Blogs from Canada, North America - page 1277


North America » Canada » Alberta » Calgary April 21st 2007

Geo: 50.8446, -113.878Ahhh ... traveling again ... it feels nice but it's funny because I really haven't been very excited about this trip. I think I've been spoiled the past few years - anything less than a month feels like a short weekend getaway! Though I hadn't even left yet I was already imagining returning home - I saw the ending before it even began, if that makes sense! And for that reason I saw no reason to get excited ... until today! I couldn't sit still at work and had a lot of nervous energy. So I stuffed myself on Spolumbo's sandwiches and potato salad that were served at a lunch and learn. My nervous energy was converted into a bubbling cauldron of stomach acid, slowly decomposing Genoa salami, marinara sauce, and provolone cheese! I ... read more

North America » Canada April 20th 2007

I didn't take me this long to write it, but travel blog has been down. So here's it... Chapter 3: The Maddening Process ' I have mentioned earlier that my sanity maybe in question. I don’t really think I’m going crazy, but putting up with the propaganda and the associate rebuilding process tries one’s sanity. Remaining employed with this company tries it further. My group training was a grueling sixteen-hour introduction into the cult of Homer’s. Perhaps cult is a strong word, so I will attempt to use it whenever possible, as it is the perfect description of this place. In my desperate situation (unemployment and the search for employment) I had taken to the drink as a method of calming myself and to assist with coping with the fact that I would be shortly out ... read more

I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your loyalty and love and kindness over the years. We are on our way back to Victoria, but only for a week. Rod has been offered his position back in Smithers again and it is a really good opportunity for him. There is alot of room for growth and advancement in his job in Smithers that he can't get anywhere else. It is the best place for us to be at the moment. I need a home, and I need to live with my husband. It's been too hard these last couple of years not having a permenant place to live. I did grow to love Smithers last summer and am also excited for a little change. It will be exciting. All of our ... read more
yet another sunset

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff » Norquay April 20th 2007

Banff North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff » Norquay By Lizzie11April 20th 2007Elisabeth Murrellok so i am in banff and it is so beautiful here. Yesterday i got taken all over the mountain on all the snow board and ski runs on a skidoo by my mate and it was increidble. it's not too cold and so much fun - and it beats a jet ski hands down, the snow is so much more fun. I am about to get taught how to snow board. I will let you know how it goes. These are not my photo's but i wanted to show you where i am! I... read more
gooooaats on baaaaanf
banff banff

North America » Canada » Nunavut » Resolute Bay April 20th 2007

imagine my suprise walking in from getting back and wearing clean clothes for the 1st time in a week i go into the dining room and their is richard hammond the topgear presenter IN THE ARCTIC OF ALL PLACES hees a nice guy ive had lots of chats with him and the other presenters who are all shitting themselves about their latest race were jeremy and james are going to race richard hammond jeremy and james in an icelandic 4x4 against richard hammond on an inuit dog sled all the inuit ive talked to are laughing about it as they dont think they have a chance of beating the dogs let alone getting their at all here are the cars the support crews the presenters this dog is the cutest her name is khan their is ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 20th 2007

Hi all, Well after 3 weeks of cold, snow and rain we finally have some semi decent weather in Toronto. A balmy 22 degress today. Still a little chilly in the cold but in the sun it is mighty hot. Can actually wear less than 6 layers for a change AND short sleeves! It is great.. but is apparently short lived because the cold is forecast again for next week but I will enjoy it while we have it. So, its been a little while since I last wrote. Not a whole lot has been going on. Just kicking into life in the grand city Toronto. I finally have some photos from yesterday as went up to the CN Tower however the wireless isnt working in the hostel at the moment & the photos are all ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto April 20th 2007

Greetings from ca. Slowly getting used to the madness that is Canada. Started work yesterday and was greeted with a shiney new white ibook with my name on it! Days are mostly spent getting up early enough to get down stairs for free pancakes and coffee before 'riding the street car' (catching the tram) to work. 15 min journey. The first few days here were drowned in typical Scottish weather and grey sky mysery but today the sun is shining so brightly that I am forced to wear sunglasses with my coat on. Another novelty! Temps are predicted to rise for the weekend and we should all be walking round in 77 degree temps. Will believe it when I see it though. Everything looks shiney and huge in the sunshine. I have a view of the ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia April 20th 2007

The horses North America » Canada » British Columbia By Sazzle DazzleApril 20th 2007This whole blog is dedicated to the horses, the beautiful beasts who trek mountains for many years of their life, who live off nothing, who ask nothing, who look out for each other and look after their riders through moose attacks to bee attacks to 12 inch mountainous trails, to pulling logs down mountains! Each one has a story to tell and each one with an amazing temperment! Here are some of our rides! May I just say that there was a proceedure to ride here too and we were only allowed to walk and only allowed out for an hour at a time! It sucked! I wanted to gallop!!!! ... read more
My chums!

North America » Canada » Alberta » Banff April 20th 2007

wills trip '07will ottewellthought that while i was on here, and not out boarding, id post a few pics of banff which seems like a pretty cool little town. took the gondola up to the top of sulphur mountain yesterday which had some awesome views then managed to get lost in the woods hiking on my way back to the hostel.... read more
damn fine $5 carrot cake
sulphur mountain cosmic ray station
somewhere in the wilderness

North America » Canada » Alberta » Medicine Hat April 19th 2007

The Silk Road Ars Council has put out an RFP to study the music of the basket cultures in the Pacific Northwest. Once again, Aloha Joe & Aloha Jane, the Pineapple Princess, have responded! Together, we are hoping to receive another generous study grant from the Silk Road Arts Council to study in the USA! We hope to confirm our study travel adventure by May 1, 2007. You can also visit Aloha Jane.... read more
Aloha Joe & Aloha Jane

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