Blogs from Penang, Malaysia, Asia - page 14


Asia » Malaysia » Penang » Batu Ferringhi April 18th 2013

Hello again, I hope you are all healthy and happy. Here are a few pictures from our time in Malaysia, I hope you enjoy looking at them. Take care, Miss T... read more
Penang National Park
Monkey's in Penang National Park
More monkey's

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » Batu Ferringhi April 4th 2013

Hello from Malaysia! I hope you are all well and feeling revived after the Easter break. We are now in Malaysia and have spent the last 3 weeks exploring this diverse country. Our trip began in Kuala Lumpar, the capital of Malaysia. We found a hostel in the area of the city called 'China Town'. The reason it is called this is becuase it was orignially the main area where the Chinese people settled. Nowadays it is not just Chinese people who live here, but it has still retained its Chinese roots, with the food stalls in the area all being Chinese and the shops selling Chinese gifts of paper lanterns and traditional gifts. The main reason we visited Kuala Lumpar was so that I could go and watch the Formula 1 race. I have followed ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town March 31st 2013

The heat is oppressive, unrelenting, surreal. It takes your strength, appetite and will. You can’t fight it, there’s no reason, you can’t win. It’s a thick heat, the humidity is so high.The moisture peels the paint from the walls and then peels the stucco until the red brick shows. You tie a ribbon on your fan so you’re sure it’s still moving. You try to sleep, but the heat gives you strange dreams. Dreams of jungles and strange voices you can’t understand. Your clothes stick and you dread walking. You learn to survive in the morning before the sun comes or in the evening as it subsides. You learn to find relief in anything cool, a breeze, an umbrella, a cool drink. Anything to survive for a few more minutes. You curse the people who block ... read more
Love Lane
Tiger Beer
Georgetown Trishaw

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » Batu Ferringhi March 30th 2013

On the Friday night, we went for a nice meal at the same place where Sophie and I had lunch, then went for a few drinks at Reggae Penang. On the Saturday morning, after I waited around for hours while everyone pulled their fingers out and got ready, we took the 101 bus to Batu Ferringhi, the closest beach to George Town. After experiencing Thailand's white sands and crystal-clear waters, we were understandably a little disappointed. Tony, Sophie and I hired jet-skis and sped right out at sea. The water was quite choppy, but we had fun. We went so far out that Edithe couldn't even see us to take photos! After a short time relaxing on the beach, I decided to grab a MacD's and head back to the hostel. I was sorely judged for ... read more
With the siblings

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town March 29th 2013

This morning, we woke up, had breakfast, and headed out exploring. Since my arm got burnt through the window on the awful bus journey, I had to keep covered up. And the weather was so hot! We stumbled upon Fort Cornwallis, the largest fort in Malaysia, and decided to check it out. The fort was named after the late 18th century governor-general of Bengal, India, Charles Cornwallis. It was originally built from palm trunks in 1876 by Sir Francis Light, to protect Penang from pirates and the north-western peninsular state of Kedah. In 1804, however, it was rebuilt using bricks and stone, reaching completion in 1810. There was once a moat surrounding the structure, but due to a malarial outbreak in the 1920s, it was filled in. In its entire history, Fort Cornwallis never engaged in ... read more
Steel rodded street art
Amazing stone carvings
Tandoori set

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town March 29th 2013

The Koh Phangan Full Moon Party. Oh dear. Well, I went, but unfortunately didn't conquer. Quite the opposite, in fact. There were hundreds of thousands of party-goers on Haad Rin beach - quite a sight. I had two buckets and that's where things went a little fuzzy. I vaguely remember vomiting in a bucket, and taking a motorbike taxi back to the resort. Apparently, Sophie was knocking on the door for some time and getting verbal abuse from me in response before I finally opened it. Bad times. *Update: apparently, I had four buckets.* I spent most of the next day in bed, mainly because going outside would've entailed putting on suncream and I simply couldn't be bothered. Plus, I was a little hungover. And so brings me to our Thailand to Malaysia bus journey. We ... read more
Yes, we went there.
Packed in like sardines!

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town March 26th 2013

Ah, the romance of the train. The clickety-clacking of the rails, being gently rocked side to side as you fall asleep like a newborn. The romance of waiters in white uniforms serving our wonderful meal on crisp linen tablecloths and sparkling china while we clink our wine glasses to the end of a perfect day. After a peaceful night’s sleep, going to the restaurant car for steaming cups of coffee and freshly-made croissants. That’s what we saw as our train passed the Singapore to Bangkok Orient Express going the other way. Now the reality of the 2nd-class sleeper. After leaving our beautiful apartment in Bangkok, we caught a cab. We had heard that the traffic could be miserable, so we didn’t want to take any chances. We got to the train station with two hours to ... read more
Line Clear - Nasi Kandar
Chinatown Poker
Botanical Garden Monkey

Asia » Malaysia » Penang March 24th 2013

After a 3 hour bus jouney to from Ipoh, we reached the capital of Penang, Georgetown on Sunday 23rd of March. Georgetown reminds me a lot of Malacca, as it has a large Chinese community, as well as a little India - which is where our hostel was. Like Malacca, Georgetown has also been formally inscribed as a UNESCO world heritage sight, due to its unique architecture and culture. We rented a motorbike for the whole stay here, which allowed us to explore a lot of the capital. We visited St George's church, a bright white church in the city centre and had a friendly guide tell us about the ghost stories connected with one of the women buried underneath the church and also its history. We then visited the largest standing fort in Malaysia, Fort ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town March 20th 2013

We were both excited to be entering a new country and experience a different culture, but first we had a long day of travel ahead of us before we got to Malaysia. We were picked up by mini van from our hotel in Koh Lanta at 7.30 am, along with a couple from Finland, and once it had made several stops to pick up the other 7 passengers and organised the luggage for the 3rd time, we made our way to the vehiecle ferry to cross over to the mainland. Then it was a 3 hour drive to Trang, where we had to swap to a different mini van, before continuing on to Had Yai. Once there we had a 2 hour wait until we got in the last mini van of the journey which would ... read more
Chinese Temple
Trail through Penang National Park
Our favourite dining area!

Asia » Malaysia » Penang » George Town February 24th 2013

Apologies for having not written for a while but i've been very busy doing nothing i've still got a little bit of nothing to do before heading off to the beach for my last week of doing nothing. So after I left Chaing Mai I spent a couple of days in Bangkok before my flight to Singapore. I usually stay somewhere around the travellers ghetto of the Khan San road but decided to have a change and stayed Silom near two small lanes called Patpong 1 and 2. Its quite a well known area with a famous night market and a couple of strips of bars, resturant, and clubs. I saw a sign in a club window for a ping pong show so thought i'd have a look......BLOODY HELL.....table tennis wasn't like that at the olympics!! ... read more
Tea shop China town
China Town
Dried sea cucumber

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