Blogs from Airlie Beach, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 18


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach August 10th 2010

Hi all We have enjoyed our 3 days in the Whitsundays, and will move north tomorrow to Bowen, where we plan to catch up with Mardi and Bap (last seen in W.A.) We explored Gladstone, going up several lookouts, (we counted 27 coal carriers waiting to come in to port to load), and drove around Tannum Sands and Boyne Island, where the aluminium smelter is. We also headed out to Lake Awoonga, where the high dam was full to the top of the spillway. The lake supplies water to Gladstone. From Gladstone, we headed north to Rockhampton, then out to Yeppoon on the coast. Our campsite was at nearby Mulambin Beach, where we'd got the last powered site when we rang ahead the day before. We drove to Emu Point and walked through the super golf ... read more
Shute Harbour, Whitsundays
Airley Beach from the sea
Whitehaven Beach

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 29th 2010

Nach einer nicht endend wollenden Tour de Sydney mit dem Shuttle Bus (ich glaub der Bus blieb echt bei allen Hostels in Sydney stehen) checkten wir auf unseren letzten gemeinsamen Flug nach Hamilton Island ein. Der Flug war böhig. Papa würde sagen: "Es hat bissal gewackelt". Mama würde sicher sagen, dass es sehr unruhig war. Ich sage nur: "Gott sei Dank gut am Boden angekommen" =) Der Flughafen ist echt klein und besteht aus einem kleinen Häuschen (mehr als zwei Flugzeuge gleichzeitig sprengen die örtlichen Gegebenheiten). Weiter geht es mit dem Boot nach Airlie Beach. Aber was ist das? Wer hat in meinem Bettchen geschlafen? Wohl viel zu viele und wir mit Sicherheit nicht. Dies löste Missfallen aus und nachdem ich mich durchgesetzt habe, erhielten wir als Belohnung jeweils ein Einzelbett. :-( Als nächstes stand eine ... read more
Hamiltion Island
altes Segelschiff

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 28th 2010

Her kommer en liten oppdatering på de siste dagene våre i Queensland. Som sagt møtte vi på ganske så dårlig vær i Cairns og vi bestemte oss for å dra ut i bushen. Nærmere bestemt Undara som ligger en ca 4 times kjøretur unna Cairns. Det er ganske utrolig at man på så få timer kan dra fra et tropisk regnskog klima til en type ørken. Været var varmt og godt, men solen viste seg heller ikke her, desverre. Hotellet vi bodde på lå midt inni skogen, lang utenom den vanlige sivilisasjonen. Vi hadde ikke dekning på mobil, og ikke tilgang på internett, dette er også grunnen til at jeg ikke kunne oppdatere bloggen i går.Hotellet var laget av et gammelt tog, hvor vognene var laget til som små hotellrom, I skogen var vi omgitt av ... read more
Photo 14
Photo 15

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 17th 2010

I’m back from my fabulous tour around the Whitsunday Islands. The trip was pretty darn excellent and, very important for this type of thing, lucky; lucky with the weather, lucky with what we saw, lucky with the people on board the boat with whom I sailed, lucky in almost all ways! It’s funny how much you can learn about a nation from its bus drivers. I’ve taken long-distance bus journeys all over the World, and I consider myself to be a bit of a connoisseur of them! I often use them as a general barometer of the culture at large. Think about the cold matriculations of the average monosyllabic monsters manning the buses of England and America. Think about the power mad anti-heroes of the buses in Central and South America. Climbing onto the bus in ... read more
Airlie Beach Boardwalk
Emperor's Wings
Some of the passengers

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 14th 2010

So our next stop along our so far incredible adventure through Australia was Airlie Beach which is where we would be heading out to visit the Whitsunday Islands. We had already booked ourselves onto a three day, three night trip on an 82" ex-racing yacht which was named 'Spank Me' which set out from the harbour friday afternoon which gave us some time in the morning to check out from our hostel and buy some supplies for the trip, not forgetting to buy plenty of goon for the journey. After stocking up we headed down to the marina and took a motorised inflatable boat out to the yacht. The yacht itself was very long but from the surface it didn't look at all like it could house the 30 passengers and crew that would be on ... read more
Stunning islands
Silica beach
I like sunset shots...

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 13th 2010

Hey again guys, 2 blogs in 2 days you should feel priveleged! Its Sarah here; thought it'd be a good idea to let you know what we did with our time in the Whitsundays before we reach melbourne tomorrow. Today we did a full day trip around the Whitsunday Islands and went snorkelling - the scuba really paid off, we were both a lot better this time! - and saw some pretty amazing fish; everything is so brightly coloured but you'd be surprised how chilly Oz actually is at this time of year! I was freezing and regretting not wearing a wet suit, but it was pretty cool. As most of the Whitsunday Islands are controlled by National Parks there are really strict rules about not taking anything or standing on anything etc, but, on going ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 12th 2010

Hey guys sorry about the delay on bloggs we've been pretty busy recently. In the space of 2 days we had three intense flights but we finally got to sunny sunny Cairns! The hostel we were staying at was good; pool, private bathroom and a voucher for a free dinner at this bar place - which we of course loved. With our limited time in Cairns we decided to do a day on a barrier reef boat which included scuba diving which was amazing! Good food, and although we both suffered a bit from sea sickness as soon as we stopped it was fine. Sarah got a bit (very) scared before we went diving but managed to do it and I think she actually enjoyed it, we saw loads of coral (and got taught loads about ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 11th 2010

Servus, die Städte Mackay und Rockhampton haben wir mit unbedeutenden Zwischenstops hinter uns gebracht. Das nächste auf unserer Liste war Gladstone. Diese Stadt wurde uns empfohlen. Naja liegt auf der Strecke, schauen wir uns das mal an. Gesagt getan. Bis auf die Libary und den Waschsalon haben wir aber nichts wirklich Spannendes entdeckt. Dafür sollte Bundaberg etwas mehr bieten. 2 Tage haben wir dafür mal eingeplant. Leider war es etwas verregnet und somit konnte die Stadt ihre volle Pracht nicht entfalten. Dafür war der Tag perfekt für eine Werkstour durch die Rumdestile. Bunderberg ist nicht nur der Name einer Stadt sondern auch der Name eines Weltberühmten Rums. Er wird, wie soll es anders sein, aus Zuckerrohr gebrannt. Wir haben uns für eine Kurztour entschieden. Dafür konnte man sich dann zwei Drinks aussuchen. Genau, nicht einen, nicht ... read more
da werde ich gleich stehen
und da bin ich. Da gings Tief runter

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 9th 2010

On the last morning of Fraser Island we packed up all our stuff and headed off the beach in our 4x4s to make our way back to the ferry after visiting one of the lakes on the island. The original plan was to visit a lake called McKenzie but a couple of weeks before we arrived a large bus had managed to turn over .. twice, and only 6 vehicles were allowed on the site at one time so instead of taking our chances we went to Lake Birrabean. The journey there was full of steep and windy roads which most of the time were far from flat with very soft soil but nevertheless a lot of fun to drive along. The lake itself was absolutely huge with white silica sand surrounding it, and with the ... read more
My favourite sunset shot
Rounding up goats for the rodeo
Having a well earned drink with the ranch owner

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach July 7th 2010

This week has been absolutely great, despite the weather trying hard to ruin it. I am battered, bruised, have a slashed foot and salt-ruined hair but I have had a ball sailing in the Whitsunday Islands. I have seen turtles, dolphins and dugons close up and I even got the chance to meet Elvis. Its been seriously great. The week started with the very comfortable 10 hour trip between Cairns and Proserpine on the Tilt Train and then a bus to Airlie Beach. The business class style seats on the train reclined and had their own mini entertainment screens that played films, TV series and a wide range of radio stations, plus a live feed from a camera on the front of the train that gave the Drivers view. We passed hour after hour of sugar ... read more
Approaching Solway Lass on the tender
Rainy departure for rainforest trek
Frostbite or sandblasted? Whitehaven Beach

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