Blogs from Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina, South America - page 7


South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba June 9th 2010

Cordoba, Argentina´s second city, is well reknowned amongst backpackers for having one of the best night life scenes in South America. And given that it houses at least seven different universities, that´s hardly surprising! The city itself is extremely pretty, with numerous cathedrals and a hefty serving of colonial architecture. Regretfully, however, we didn´t sample much of its daytime delights, too busy were we with the vibrant nightlife that we really came to see. Given its popularity within the backpacking community, Cordoba abounds with hip, traveller friendly hostels, and, spoiled for choice, we settled on one of the smaller venues recommended by the book. We certainly weren´t to be disappointed. The atmosphere of the place was so homely, and the owner and staff so friendly that it honestly felt like staying a few nights with your ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba May 20th 2010

The bus journey from Santiago to Mendoza was not exactly the best journey of all time. On paper, the distance is only 300 or so kilometres, but with the Andes and an international border to cross, the journey turned out to take the whole day. The worst part was going through customs - on the Argentinean side of the border, all vehicles had to drive through a large warehouse, where all passengers disembarked to have their paperwork checked, and then all bags were taken off the bus, scanned and checked, and then reloaded. This made the border crossing the slowest and worst that I have had to do so far in South America, whereas I thought it was going to be the easiest as Chile and Argentina are 2 of the most developed countries, so I ... read more
Welcome to Argentina!
A strangely lit building in Mendoza
Mendoza's main square

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba May 8th 2010

Cordoba, seconde plus grande ville d'argentine avec 1.4 millions d'habitants, son passe colonial, son doux climats, ses alentours verdoyants et ses universites me paraissait etre une ville ideal! Meme si j'ai ete un peu refroidi par une urbanisation assez chaotique et que je n'ai finalement pas pris la peine de sortir de la ville, j'y aurais quand meme passe un tres bon moment! 2 jours de visites de musee suivi par 4 jours de repos, cafe en terrasse, travail sur mon blog . . . et recontres couchsurfings ! D'abord Ursula, une charmante etudiante de 20 ans qui malheureusement etait en pleine periode de test et n'a donc pas pu me consacrer bcp de temps. Mais on a quand meme ete boire un cafe et c'etait super sympa! J'ai eu la chance d'etre son premier contact ... read more
Imagen 417
Imagen 418
Imagen 419

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba April 30th 2010

I have been absent from the blog for about a month now so I thought I would take a day out in Cuenca to merk the blog and try and bring you guys up to date. Last time I wrote about South America was when I was talking about B.A. which if memory serves correctly we just got fucked, spent money and shunned the cultural side of the city. This trend pretty much continues until Bolivia. After B.A. we visited 3 other places in Argentina; Mendoza, Cordoba and lastly Salta before crossing the border at Tupiza. We went to B.A. bus station with the idea of going to Cordoba, though when queing for tickets rather hung over we had the bright idea to fuck Cordoba and go to Mendoza. We heard there was a wine festival ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba April 19th 2010

Bus fahren in Argentinen, sweet! Top moderne Car’s mit einer Ausstattung und Service wie in der Businessclass im Flugzeug, dazu richtig preiswert. Die Fluggesellschaften dagegen sind Bastarde, mit individuellen Preisen je nach Herkunftsland des Reisenden. Zentraleuropäer bezahlen dann gut und gerne mal das Doppelte wie Argentinier. Im Semi-Cama (niedrigste Klasse) kommen Danel und ich ausgeruht nach einer kurzen 12h Busfahrt in Cordóba an, laufen durch die Stadt und finden ein kleines gemütliches Hostel in der Innenstadt. Die Stadt ist nichts wahnsinniges, BA in klein. Gemütliche Märkte, Museen und Strassencafes, Danel und ich verbringen ein paar gechillte Tage und entdecken zu Fuss die Zweitgrösste Stadt Argentiniens. Das Baluch Hostel hat eine geniale Dachterasse auf der ich ein Hammer Unplugged Konzert einer Brasilianischen/Kolumbianischen Bossa-Nova Band zuhöre währenddessen ich m... read more
Bar Suizo, oder so

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba March 12th 2010

Day 3 of eight months in Argentina I am typing this on the top bunk while Finn and Leah bat around a balloon. The home schooling is going very well. Adam is out looking for jobs so I have been exploring with the kids. They don't last long in the heat and noise of the big city. But today we discovered the port area, a bunch of old warehouses that have been redeveloped and now it is a very upmarket area of restaurants and luxury high rise apartments. Lots of places to wander without worrying about getting run over. The flight was fantastic, valium worked ok - I was playing quiddler in the middle of the night with the kids. We are in a bunk room with a very high ceiling, two bunks and a cupboard. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba March 5th 2010

After a few days in Salta, I headed down to Cordoba before heading back to Santiago. I met some cool people in Cordoba and we basically hung out the whole time; two people from Argentina, one from Ireland and one from Mexico. One day we went to a town called "Villa Carlos Paz" that was nice and had a river running through it. Other than that we just kicked back, cooked, hung out by the little pool at the hostel and talked. ... read more

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba March 5th 2010

coucou à tous, Et bien voilà après un petit temps sans nouvelles voilà de nouveau des photos et tout et tout. Après avoir traversé la rivière pour passer de la Bolivie'en Argentine, nous sommes arrivés à Aguas Blancas et nous y avons pris le bus direction Salta. Malheureusement il n´y a pas de photos de Salta car notre batterie était totalement plate!!! Donc je commence le récit depuis Cordoba, ville estudiantine d´Argentine où il faisiat au bameau 40degrés à l´ombre et en plus des coupures d´électricité, donc plus d´airco, nous avons donc fuit cette fournaise pour nous dirigés vers Capilla del Monte où se déroulait un festival. Notre équipe, càd Ronan, Elodie, Thomas, Mika, Jon et moi sommes arrivés dans ce lieu magique entouré de montagnes, perdus au milieu de rien. Nous y avons passés 4 ... read more
ma copine Nadège
photo de famille

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba January 29th 2010

We arrived in Cordoba on the morning of the 25th via the 11.5 hour overnight bus. The bus ride was good, clean and actually left on time. We were happy to have booked our tickets in advance so were able to get the panoramic seats in the front and therefore did not have anyone reclining on us. We were also nicely situated far away from the toilet which is always a luxury! (Recommendation: Flecha Bus). We were booked into ´Cordoba Hostel´ prior to our arrival and happy that our reservation was secured. Our room was nice with a private bathroom and balcony over-looking the courtyard and pool (which is amazingly smaller than the photograph on the website depicts). The room was a little pricey at AR.100/2ppl/night (Argentinian Pesos: USD = approx. 1: 3.8). We have begun ... read more
Alta Gracia
Alta Gracia
Alta Gracia

South America » Argentina » Córdoba » Córdoba January 21st 2010

So... After a 4 hr bus ride, 3 hr ferry, 2 taxi rides and an overnight bus we made it to Cordoba! We arrived at about 7am (an hour earlier than expected) so you can imagine that finding a hostel at that time in the morning was no easy task! We ended up staying in a mosquito/cockroach infested room which stank of damp with a building site next to us! At least we got early wake up calls from the neumatic drills drilling through the wall next to our ears at 8am every day! On the plus side ....The city is beautiful, filled with handy craft markets, shopping malls and lots of students (therefore cheap drinks / food!!) and is much more relaxing than Buenos Aires. We promptly booked up a horse riding excursion in the ... read more
The sierras de cordoba (hills)
Nice little river
Why the long face?

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