Blogs from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, North America - page 15


North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax November 12th 2008

halloele!!! so, nun ist es so weit: wir verfassen unseren letzten bericht fuer euch! wir sind schon seit ein paar tagen wieder in halifax und haben heute morgen unseren wagen zum hafen gebracht! oh, mal ganz nebenbei an alle, die es noch nicht wissen: wir kommen schon am 15. november nach hause! eigentlich wollten wir ja insgesamt noch 11 tage in halifax bleiben, aber das waere zum einen viel zu langweilig gewesen (gerade ohne auto), und zum anderen haetten wir viel zu viel geld fuer unterkunft und verpflegung ausgegeben. also, wir haengen euch bald wieder auf der pelle!! aber selbsteverstaendlich haben wir in den letzten vier wochen wieder das ein oder andere erlebt, was wir euch nicht vorenthalten wollen. also, von onatrio aus haben wir uns dann relativ zuegig nach quebec begeben, wo wir uns die ... read more
auf dem Mont Tremblant...
little people - big world!

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax October 16th 2008

Halifax is the home of Canada’s best beer, Alexander Keith’s and also home of man’s largest explosion prior to the atomic bomb. This occurred when two boats collided, one of the boats had a full cargo of ammunition. We had originally planned on staying with a friend from Jasper but when she was no longer available we put out an emergency host request on couchsurfing hoping that someone was feeling charitable. Luckily for us Wayne took us in. Undoubtedly Wayne was one of our most memorable hosts, very unique (but in a good way), very frank and highly comicable! One evening we paid a visit to the Maritime Musuem of the Atlantic which housed an excellent collection of real sailing boats and a good Titanic exhibit. We followed that by a tour of the Alexander Kieth’s ... read more
Halifax Citadel
Alexander Keiths Brewery
Peggy's Cove

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax October 13th 2008

In order to work for NCL, it is a requirement to complete a basic safety course. Included in the course is first aid, firefighting, lifeboat/liferaft training, emergency procedures, etc. We started our training last week, have more this week, and then we finish with us having to flip a liferaft over in the water once we get to warmer waters (Bermuda). Lucky for us, having Halifax as a port meant that we got the opportunity to go to some special training facility to FIGHT FIRES! When Lisa and Katelyn did their safety training, they simply got to crawl through the crew bar that was filled with dry ice as smoke. Lucky us got to fight a real fire. Well… a controlled propane fire. Nonetheless, it was fantastic. We broke into two groups and our group got ... read more
Nicole and Steph
No Neck
Victor and I

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax September 15th 2008

We are heading for Halifax this morning. Ordinarially we've avoided big cities but there were a couple of things that I found in the guide books that sounded interesting and since it is on our way to Peggy's Cove (supposedly another must see place) it seemed like a good idea. First we did our laundry. There was a laundromat in downtown Truro. It took us about an hour to get it all washed and dried. It was nice to have clean clothes again. We got in to Halifax at about 10:30 or so. Both of the places we wanted to visit were right on the waterfront about 3 blocks away from each other which made it convenient. The first place was a glass blowing factory that was highly recommended. They blow glass right on the premises ... read more
Our B & B
River Reflections
Our room at River Reflections B & B

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax September 1st 2008

We arrived in Halifax late Tuesday night. This time the weather has not cooperated and it has rained every day so we have not been able to do a lot of outside things. Thursday we took the boys to an indoor glow in the dark mini golf. On Saturday we went to a friend of Jeremy's farm and picked blueberries. On the way home we stopped at Murphy's in Truro for some fish. YUM! Rich preach on Sunday AM and we visited with friends at night. Today it is still raining and it doesn't look like it will let up until the end of the week. Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy.... read more
Taking a Nap with Papa
Ready for Church
Riding to the field

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 29th 2008

Less than a week to go and my mind turns to what I leave behind. I spent the summer in this quiet part of the world. I am lucky to live here, I know. Now the birds are gathering on the telephone wires, getting ready to fly south. People are energetic with the cooler air. Neighbours are chopping wood for winter. Schools will soon open. Everything around me begins the autumn dance yet I pack and clean house and empty my life as much as I can so I am free to travel. A turtle, that is what I am mimicking, as I stuff clothing into a backpack. How will I get by with only this pile of clothes and shoes on my back? How do I make room for the alarm clock, sleeping bag, toiletries ... read more
August bounty

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 24th 2008

Today is the day that I should have a reaction to the Yellow Fever needle I got ten days ago. Hmmmmm, do I feel different? or am I thinking myself into some body aches? Not sure... I wonder if some infected mosquito will bite me in Peru and die because I have this serum in my body? I hope so. ha ha ha I like this site; good tip about travel insurance. I get lost reading other blogs and looking at the photos. Pressure is off, to get that perfect shot at all the places that I want to see, because hundreds of people have already been there and taken good pictures. Why, I could hide out in my house and never leave, and make up a travel journal by cutting and pasting these fine ... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 23rd 2008

O.K. This looks like a great place for a travel journal. I fly out on the 4th of September, with a one way ticket to London. In less than two weeks, the adventure begins.... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 11th 2008

It certainly has been a wet one for this part of the country. Driving north through New Brunswick and into Quebec after our stay in Halifax, it was hard to miss the lush green pastures and lawns. Woods and fields were bursting at the seams with new growth and freshly baled hay was rotting everywhere we looked. Everything was waterlogged, including the spirits of the people we ran into who have spent the last couple of weeks vacationing anywhere in Ontario or east. Some areas have had the wettest summer in over one hundred years. Yesterday, as we traveled through western New Brunswick under partly sunny skies, one store clerk mentioned,"This is the first sunny day we have had in over a month." Another family we chatted with just returned from a few rain-soaked days around ... read more
Crazy guy with a toque tries to go for a swim
Cavendish Beach 1
Cavendish Beach 2

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 1st 2008

Dramas on bus - Got off at Montreal to find the BIGGEST, most unorganised line ever. People everywhere. I lined up, but it looked like the bus was going to overfill, and me and a couple of guys I was talking to in the line were hoping it would, so that we could all get seats to ourselves and stretch out. I get to the front of the line, and am told that I have to go back to the information booth, because my pass isn’t good for this busline, I need an actual ticket. Frickety. So I go and line up for about 10 minutes there, all the while getting edgy about missing my bus and having to wait 5 hours for the next one. I get to the front and the lady tells me ... read more

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