Blogs from Florida, United States, North America - page 55


North America » United States » Florida April 16th 2017

Der Botanische Garten in Naples ist für Pflanzenliebhaber sehr zu empfehlen. Auf einem Rundgang, kommt man an verschiedenen, toll angelegten Themengärten vorbei. Der Garten ist in verschiedene Bereiche unterteilt, in welchen die Pflanzenwelt von Florida, wie auch von Asien bis Südamerika gezeigt wird. Auch ein Schmetterlingshaus und einen Gartenbereich für Kinder beherbergt der Garten. An den Seen im Park wird auch vor Alligatoren gewarnt, wir haben aber keinen zu Gesicht bekommen. Der Garten wird von Gärtnern und auch von vielen freiwilligen Helfern (meist Rentnern) unterhalten, die Letzteren geben einem gerne (auch ungefragt) stolz Auskunft. Drei schöne Stunden haben wir hier verbracht.... read more
Baumhaus mit Hängebrücke im Gartenteil für Kinder.
Gulliver lässt grüssen.
Im Schmetterlingshaus.

North America » United States » Florida » Naples April 16th 2017

Well here we go again! Loved our last "Great Alaskan Spring Adventure-2015" so much that we decided to do it again this year. This trip we will be heading West across the states stopping at Crazy Horse monument in South Dakota, through Wyoming into Yellowstone, then up through Idaho and Washington state before going into Canada. Once in Canada we will be heading up the Stewart Cassiar highway, also known as "The Gold Rush Route" which goes through the Yukon and up to Alaska. We will be flying out of Boston, Ma. on May 12th, along with the Cunningham's, one of the couples from our last adventure and long time travel companions. Three couples who winter at our community in Florida, Cedar Hammock, have also decided to embark on this adventure taking pretty much the same ... read more

North America » United States » Florida April 15th 2017

Nach den Keys verbrachten wir noch zwei Tage in Napels, einer schönen Stadt, am Golf von Mexiko. Die Lage, sowie das Klima, ist bei reichen Amerikanern sehr beliebt. Entsprechend hoch ist die Dichte von schönen Villen, Luxuswohnungen und teuren Luxuskarossen. Napels bietet sich auch als Ausgangspunkt für einen Besuch der Everglades an, welche hier beginnen. Von unserem Motel aus konnten wir einige Streifzüge durch die Stadt unternehmen. Es gab sogar meist Trottoirs und Fussgänger Übergänge. Eine Sehenswürdigkeit, nur einen Steinwurf von unserer Unterkunft entfernt ist „Tin City“. Tin City, ist eine an einem Hafen gelegene, aus ehemaligen Bootschuppen entstandene Touristen Attraktion mit verschiedenen Läden und Restaurants. Wir genossen dort ein feines Abendessen. In etwa einer dreiviertel Stunde Fussmarsch vom Motel entfernt, war der Strand von Naples erreichbar.... read more
Auch die stolzieren mitten in der Wohngegend herum.
Auch nicht gerade eine Sozialwohnung.
Waterfront Condos.

North America » United States » Florida » Saint Augustine April 15th 2017

Faver Dykes State Park, St. Augustine, Florida After five or six nights at 'glamping' campgrounds, like Boyd's or KOA, we have returned to our favorite kind of campsites, State Parks. The Florida State Park system has received multiple awards for their parks, and, after staying in Collier-Seminole, and now this one, I have to say the awards are deserved. They are well maintained, and with clean restrooms. The sites are large and have both power and water. From what I've read, Faver Dykes, where we will be for a few days, is one of their Crown Jewels, so we are lucky to have reserved a site several months ago - they are full up this morning. They only have 30 sites, which is one attraction, and they are all very good size. But, importantly, they are ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Naples April 15th 2017

It's all Ray's fault that we're about to embark on this 4400 mile trip on May 11, 2017. It all started just about 1 year ago at exercise class..."Quentin, we had the greatest RV trip to Alaska last year with 2 other'll love it!" Then, Quentin, Dorrie, Al, Sue, Tom, & Peggy took full responsibility from that point on. We contacted Great Alaskan Holidays and signed up to rent RVs and drive them to Anchorage, Alaska. We've now completed our tentative itinerary for 22 day trip from Forest City, Iowa to Anchorage, Alaska and we have "buy-in" from fellow travelers. Now we just have to figure out what to take with us!!! We fly to Minneapolis May 11, 2017 with planned pick-up by Great Alaskan Holidays on Friday, May 12, 2017 for bus trip to ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Okeechobee April 14th 2017

Lake Okeechobee KOA, Okeechobee, Florida The torrential rains in Key West finally let up and we were able to get the trailer hitched and checked out of Boyd's. It was tough to say goodbye to both Key West and Boyd's. We had a beautiful spot amid the palm trees and Key West is a terrific place to spend a few days. But it was time to continue our journey and we logged another 260 miles yesterday, traveling a bit east, but mostly north. Driving back up US 1 was just as much fun as driving down - bridges of various lengths (one is 7 miles long). And the islands are of various lengths as well - some just a hundred yards, others many miles long. All connected by a single, two lane highway. Our late start ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Keys » Key West April 13th 2017

Old Town, Key West, Florida I'm normally very good about directions and can retrace my steps easily and quickly. I also don't tend to forget things. But yesterday morning was a bit challenging and, although we joked about it all day, I must admit I am wondering if all this traveling is mixing my mind up. Or maybe I'm just getting old and can't rely on old habits as much. You see, yesterday I forgot both my phone and my car. My head? Well, its still attached, but... Here's the story: We had taken the bus into Key West Tuesday, mostly because we didn't want to have to park the car (it isn't cheap), and because we were pretty much headed to just one spot - Duval Street and Mallory Square. But yesterday, our destinations were ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Kissimmee April 13th 2017

They don't come any better than this fine, generous gentleman. Can you guess whom I am referring to? Good guess! Yes, this kind man is Sam....Sam Foreman. "Bud" to some - especially his lovely wife, Sandy. Our stay here at Tropical Palms is made so happy and festive because of our dear friends, Sam & Sandy. Our entire time at home, we talk fondly about them and all the good times we have shared. We wait anxiously to return to TP so we can be with them again. Our bucket list gets longer and longer as we find more exciting places to visit together. We can shoot a whole day and really not do anything but be together. Oh, the laughs we have had. Soon, our ways will part again. Mist will be in our eyes. ... read more
Made from my Shelby bicycle name badge
Sam's horn - and headlight
What is left to my Shelby bicycle

North America » United States » Florida » Keys » Key West April 12th 2017

Duval Street and Mallory Square, Key West, Florida There's a guy on one end with a sort-of show involving sort-of acrobatic cats. He laughs at his own jokes with an exaggerated cackle that is more ridiculous than funny. We move on to the black dude with dreadlocks and sunglasses playing a pretty good steel drum. And all around you are several thousand people, all packed shoulder to shoulder, jostling for space, laughing, taking selfies, many drinking alcoholic beverages out of plastic cups. New Year's Eve at Times Square? Nope. This is every single night at Mallory Square in Key West. The party starts building an hour or so before sunset as there is a notable swell of folks heading North on Duval Street until they get to the Northern End or maybe Greene Street where they ... read more

North America » United States » Florida » Kissimmee April 12th 2017

On the move again. Monday was relocation day for the Knapps. They moved from Royal Oaks over to our Marriott timeshare called Cypress Harbour. We bought it pre-construction years and years ago. It still remains in perfect condition. Of course, with the costly maintenance fee, it should. Before they could check in, we had lunch at Bar Harbor. As usual, it was delicious. The girls aren't fond of seafood so Cory made a stop at Burger King to get them their lunch. Different tastes for different people. Prior to lunch, we made a quick stop at Costco's. We are going to miss this convenience of "running across town" to go there once we get home. Our only Costco's is located in Rochester, NY (a good 1 1/2 hour away). Rats! Only other Costco in NY is ... read more
Coffee at Ikea
Bored girls at Ikea
Cypress Harbour Living Room

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