Blogs from Canada, North America - page 1279


North America » Canada » Ontario » Guelph April 17th 2007

In 2 weeks... at this exact moment... we will be on a plane to England where we will start our 4 month adventure! We are leaving May 1, 2007 at 9:10pm... arriving in London at the Gatwick Airport at 9:00 the next morning. We are very excited and nervous... but can't wait to get started on our journey! J&J... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler April 16th 2007

Telus Music Festival North America » Canada » British Columbia » Whistler Village By Sazzle DazzleApril 16th 2007 A week in Whistler and the free festival has certainly been my savour! The music has been awesome and I've discovered a new understanding and appreciation for regee and drum and bass again! This scene is massive over here so I've been loving the vibes! So we saw Bassnectar on Saturday night and then Steve Marley, K9 and Jr Gong on Sunday. It was immense and Byron and I bounced around in the crowd the entire afternoon. We hit Tommy's after where some wicked chick from Toro... read more
Hula Girls

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls April 15th 2007

Von diesem Turm haben wir die Photos über Toronto geschossen. Er ist das schmalste frei stehende Gebäude der Welt, 553m (Spitze). Am Dienstag Abend schauten wir uns ein Baseballspiel im Stadion direkt neben dem CN-Tower an. Hier ist während dem Spiel ein kommen und gehen, und das Bier kostet etwa 3mal so viel wie sonst. Ich musste sogar meine ID zeigen um eines zu bekommen, und als ich noch ein zweites für Manuel wollte erklärte er mir dass dies nicht möglich sei... Als ich aber 1Min später wieder kam war es kein Problem. Anderes Land, andere Regeln... Zum Glück war am nächsten Tag schöneres Wetter, denn wir besuchten die Niagarafälle. Recht eindrücklich, wenn ich sie mir auch einiges grösser vorgestellt hatte. Die Fälle sind recht niedrig, Ich verliess dann die Tour, da ich in Niagara blieb ... read more
Toronto by day
Sonnenuntergang über Toronto
Toronto by night

North America » Canada » Nunavut » Resolute Bay April 15th 2007

but the sunsets were amazing when i 1st wrote about the sun and how it stays light but whent dimmer i thought that was wat its like but as the days haave been going by its been going brighter and brighter throughout the night as im writing this it is broad daylight outside and it is around 3 in the morning when we had are few days rest inbetween them leaving and us leaving to checkpoint 1 one of our teams had a polar bear encounter were 2 curious young bears came and ivestigated their pulks here are some pics that were taken luckily no one was hamed and neither were the bears just a few shredded socks and pulks by the young bears playing with the pulk and looking inside whilst i was at checkpoint ... read more

North America » Canada » Nunavut » Resolute Bay April 15th 2007

being flown out to chekpoint one by an even SMALLER plane than before that was fun it has skis on it for landing on the sea ice unfortunatly we landed on the top of the old olaris mine site wich is on the top of a GREAT BIG HILL were we all had to lug all of our heavy equipment down the hill the go up to get the rest i did it 7 times completely nakerd me out but had some great views if u whant to go to the moon or mars dont bother its cheeper to come here its the same landacape and probably warmer just different coulor this was my home for the next 5 days this was like my living room (the comunial tent) this was our effectionatly named igloooo u ... read more

North America » Canada » Alberta » Lethbridge April 15th 2007

It was a bad week for me because of injury and illness! While climbing a small mountain on the Gulf of Mexico coast, a loose boulder fell onto my hand. Two days later we arrived in Durango where Graciela came with me to get it checked out at the hospital. I got an x-ray and it turned out my thumb was fractured and now I have to wear a splint. The same night, I was really sick with Montezuma’s Revenge. It was bad for two days so we got the neighbourhood doctor to take a look. She prescribed a drug to keep me from throwing up, and Carmen gave it to me by needle in the rear end. It seemed to work and I got better. We went with Paco, Graciela, Gerardo, Carolina, Chiznel, Sandra ... read more
Family time
Dancers at the Villa del Oeste show
Our gang at the Villa del Oeste

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver April 14th 2007

Auf dem Weg von Regina nach Calgary machten wir noch einen Abstecher nach Moose Jaw. Hierhin hat sich Al Capone verzogen als es ihm in New York zu heiss wurde. Darauf wurde das Kaff zu einem Gangsterparadies mit einem unterirdischen Gangsystem. Dieses kann man besichtigen. Die Führung ist aber nicht wie von Museen gewohnt ein alter Herr der einem alles erklärt bis man mehr als genug gehört hat und dann geht es weiter zum nächsten Teil. Es ist mehr ein Rollenspiel und man wird regelrecht in die Zeit zurückversetzt. Nur schon ihre Kleidung, aber auch die Action und die Besuchereinbindung machten den Abstecher zu einem echten Erlebnis. Inzwischen ist es hier sommerlich warm und die Sonnenuntergänge dementsprechend schön! Dies galt für uns jedoch nicht in Banff National Park. Insbesondere der Lake Louise war noch vollständig zugefroren. ... read more
See im Banff National Park
Horizont in Golden

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 14th 2007

Getting back to Toronto was pretty interesting. It took a bit of getting used to after being away for so long. I arrived at 6 in the morning, post 6 hours on the bus, still reasonably hung over from the night before. My last night in Quebec had been beer with two Quebecois in a very French bar with very French music and lots of drinking. I had been to this bar over the summer and it was wicked to be there again, in this quaint little place that is located down an alley off an alley from a street in a very European looking alley way, and sitting there in the warm with a beer and the snow whipping around outside. I have been here for two months and in the two months I slept ... read more

North America » Canada » Quebec » Montréal April 14th 2007

Our TripWith two weeks to go here is out planned schedule: We fly to New Delhi on the 1st of May and arrive on the second. We are going to spend a few days in Delhi to get used to the time zone etc. and then hop a flight to Kathmandu. We are going to spend a week in Kathmandu hopefully helping out Peter Dalglish and then head towards the Annapurna region. We head south from there, (stopping at Buddha's birthplace!) and then over towards Chitwan National Park for an elephant ride. After about a month in Nepal its back to India. We are heading to Agra to see the Taj Mahal first, then its east towards the darjeeling region and Calcutta. We are going to try and get to Mumbai next, but it might be ... read more

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