Blogs from San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, North America - page 19


Hola de nuevo a todo el mundo. Atras dejamos Centro America y entramos a Mexico lindo, concretamente al estado de Chiapas y a la preciosas ciudad colonial testigo del levantamiento zapatista de 1994, San Cristobal de Las Casas. Llegamos a un hostal muy majete donde conocimos a un yanki rojo llamado Marcus, si, si, llevaba viajando muchos años a base de prestamos para estudiante que no pensaba pagar y su opcion a) era hacer la revolucion en USA, y como en el fondo era un realista, su opcion b) era hacerla en cualquier otra parte del mundo. Gracias a el conocimos la cara no turista de San Cristobal, su tremenda oferta cultural y politica y cantidad de cosas para hacer. Hablando con el sobre el EZLN (ejercito zapatista de liberacion nacional) nos dijo que si queriamos, ... read more
Guardas de seguridad a la entrada al campamento
Entrada al campamento zapatista
Parte lateral delantera de la camioneta que nos llevo al caracol zapatista de Roberto Barrios

San Cristobal de Las Casas is a colonial town that is quite small and so perfect for walking. It also has a very pleasant micro-climat which means you don´t have to sweat anymore! Woohoo! Needless to say, we loved it straight away because we could finally breath some fresh air and walk around the town without constantly trying to find the shade. Other than the perfect temperature, San Cristobal is simply a beautiful place that has a very bohemian vibe to it. You can feel the European influence not only in the architecture but also in the abundance of foreign restaurants or lounge bars. They even have a jazz club! Not quite Mexico like shall we say. Most of San Cristobal´s shops are travel agents, restaurants, Internet cafes or amber stores. And that´s when we are ... read more
colourful houses

Firstly an apology for not filling you in on all the travel gossip for the past 2 weeks (ish). The last hostel didnt have free internet so...not a great excuse - but we like it! We´ve been a pair of busy bees.... Mexico City We visited the pyramids at Teotihuacan (after a trip to an obsidian workshop where they plied us with shots of tequila and mezcal at 11am in the morning!!!!). We walked up the pyramids which was amazing, but very hot and speaking from a hobbits perspective (Kay that is!) it was a mission - each step came half way up my thigh! Or atleast felt like it. We went out in the evening with the rest of our little tour group - 2 really lovely finnish girls and a Candaian lad. On our ... read more

San Cristobal was a lot colder than we were expecting. Apparently the altitude is about 2100 metres. We spent 2 nights here. San Cristobal is the Amber capital of Mexico, with every 3rd shop selling amber. The next leg of our journey was the most hectic so far. In brief our transportation was as follows - quality Mexican bus to the last town in Mexico, taxi to the Mexican-Guatemalan border, get immmigration cards and passports stamped at border, Tuk-tuk from the border to the chicken bus stop, chicken bus to our hired van...then on to our accomodation for the night! Suffice to say were were exhausted after all that! The chicken buses were an experience. The buses are actually old US School buses that have been painted bright colours, have drivers that ensure the buses are ... read more
San Crystobal at night
Chicken Bus

So, I just got back to Merida from my AWESOME trip to Chiapas. Chiapas, by the way, is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL place. There are mountains and it´s hilly and there are lots of trees and nature, probably due to the trees. So, let´s take it day by day. Day 1: Monday: Leaving Merida. We left on a 7:15 pm bus (it´s a 14 hour bus ride, and there´s a particular forest (where the zapatistas are) that you have to drive through during daylight, so they always leave Merida at night). So the bus was fine, except it was FREEZING. I swear, I don´t think I´ve been that cold since I got to Merida (not hard, since it doesn´t ever get below 65). But I had on a sweater and couldn´t sleep because I was so cold. ... read more

meine lieben.... also nachdem ich nun 3 wochen am strand geschlafen hab, konnte ich doch mal den entscheid faellen weiterzugehen.. aber he das war nur mit schwerem herzen moeglich... denn eigentlich koennte es doch ewig so weitergehen.. aufwachen mit der sonne.. baden.. essen.. tanzen.. feuer machen.. etc. etc. etc. aber ja.. bin vorgestern mal los.. und hab es sogar geschafft diesen weg (immerhin 600km) zu trampen.. somit bin ich jetzt erstmal hier.. aber he ihr denkt wohl ich habe meine hippiefamilie hinter mir gelassen.. weit gefehlt.. in palenque ist naemlich ein mega happening.. ne 3 taegige tranceparty... auf den mayaruinen.. da geh ich hin und verkauf cookies mit meinen neuen freunden was fuer ne aufgabe... somit bin ich jetzt erstmal hier.. geniess es mal wieder warm zu duschen und hoere mir guten jazz in einem leider ... read more

13th February- 14th February We arrived in San Cristobal at 6pm. Being 2000 metres above sea level the difference in climate was huge. Coming form the hot & humid Jungle to the English late summer like climate was instantly noticeable everyones Jumpers came straight out of the bags. The City was beautiful. Cobbled streets dotted with colonial buildings and churches it was very similar to Merida exept it was Bigger & far less touristy. The Hotel was really nice to, great location and we had the biggest bed we have ever seen. So far all the Hotels have been excellent which has suprised both of us we were led to expect simple guest houses according to the trip dossier. We woke early again (starting to get used to it now I guess) to go to the ... read more
San Cristobel street
Mexican guy in mask

North America » Mexico » Chiapas » San Cristobal de las Casas February 16th 2008

It seems like common sense in hindsight not to wear a red t-shirt to a small village of indigenous Tzotzil people when the locals are going to be antagonising bulls in middle of the village plaze. I'd been warned in advance that there would be drunk locals riding bulls in the village of San Juan Chamula as part of the final day of the 5 day carnival in the Catholic calendar that immediately precedes Ash Wednesday (the same Carnival in Brazil that is famous throughout the world), but for some reason I didn't assume it would be just in the middle of the main plaza, with nothing really protecting the watching people in case a bull should take a sudden detour towards the crowd. That said, there were two long ropes attached to the bull, and ... read more
Making noise when you're young is fun in any country
It's that man
Lost in Translation

Before I close the book on Palenque I must tell you that my last morning in Panjan I woke up early enough that I decided to head back up the mountain one last time.The mist was still in the air and it was flattering to the surroundings . The mountains (big hills) of the region are beautiful . They are beautifully rounded and green with trees and plants of every shade imaginable . The journey in the collectivo takes about 5 minutes and you are climbing the whole time .Palenque looked great ... but it was still souless...I am glad though that I saw it .It will make the photo that hangs in my kitchen a REAL place.! Palenque to San Cristobal de las Casas is @ 250 kms ...uphill ...around curves ...uphill...more curves for a ... read more
Fire Dancer

Na Oaxaca ben ik naar San Cristóbal de las Casas gegaan. Dit stadje, dat op ruim 2100 meter hoogte ligt, wordt alom geroemd om de leuke sfeer enzo, maar ik had misschien al wat teveel Mexicaanse plaatsjes met een leuke sfeer gezien. Ik vond het namelijk niet heel speciaal en ben er daarom niet al te lang gebleven (twee nachtjes). Begin al echt de verwende reiziger te worden blijkbaar. Het wat sombere weer hielp ook niet mee, want er waren veel wolken, mist en regen, waarschijnlijk vanwege de grote hoogte. De attractie van het stadje is volgens de reisgids om er gewoon wat rond te kuieren en de sfeer te proeven, dus dat heb ik dan ook maar gedaan. Op zondag heb ik de markt bezocht; zoals te verwachten een enorm labyrint waar je álles kan ... read more
Mooi kerkje
Niet iedereen is even katholiek!
De vleeshoek op de markt

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