Korean people, it's that they are CRAZY about hiking and shopping! I was rather surprised that they love the outdoors and didn't consider these two hobbies to go together until I went hiking in Seoul's national park- Bukhansan. It's on the far side of Seoul about an hour from where I live and the subway gets more packed with every stop. Hordes of "fashionable", label clad Koreans with walking sticks clamber on in anticipation of the mountain that awaits them. When the subway finally reaches our destination everyone swarms off like a school of fish and you are taken with the tide. But don't be fooled. We do not immediately start hiking. Instead there is an agglomeration of stalls and shops selling everything from fried fish, to Makoli ... read more
friends pose at the top

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