Blogs from Florida, United States, North America - page 51


To me, half the fun of traveling is the planning and anticipation. Last summer I knew that I wanted to take a big trip in 2017 so I started toying with destinations. Where to go? I don't tend to re-visit but there are many places still to see. I've traveled extensively here in the USA but there are still six states on my "To Do" list including Alaska, Oregon, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Maine. I will visit these states but not in 2017. I've been to most of the Caribbean islands but I live in Florida so not high on my list. Central America is awesome and my excursions to Mexico, Costa Rica, and Belize did not disappoint but that area is close by and relatively easy and inexpensive to visit. The only country in ... read more

It's summer time in South Florida - the snowbirds have long gone back to points north, it's blazing hot outside, and I'm in need of a rest. This means its time for a beach break in Sanibel Island, one of my favorite places where all you need is a bike, bathing suit and tons of sunscreen. While Sanibel is super busy during the winter months, in the summer it has the feel of a sleepy beach town. The bike path lined streets and beautiful beaches are left for the locals to enjoy. We try to spend at least a few days here each summer. Small condominium complexes line the beaches of Sanibel, many of which are available for weekly rentals. We rented a nice two bedroom condo within a two minute walk to the beach. Four ... read more
Bike path through the preserves

North America » United States » Florida » Tallahassee July 2nd 2017

When we went on our trip to New York State and Niagara Falls, Canada we did not realize how many wineries we would visit and the amount of wine we would have accumulated during that time. As we started to buy more and more wine we decided it would be a great idea to share these bottles with some of my girlfriends. So the time had come and it was time to share some vino with my girlfriends. I wanted it to be a nice intimate experience with just a few friends and some good food to share. For this wine tasting I decided to create a few cheese boards. I do not know too much about pairing wines with cheeses so I asked 319 Wine and Cheese for guidance. 319 Wine and Cheese( If you ... read more
Zinnias from mymailbox flowerbox
Cheeseboard 1
Cheeseboard 2

North America » United States » Florida » Orlando » Disney World July 2nd 2017

We both woke up before the alarm. I went out on the balcony to watch the sunrise and Nikki got ready. Today was debarkation day. After we were ready, we went up to Windjammer Marketplace to get breakfast. We ate leisurely because our debarkation time was not estimated until 8:30. We strolled around the deck after breakfast and then went down to our stateroom to grab our bags and head to the Silk Dining Room to wait for them to call our debarkation group. We waited about 15 minutes and then got off the ship. It went fairly smoothly and we were in our rental car and on the way to Walt Disney World within an hour. We had decided to go to Disney's Animal Kingdom and see the new Pandora area of the park before ... read more
Pandora Map
Floating Mountains

North America » United States » Florida » Cocoa Beach June 25th 2017

We slept in a little today. Then got up, got ready and went downstairs for breakfast. The hotel had a hot breakfast available. After breakfast we had a little bit of time to just relax so we watched TV before heading out to go to the ship. I knew where the National car return was so I made a left out of the hotel parking lot and soon my GPS was having me turn around. So, I followed the GPS and lo and behold we discovered that National/Alamo/Enterprise have moved to a location at the port. We returned our car and waited a little while for the shuttle to take us to the cruise terminal just a mile away. After going through security and checking in, we had about a 20 wait until they started calling ... read more
Sailing out of Port Canaveral
Waiting for the show

North America » United States » Florida » Englewood June 22nd 2017

Englewood, Florida, United States Sunday, August 19, 2012 Mitzi, Ryan and Eda Adeline I had decided I wouldn't write about this trip; after all, it was just another road trip north from our home in Florida to see my family in Minnesota. What could possibly be so special or interesting about that? My attitude was suddenly adjusted just 45 miles from home when the first blow-out on the travel trailer occurred. Unfortunately, we were situated between traffic traveling 75 miles per hour on US 75 and an entrance ramp with little room for Bob to change a tire. He fired up the generator in the truck bed to use the electric impact wrench and I crossed my fingers, not daring to open the passenger’s door lest it be removed by the traffic whizzing by. Less than ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Punta Gorda June 21st 2017

Sunday, April 18, 2010 url= My husband, Bob, is famous for taking me on fabulous trips: Peru, Belize, Curacao, Mexico, Hawaii, Alaska, the UK (5 times!), 6 Shuttle launches, 3 Caribbean cruises and so many other great venues. But when he suggested we drive ONLY 50 miles to an event held April 9-11, 2010, I was a bit apprehensive, to say the least. I wasn't aware that the largest ATV, Mudbuggy, Monster Truck riding area in Florida was on our radar--over 800 acres of pure bliss if you want to get down & dirty! Located just a smidgin east of Punta Gorda, the Redneck Yacht Club conjures up a down... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Englewood June 21st 2017

Englewood, Florida, United States Thursday, July 12, 2012 This is not a story of our travels but rather one that belongs to our children and grandchildren. When I married Bob almost 34 years ago, I promised him we would move to the beach when the children were grown. We left Springfield, MO, and settled in Englewood, FL in 1992. Our oldest, Kirsten Marie, remained behind, our middle child, Jeanine Carol, moved to Pine Island, FL, just 70 miles south, and our youngest, Evan Lyle, went to Boulder, CO, in 1995. It had been eight years since we had all been together at the same time, not since Kirsten’s marriage in 2004! That is much too long and, thankfully, we were able to meet at our home last month. Evan arrived first on June 8 in a ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Miami June 19th 2017

June 19, 2017 Picking up where we left off... Last night, we enjoyed our last supper in Cuba at a paladar in Cienfuegos. The host has plans to expand in order to accommodate cruise ship passengers in the future. It was a fitting near farewell to our new friends Ralph and Jorge as we enjoyed a tasty meal and fellowship. We should that before supper, we enjoyed cocktails on the rooftop of the Union Hotel, dating from 1869. There, we discussed the issues of the day and broke the Facebook embargo with Jorge. He thought it would be easy for us to find him and was shocked to see how many people of the same name exist in the Chicago area alone. We enjoyed a great view of Cienfuegos, including the energy infrastructure--a Soviet nuclear power ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Miami June 19th 2017

Today we are waiting at Miami International Airport and sit to reflect on the experience of the trip we have just completed. Last night we had a preliminary discussion and all slept on what we wished to share. So, here goes. As our guide, Ralph, told us last Sunday, we would leave Cuba with more questions than we entered and was he right! The words contradiction, paradox, and confusion all come to mind. The Cuba we visited was not the Cuba we expected to find. The living conditions we witnessed, though not in any way near the standards we are used to, did not represent the poverty and oppression we initially expected to find and, honestly felt we were witnessing at first. In just a week, we learned to look beyond first impressions into the interior ... read more

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