Blogs from Nusa Lembongan, Bali, Indonesia, Asia


Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan October 20th 2017

We arrived in the island province of Bali and felt like we had arrived in an entirely different country, which it actually was up until 1906 when it was invaded by the Dutch. Hindu culture and design is apparent and prolific everywhere and makes everything a bit more beautiful and exotic. Hindus comprise about 90% of the population here, an extreme departure from the predominantly Muslim populations elsewhere in Indonesia. There are shrines and statutes of deities such as Vishnu, Garuda or Ganesh in front of every structure and seemed as though there were small temples on every block. Every day we watched the Balinese women engage in daily offerings to the Gods. Offerings are generally made twice daily, in the morning and late afternoon, by women in every household and business in multiple locations. The ... read more
Some owners paint eyebrows on their dogs with a dot on their head

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan September 26th 2017

Nusa Lembogan ma 2 poważne problemy. Największy z nich to śmieci. W zasadzie to są one problemem prawie całej Azji, lecz na rajskim Lemboganie szczególnie kłują w oczy i ich zbiór oraz wywóz są kwestiami zupełnie nie usankcjonowananymi. Nasz najprostsze skojarzenie to malezyjski Tioman. Raj równie utracony. Niektórzy w dość nieudolny próbują je palić. Inni wykopują doły, wypełniają je i potem zapominają zakopać. Pozostali, czyli 90 % mieszkańców wyrzucają je pare metrów od drogi. Zapominają jednak, że aby wyspa zaczęła jakoś wyglądać musieliby zaprzestać procederu jutro oraz: 1. Posprzątać, lub 2. Poczekać 400 lat. Jak znam indonezyjczyków to wybiorą opcję 2B. Nie zaprzestać i poczekać 400 lat... Drugim problemem, równie poważnym, jest brak słodkiej wody w basenie hotelowym i pod prysznicem. Wygląda na to, że po 3 dniach na Nusa Penida wjedziemy z powrotem do Sanur ... read more
Obsługa portu w pocie czoła
Boarding completed.
Pokój w naszym hotelu na Lombogan.

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan May 20th 2017

In the end we had only four full days on the island of Nusa Lembongan instead of the two weeks we'd planned. As soon as we arrived, though, it instantly felt so good to be away from the hustle and bustle and general commercialism that is mainland Bali. Mind you, a lot had changed on Nusa Lembongan in the twelve years since we were last there. It has really gone upscale, which in turn has caused the previously dirt roads to be paved. The downside of this is that the once sleepy island, where you could barely find a truck to get around, has become full of trucks and motorbikes zooming around the narrow streets. On the plus side, it's easy to get a ride to anywhere you want to go around the island. On our ... read more
Playing in the shadow of Ganung Agung, Bali's biggest mountain/volcano.
Water slide fun
We have quite an audience!

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan May 11th 2017

Having to stay inside your own home with two sick kids for days on end = pure misery Having to stay inside a hotel room with two sick kids for days on end = cruel and unusual torture (for everyone involved!) Exactly a week ago tonight, Jake woke up in the middle of the night with a fever. Since then, it's safe to say that things have gone from bad to worse. The next morning was when we checked into the fancy "flashpacker" hotel in Sanur that I talked about in my last blog. After a couple of days of luxury, Jake was on the mend and we headed off to Nusa Lembongan, as island just a 30-minute speed boat ride away. Upon arriving at our accommodation, we soon realized that we were having our first ... read more
Drawing in the sand
There're so sweet when they're asleep (at lunch!)

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan February 26th 2017

Nusa Lembogonan, Nusa Ceningan and Nusa Penida are 3 islands off the east coast of Bali which are easily accessible via bots from Sanur. We decided to have 2 nights in Nusa Ceningnan which is just off Lembogonan. The boats from Sanur Rock up on the North coast and a quick 10 minute trip to the south coast where you cross a bridge (this was closed at the time we went but has just reopened). From here there are some villas up mainly the west coast. The island is very small and rural, jungley with a few activities and food places. Cliffs are the main bits facing the sea but there are a few beach points such as Secret Point and Blue Lagoon. After arriving via transport arranged by the host of Ocean Villa from Seminyak ... read more

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan January 13th 2017

Boats - prisons with a chance of drowning. Our version of a boat fitted hand in glove with that metaphor. Roughly the shape of a coffin but twice the size and fitted with a pair of ambitious outriggers ostensibly to lend some confidence that all would be fine. Despite misgivings, our sturdy vessel covered the 2 hour crossing without a hitch, unless you consider hitches such things as spinning around uncontrollably in a whirlpool and the teenage "skipper" constantly bailing out water from the bottom of the hull. This narrow strait is one of the world's less forgiving bodies of water. But you negotiate that journey and then pull into a lagoon of pinch me I'm dreaming opaque waters of contrasting hues that paint chart guys might label "my chartreuse heaven". Round that image out with ... read more
From our aperitif stop.
Tough start to the day for these chickens
Not a fan of food shots but ......

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan November 11th 2016

Nachdem irgendwie leider das Umbuchen unseres Transportes nach Nusa Lembongan doch nicht geklappt hat (später am Boot erfahren wir, dass wir für den darauffolgenden Tag gebucht waren) haben wir morgens ein bisschen Frust weil wir einfach nicht wie geplant in unserer Unterkunft abgeholt werden und letztendlich statt um 10 Uhr erst um 13 Uhr auf Nusa Lembongan ankommen. Nusa Lembongan ist eine nur 8 qkm kleine Insel im Südosten Balis, die noch nicht ganz so touristisch sein soll. Der Transfer dorthin dauert aus Ubud nur ca. eine Stunde mit dem Bus und dann noch 30 Minuten mit dem "Fast Boat" zu dem man mit seinem Gepäck durchs seichte Wasser watet, da es keine richtige Anlegestelle gibt. Gefrustet sind wir vor allem deshalb weil unsere Freunde, Lena und Tobi, morgen schon nach Deutschland abreisen und wir bedingt ... read more
Erster Abend am Dream Beach
Friedhof auf Lembongan
Aussichtspunkt mit Blick auf den Hauptort Lembongan

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan October 24th 2016

Geo: -8.68711, 115.441One year later and we're back in Indonesia!It felt like we hadn't left and that it was only yesterday that we were getting married and on our honeymoon.Although this year we decided to explore Nusa Lembongan and Lombok.We had heard some good things about Nusa Lembongan and we were looking forward to diving with the manta rays.Our first night was in Sanur then a quick boat ride to the island. Nusa Lembongan is a nice small island with quite a few things to see and do such as diving, snorkelling, kayaking the mangroves, chilling on the beach and enjoying the stunning views of the blue waters facing Bali. It can all bee seen in one day by hiring a scooter. We stayed there for some time and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately we didn't get ... read more
Sunrise Sanur
Sunrise Sanur
Sunrise Sanur

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan May 31st 2015

Fear, and our approach and response to it, is a funny thing. We all experience fear as a natural human emotion and instinct; it is an inbuilt survival mechanism to help us avoid danger. But what we fear, our reasons and responses and the impact this has on our lives varies greatly. I began this blog talking about mental health and so I shall continue through the medium of my ventures. I have recently come to understand that I suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health problems in the UK and comes in many forms; generalised anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic attacks and phobias to name the big hitters.... read more
Mr Dimitri and I

Asia » Indonesia » Bali » Nusa Lembongan March 12th 2015

After our marathon travel weekend to Darwin, Australia, and a quick overnight stop in Bali, we are once again in new unexplored territory on the Balinese island of Nusa Lembongen, just a half hour boat ride off the south eastern coast of Bali. And it feels good to be here. Newcomers visiting Bali for the first time will most likely migrate to the more renowned Bukit Peninsula, home of the world famous Ulawatu surf destination, and equally famous Kuta beach resort area, both of which are very developed and very busy. Nusa Lembongen provides a wonderful alternative, is relatively near, and is basically a polar opposite - quiet and laid back, with a variety of options for accommodations from budget to luxury spread out along its beautiful coastline. Nusa Lembongen has at least four good surfing ... read more
Catching a Wave
Dropping the Wave
Another Day, Another Elusive Wave

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