Blogs from San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, North America - page 18


Well I have spent the last few days enjoying the colonia style town here, especially all the yummy continental food. It has been such a pleasure to have real bread and cheese. Nicola joined me two nights ago and now I leave her again to catch up ith Lizzie in Chetumal, and to enter Belize tomorrow. Hopefully ill be in Caye Caulker by evening, so beach bumming for the next few days. Can't think what I've occupied myslef with besides aimlessly wondering around taking int eh town. Had 9 hours of Spanish lessons, so am slowly improving and enjoyign the great nightlife. My spanish teacher is also a salsa teacher, so I ahve been getting a few lessons in that as well, whihc has made dancing here much easier. I even got told that I am ... read more

Well I left Nicola in Palenque, so coming to San Cristobal a couple of days ago was my first solo travelling since being in Mexico. Upon arrival at the hostel I joined in on a slasa class, which is my third since being in mexico, so definitely improving. I hope to do a few more as I continue to get to some sort of a standard. San Cristobal is very colonial and reminded me of the north India town of Shimla. Although here it has Spanish influences. It is very beautiful, and very cosmopolitan with lots of international style cafes and restuarnats, and fantastic coffee. I could spend a while here. It is also filled wit toursists and so have met a lot of very itneresting people over the past few days. Yesterday I went with ... read more

Efter en haesblaesende bustur i bjergene naaede vi frem til det beroemte San Cristobal de las Casas, en rigtig gammel mexicansk hyggeby oppe i bjergene. Byen har vaeret omdrejningspunkt for zapatistbevaegelsen, og der har foer vaeret en del ballade. Vi oplevede dog intet farligt i den retning. Da vi ankom, travede vi rundt i gaderne for at finde et vaerelse...til sidst fandt vi dog et... ikke saerligt velduftende og uden toiletbraet. Desuden havde sengene huller i bunden, saa vi sov ikke vildt godt. Naeste dag besluttede vi os derfor for at flytte over til et skoennere vaerelse, eller det troede vi i hvert fald. Det nye vaerelse havde toiletbraet, men tilgengaeld var det yderst svampebefaengt, og meget lidt velduftende. Men vi overlevede, trods maerkelige insektbid og kaallugt. Byen var rigtig flot og charmerende og skulle efter ... read more
Streets of San Cristobal
Canyon Sumidero
Canyon Sumidero

After being here for a little less than two weeks things are finally starting to fall into place. What is taken for granted in the U.S. cannot be in Mexico. Sometimes this is downright charming and in other cases one is left wondering what to think. Perros de la calle or Dogs of the street Mario had told Tessa and I stories about (or more correctly stated, cautioned us about) the dogs in small towns. In Mexico Cuidad other than pigeons, the only animals I noticed were the bees swarming around fruit vendors and a lone cat lurking under a VW on a rainy evening. On the way to Oaxaca we saw a few mangy looking perros running about, but none were seen in the town. Day trip to Mixtla ruins. Upon entering the countryside there ... read more

Sitting fairly high up in the Chiapas rainforest, San Cristobal is a really intriguing little colonial town. With everything in walking distance, it provides the perfect retreat for backpackers, whilst not compromising the city's cultural heritage. San Cristobal has a high indigenous population both in the city and in the surrounding mountain villages. Its colorful and vibrant cobbled streets greatly differ to those seen in Oaxaca. The most bizarre pallet of colours you'll ever see, the yellow cathedral set inside the bright white Zocalo sticks out like a sore thumb and is an amazing architectural juxtaposition of both style and colour. Chiapas and San Cristobal in particular, are highly acclaimed for their coffee. One major find in the city is the coffee house 'La Selva'. Try the 'Americano La Selva'. An Arabica blend, it is the ... read more

Day 9: Tuesday 8th July - Shattered at the end of a long bus journey Arrive in San Cristobal at 8am at the end of a gruelling 11 hour bus journey. A young mexican boy of no more than 6 decided that my leg would be a good pillow for the journey, consequently when I get off the bus I have a dead leg!! I didn't have the heart to move him....he was too cute. After checking in to my hostel and freshening up I wander around the city for a few hours. San Cristobal is up in the mountains and was designed as a Spanish stronghold against a local hostile indigenous population. It is a lot cooler than Oaxaca, not surprising given it is 7000 feet up, but also a factor of a rather overcast ... read more
Iglesia de San Juan Bautista
Market at San Juan Chamula
San Cristobal Church

So here I am, back in Mexico, with my backpack on my back (all 15kgs of it) and the wind blowing the wrong way for the sun to shine at me! I hate the cold! Brr its like September in England when I have to control myself against putting on my scarf and gloves 2 months too early! Athough saying that the sun is actually shining as I type! Woohoo! I managed to do absolutely nothing at all interesting or cultural in Mexico city on Monday except use the internet for 2 hours in 2 seperate internet cafes, for fear of being ridiculed as a computer geek, both of which charged 3x the amount I´m used to paying! How rude! Although...whilst I was on a wild goose chase for the first internet cafe I´d been told ... read more
Me and the Boy
The Church
Nice Beer

We have had many a traffic story but we would like to note our ride to Lima Airport with a wannabe rally driver, was possibly the worst and even Leanne yelling at him didn´t seem to slow him down. It was exciting to arrive in Mexico to start our new adventure. the is something about an international plane journey and a new location that rejuvenates that "going on holiday" feeling. Too many times do we turn up somewhere and start the accommodation hunt but arriving in Mexico City at night we had already prebooked a hostel that had offered to pick us up from the airport. as agreed we arrived and not as smoothly as preferred, we transferred to the other terminal where our hostel had arranged to meet us at a booking office. we wondered ... read more
Famous Angle Thing in Mexico City
Man on the Move!

Id heard that San Cristobal de las Cases was and amazing place but little did i realise just how amazing. This town has such a blend of culture, art, history and an incredible energy. At the weekend the streets teem with theatre and music from rap stand offs to pan pipe bands. The bars clear the tables for acrobatic shows, salsa lessons and bands play rock to reggae into the night. Mayan villagers come from all around to sell their belts, shawls and hats. And you really need those! Arriving from Peurto Escondido and 40 degree heat, San Cristobal was freezing...beware of this when you book that great hostel that surrounds an open courtyard! It is easy to spend several days here for the amazing trips you can do and just to explore and hang around ... read more
San Cristobal de Las Cases
San Lorenzo Zinacantan

18th May - 6 months exactly since we started the adventure and what a weird day! We leave Hong Kong at 11-35am and get to San Francisco at 08-30am the same day after an 11.5 hour flight!! Have crossed the international date line. By the time we get to Mexico City (MC) at 6-00pm we have been up for 24 hours! We’re staying at Mexico City Hostel in the heart of the city near the Zocalo (a Mexican euphemism for central plaza) in the centro historico. It’s a lovely building with tiled floors and murals on the walls; very traditional Mexican decor. We have a great room, which could sleep four, with a balcony on to the street. We go for a wander around the main plaza - dominated by a huge flag (Mexico seems to ... read more
At last a glass of decent wine - The Biznaga, Oaxaca City
The Zocalo in Puebla
C enfrente la cathedral, Oaxaca City

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