Blogs from Hampi, Karnataka, India, Asia - page 13


Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 21st 2008

One thing I love about India is that there is always a festival going on somewhere. We arrived in Hampi without knowing anything about the Puska festival but it was in full swing. It is a Hindu festival that is held every year and rotated among the twelve holy rivers of India. We were very lucky to catch it as it is only held in Hampi once every twelve years. The river was packed with people washing away their sins and generally having fun. It was crazy busy but quite fun and we got to see a proper old fashioned snake charmer with two cobras. Neither of us knew much about Hampi before we came here but it seemed to be on everyones list so we thought we would give it a go. The overnight bus ... read more
Virupaksha temple

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 21st 2008

After taking a long train journey we arrived at Hospet early morning from where we took a rikshaw to Hampi. The rikshaw driver seemed to still be sleeping and clearly not focused as he hit a dog who was peacefully sleeping in the middle of the road. Well, at least that's the impression we both had as the dog started howling and crying loundly. Hampi was the medieval capital of the Hindu empire Vijayanagara which means the City of Victory. The village is one of the most popular tourist attractions in India and the Karnataka state. It is actually listed as one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Dotted around the hills and valleys are 500 plus monuments. Among them are beautiful temples, basement of palaces, remains of aquatic structures, ancient market streets, royal pavilions, bastions, ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 14th 2008

Kalle poistelee mb-soittimestani biisejani ja laittaa muistitikulta sinne omaa musaansa. En enaa tee noilla moneen kertaan kuunnelluilla kappaleilla mitaan, kun minun reissuni on niin loppusuoralla. Tassa on nyt ollut jo hieman luopumisen ilmapiiri! En kylla haluaisi palata Suomeen! En edes ole niin sairas, etta palaaminen olisi sen puolesta pakollista. Nain illalla on monesti vasynyt olo ja lamponi on usein 37,2, mutta aamulla ja paivalla on useimmiten aivan normaalikuntoinen olo. Onhan Suomessakin puolensa. Kalle on yrittanyt nyt joka ilta piristaa minua ja kertoa, mita hienoa voin tehda Suomessa. Paluun hyvat puolet: Naen taas ihanan pikku-siskoni ja muun perheeni, saan syoda kaikkia mahtavia suomalaisia herkkuja, kuten maitotuotteita, irtokarkkeja ja salaatteja (naita on tietty joskus tullut hieman vedettya, mutta kieltamatta vihannesten syonti ravintoloissa on hieman uhkarohkeaa... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 13th 2008

Kaikki on kylla taalla Hampissa kalliimpaa, mihin olemme tottuneet. Nettikin maksaa 50 rupiaa tunnilta vaikka yleensa hinta on 15. Ravintoloissa taas laskumme on ollut nyt aina yli 150 vaikka kaikkialla muualla se on jaanyt lahes aina alle 100. Toisaalta hinnat eivat varmasti ole viela mitaan verrattuna vaikkapa Mumbain hintoihin, siksi en haluakaan olla siella paivaakaan. Tama Hampi on niin ihanan leppoisa (ei nyt aivan yhta rauhallinen kuin Gopalburi silla taalla on kuitenkin kaupustelua) ja kaunis paikka, etta haluan olla taalla mahdollisimman kauan. Otamme taalta varmaankin yobussin suoraan Mumbaihin. Se kylla maksaa 900 rupiaa, mika on torkea hinta, mutta kyse on sentaan sleeperista ja onhan matkaakin 14 tuntia. (ainakin toimistossa luvataan, oikeasta ajasta ei ole takuita) Totta kai kysymme bussia viela Hospetista, silla voi olla, etta Hampin turistitoimistot vievat paljon valista.... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 12th 2008

Onhan se taas helppoa olla turistipaikassa!Taalla ei tarvitse etsia loputtoman kauan sopivaa ruokapaikkaa, nettia tai muita palveluita. Taalla meihin lansimaalaisiin ihmisiin on totuttu ja kukaan ei katsele kummeksuen tai tuppaudu koko ajan juttusille. Toisaalta tietenkin varjopuoliakin on, kuten kaupustelu. Vaikea sanoa kumpi on arsyttavampaa aktiivinen kerjaaminen vain kaupustelu. Lapset, jotka roikkuvat hihansuussa ja hokevat koko ajan ''one rupia please'', ovat hyvin tuskastuttavia. Monista nakee, etta he haluavat vain kokeilla, saisivatko meista irti mitaan, eivatka edes ole huutavanavun tarpeessa. Tietenkin oikeastikin laihoja ja ryysyihin pukeutuneita lapsia on ja heille usein annan jotain pienta syotavaa. Taalla pikku kylilla on hienoa, etta lahes kaikki nayttavat oikeasti voivan hyvin. Kerjalaiset ovat todella harvinainen naky ja Ihmiset nayttavat oikeasti onnellisilta. Kuitenki... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi December 8th 2008

Todos los sueños y las íntimas fantasías del pueblo indio están reflejadas en sus películas de cine. La pantalla gigante es el punto de encuentro para el amor, la amistad, la belleza, la alegría, el canto, el baile, el drama y la felicidad. Al ver una película te transportas a una India increíble, una India llena de contrastes balanceados entre un escenario de colores brillantes y música fantástica. En su imaginación colectiva este diverso país ha construido un refugio para que la creatividad vuele y el amor permee cada rincón. Los actores de piel clara son delegados con la responsabilidad de dramatizar idilios sólo aceptables en la pantalla. Estos dioses modernos son adornados con atuendos occidentales, mientras una multitud de extras, vestidos con ropa tradicional y colorida, bailan en exactas y entretenidas coreografías lideradas por las ... read more
Vista desde Charminar, Hyderabad
Charminar. Torre musulmana en Hyderabad
Las Musas

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi November 29th 2008

Beautiful relaxed historical place. Staying across a small river (10rs ferry) on the less-traveled part of the town. Its been hard for me to resist the economic will-power of the locals selling home made instruments. Bought two self-droning gourd clarinets (no better way to describe without a picture) and a Kirshna-style flute. Good deals on all three, and they are light and sturdy (good for transportation). The freedom of being able to carry all I own in this hemisphere of the world on my back is both humbling and empowering. Only bad thing to say is that the internet here is way overpriced, same throughout the town. Therefore this post will be short. The geography reminds me of Riverside California. Lots of big rocks, good for making large structures. Yesterday I sat by the ruins of ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi November 24th 2008

After our last entry we headed straight out for a much talked about party in Palolem... Chloe really wanted to dance and we both fancied a late night so headed off "on the road to Agonda" to find out if this party actually existed! And it did - we heard music and to top it off it was trance music, there was fancy lights and decorations and a little fire in the corner... we bought drinks, we started to dance and then.... everything went dead - silence, darkness, nothing! Apparently the police had turned up and shut down the party - even after 100,000 ruppee pay off to let them put the party on! So we have officially give up on party searching... well until thailand anyway! :)) So after Chloe left we stayed in Palolem ... read more
There's a cow in my resturant!
Some new blankets...
Yummy at Dropadi

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi November 21st 2008

Sorry for the long absense but we have been chilled to the bone in GOA!!! But have finally decided to get off are ases for week and visit hampi-bangalore-kerala during this next week. We left margoa and the confort of goa for a 7 hour train journey to hampi. The train journey was extremely peaceful and enjoyable with plenty to sea. We did not know what to expect about hampi but we soon realised as soon as we arrived, rickshaw drivers were nearly pulling us out of the train. The train didnt actually go to hampi but hospet about 30 minutes away from hampi by rickshaw. Hospet was not a nice place at all covered in rubbish and had the vibe of little mumbai. We arrived in hampi and found a nice little guest house with ... read more

Asia » India » Karnataka » Hampi November 18th 2008

18/11/2008 Nous avions décidé de partir aujourd'hui pour Badami mais changement de programme hier soir en concertation avec le groupe intéressé, nous repoussons d'un jour. Du coup, à 6h du mat', nous voilà levés pour une dernière séance de bloc à Hampi. Pas mauvaise, d'ailleurs. Flo a sorti pas mal de problèmes. Elle commence à bien accrocher. 17/11/2008 Le temps semble s'améliorer, du moins il ne pleut pas. Mais la séance d'escalade s'averera très chaude et moite à cause de d'humidité. 16/11/2008 A notre grande surprise, il pleut à notre réveil. A la gare des bus, un chauffeur de rickshaw insiste pour nous emmener à Hampi. Après qu'il ait divisé son prix par deux, nous finissons par accepter. Il pleuvra toute la journée. Mais ça nous repose. Nous restons avec nos amis retrouvés à boire, manger ... read more
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