Blogs from Coroico, La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 2


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico September 26th 2012

Am nächsten Morgen weckt die Sonne meinen gesundeten Körper. Nach einem Frühstück auf der Yunga-Tal-Terasse wandere ich noch ziemlich geschafft hinunter ins Dorf und suche mir eine schöne Bleibe für die nächsten Tage. Es gibt entweder Ranz oder gleich mit Pool und Wifi, der Luxusbackpacker setzt sich durch. Am Abend speise ich mexikanisch in amerikanisch-italienisch-österreichischer Begleitung zu französischer Jazzmusik. Wir laden den Amerikaner am Nebentisch zu uns ein, er will aber nicht, da wir spanisch reden. Fünf Minuten später. Der Nebentisch-Amerikaner unterhält sich mit unserem Amerikaner quer durchs Restaurant auf Englisch, wir sitzen stumm daneben: Sprachimperialismus. Schließlich schließt er sich aber doch an und wir fahren in Spanglish fort und verabreden uns für den Wasserfall-Trek am nächsten Tag. Der fällt für mich dann prompt ins Wasser, ein Tag Ruhe war ja auch gen... read more
Place to be

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico July 29th 2012

Hola mi amigos, vor lauter Herumreisen, habe ich die letzten 10 Tage kaum Zeit gefunden um meine Reiseberichte auf dem aktuellsten Stand zu halten. Zunachest mal einiges zur Deathroad. Vorletzten Sonntag bin ich frueh aufgestanden und habe mich mental auf die "Todesstrasse" vorbereitet. Zunachest war mir nicht klar, ob die Tour nun tatsachelich stattfindet, da mich der Touroperator erst 45 Minuten zu spaet vom Hostal abgeholt hat. Mit einem lauten "Hola Amigos" begruesste ich beim Einsteigen in den Mikrobus die anderen 8 waghalsigen Radabenteurer. Die Amigos im Bus antworteten mit einem noch lauteren Hola Amigo! Die Chemie passte von Anfang an. Es waren 8 super Chilenen, welche gemeinsam durch Bolivien reisten. Zunachest fuhren wir ca. 1 h lang mit dem Bus bergaufwaerts bis wir schliesslich auf einer Hoehe von ca. 4900 m ankamen. An der Bergspitze ... read more
Before The Start
One more group picture
The beginning was asphalt

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico March 29th 2012

Well we did all survive the Road of Death, well sort of, as we were returning from Coroico back to La Paz, Allan hit a big hole and snapped the front assembly on his car, which dropped the front left down to about 60mm off the road? We pulled off the busy road as it was getting dark after such a big day. What can we do now??? Well it took Cory about ten minutes to locate a welder about 100metres up the road, so we greased the front drive shaft as it was rubbing on the suspension arm and he drove up to the welder fellow to re weld the broken component. Cory stayed with him and I led the rest of us back to the hotel, with a little help from Karen (my GPS). ... read more
High in the mountains 4080 mtrs
The 2CV Waltz
Foley checking out the dead trains

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico February 26th 2012

25 février 2012 Info générales: Il y a plusieurs années, il existait qu´une route qui reliait La Paz au Brésil. Tous les bus, voitures et surtout les camions de marchandises devaient affronter cette route: Cotapata. La route corniche. La route qui tue. Les véhicules se croisaient sur cette voie unique, en gravier, sans garde-fous, longeant des précipices de plus de trois cent mètres. Suicidaire. (Allez voir sur Youtube. C´est à tomber sur le cul). La route la plus dangereuse au monde. 1500 morts par année. Death Road. Elle mérite bien son surnom, croyez-moi. Heureusement, le gouvernement a mit un terme à cette folie en construisant une route plus sécuritaire (mais beaucoup plus longue). Donc, le raccourcit de la Death Road a finalement été fermé aux véhicules. Rapidement, les amateurs de Mountain Bike ont sentie la belle ... read more
Vendeur de frissons
Un peu loin de la plage

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico January 13th 2012

So, after the crazy day we had on the World’s most dangerous road, we decided to take it easy for a couple of nights and take in the picturesque views in the town of Coroico. We were still in our group of 5 people consisting of Donna, Helen, Troy, Adrian and myself and the plans for the coming days were pretty simple, to chill, relax and maybe even get some laundry done! The night we arrived was pretty much taken up by trying to find a suitable hostel at a good rate, as well as getting ourselves a nice but cheap dinner. Luckily enough for us, we managed both. The next day, we decided to do some washing as most of us had clothes that pretty much wanted to walk in to the wash due the ... read more
Having a beer at the garden bar
Pizza with our new Argentinian chums!
Corioco's main plaza

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico August 1st 2011

At the end of the Death Road trip the town of Coroico was visible on the edge of a mountain, it looked like the kind of place that would require a further look and so Ciaran and I took a micro to the town. On arrival we headed towards a German owned hostel that had been reported as fantastic. Unfortunately, it had not been reported to me as being at the top of the town, up a hefty dirt road. The climate in Coroico, in the Yungas, is wonderful compared to La Paz. Set at 1525m the increased level of oxygen is a wonder and the heat can be felt everywhere, there is no need to carry a fleece for the shadows, it is hot everywhere. We climbed the steep cobbles road to the hostel only ... read more
Hiking Past Coca Fields to the Falls
The Harsh Cobbled Climb to Our Hostel
The Beautiful Gardens of Sol y Luna

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico July 26th 2011

You have to do it to understand it, to feel it. The very notion of being able to descend 3600m in only a few hours is awesome enough on its own - the idea of being able to do that one one of the world's most infamous and dangerous roads, on a mountain bike, is even better. The Yungas Road from La Paz to Coroico was constructed by Paraguayan prisoners of war in the 1930's, it was required to link the fertile environments of the Yungas valleys to La Paz so the produce could be transported easier. The road is of incredibly poor quality however, clinging to a cliff edge, under a cliff and of course, not even remotely paved. In the mid-nineties it was christened 'The Death Road' due to an incredible average of 250 ... read more
Superb Initial Valley
Into the Clouds
The True Death Road Begins

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico June 26th 2011

Does that sound ominous enough for you?! The affectionately named WMDR or ‘Death Road’ is a treacherous, long stretch of road leading from outside of La Paz to Corioca. True to its name, people have died and the road continues to claim lives each year – our guide told us that around thirty people cash out their chips here on an annual basis (including car and other road transport accidents.) The guy also has the unpleasant memories of seeing people killed here himself. So...of course we were going to go for it! Our guide was actually a real fun lad hailing from New Zealand. As with pretty much 100% of other Kiwis that I’ve met; this fella was decently crazy too. But even though he was proper good fun, safety was paramount and anyone not listening ... read more
Deadly Team!
Long Way Down

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » Coroico May 10th 2011

Lapaz, an interesting city, a city full of big red brick buildings, thousands of taxis who seem like all they want to do is run you over, hundreds of tourist stores selling everything llama and alpaca you could imagine, a million pharmacys selling anything and everything you could imagine including penicilin and viagra; take your pick! hundreds of tour companies, some great hostels; namely the Wild Rover, which might I add has the most comfortable beds in South America! Route 36, some great resturaunts; I won't be forgetting that steak and red wine date with my Irish lads any time soon! and a nice temperate climate; sunny days and chilly nights; perfect for rugging up, or going out without a million layers on for once. I'd like to thank Lapaz for some big nights which resulted ... read more
the gang
capturing the tourist
some pretty impressive views

Three hours from La Paz, three hours from altitude sickness and a capital strewn breathtakingly out at the bottom of a canyon, we find ourselves in Coroico. Coroico, where Andes and Yungas collide and reluctantly, turbulantly, agree to tolerate the opposing world of the other. Coroico, where banana and coca plantations do battle with barren grassland, where a drop of a few hundred feet sees a shift in power from the viulture to the mosquito. 'Vulture', Adri informs me, translates literally into Spanish as 'massive chicken slap to the face'. It possesses a certain ring, no? In Coroico we awake every morning to a yawning valley punctuated by clouds seeking to scale its peaks. Willing them away, every morning we dawdle at the pace of lotus eaters into this sleepiest of mountain villages. All forms of ... read more

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