Blogs from Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, North America - page 4


7th July 2008 I woke early at 4.30am just as the sun was rising and without moving my head had a magnificent view over the bay. Eddie was already in his tree waiting for Simon but I didn't know that when, a few hours later, I made my way down to the deck and spotted him. He watched me very suspiciously and then decided to go further away to his fishing perch to wait with his mate as I was too unfamiliar. He will tolerate Simon going down o the deck with a chicken leg for his breakfast and Sue moving about on the window but not strangers. When Simon threw out the chicken Eddie rose up on his legs then launched off and swooped down to the rocks and grabbed the chicken in his huge ... read more
Eddie and Liz
View up the gorge on the way to Tofino
Rich holding up a little log

Ese mismo día por la tarde nos fuimos en busca de ballenas grises, las pudimos ver aunque no muy de cerca, así que espero que se me crea cuando digo que esa mancha negra que expulsa agua es una ballena.... read more
S.O.S. Ballenas

El día empieza pronto ¿qué quereís quedar a las 7 de la mañana? Eso es demasiado incluso para mí, pero en realidad estaba despierta desde las 6... La causa de quedar a esa hora fue sobre todo el abrir la puerta a Kamo, porque el pobre Kamo no consiguió Kama en el hostel y fue a parar a dormir a un parque, nosotros queríamos introducirle en el hostel de estrangis, haciendo la famosa técnica hispanis...pero Kamo dijo que sería muy feliz durmiendo con su bicicleta en el parque... Nuestra primera misión fue ir al maravilloso café que yo había descubierto el día anterior y desayunar allí, sólo que como eran las 7 de la mañana y no abría hasta las 8 no nos quedó más remedio que vagabundear un poco hasta saciarnos de esponjoso muffins y ... read more
Típico koala austríaco
La babosa-plátano
S.O.S. Perdidos

Bienvenidos el mejor lugar conocido hasta ahora, se llama Tofino, con F, y está en Vancouver Island. Es un paraíso natural, un pueblo de unos 1.500 habitantes (que se debe triplicar durante el verano), rodeado de bosques y playas para surfistas valientes. Una vez pudimos registrarnos en el hostel (el mejor de todos los que he estado hasta ahora a lo largo de mi vida como trotamundos), comenzamos a explorar el nuevo territorio. Mis dos nuevos compañeros de aventuras son Jorge (probablemente en austriaco se escriba de otra manera) y Kamo (probablemente en japonés se escriba de otra manera), pero a ellos les gusta que les llame así. Nuestro primer destino después de vagar por las 3 calles que tiene Tofino fue Tonquin Park Beach, una playa donde estuvimos conversando con los auténticos outsiders, ¿la generación ... read more
Primera playa a la que fuimos
Los nuevos aventureros

Went out to Tofino last weekend on a surf trip. The waves were pretty flat the last few days of our trip so we decided to go whale watching with a new whale watching company in Tofino, West Coast Aquatic Safaris. Our guide Keith let us cruise up on the top viewing deck, so we could see over the 3 grey whales. it was a nice sunny day, we also saw 3 black bears, about 12 eagles fighting for a meal, and a few sea lions. The new boat would be nice on a rainy day because it is covered, heated and also has a bathroom on board. i would definately suggest going out on a trip with these guys next time anyone is in Tofino for a few days. West Coast Aquatic Safaris is located ... read more
Lennard Light
Sea Lions

May 26, 2008 Hello everyone! We are presently in Tofino, BC on the West side of Vancouver Island. We found a laundromat and it has a plug in! So we can charge the lap top and load the photos from our cameras and get clean clothes! The weather is, well, foggy, and slightly warm (around 12 C). We are for sure in rain forest territory. Everywhere you look on the highway is either a road to a rain forest trail or a beach. Beautiful and picturesque this land we call Canada. The photos will tell you more....worth a thousand or so words... We have seen many more slugs along our journey in the pacific islands, and just the banana slugs (no human ones). We’ve learned much about how fragile our rain forests are and all of ... read more
Botany Beach at low tide
skunk cabbage (smells like skunk)
nice sign

No hanging aroung though as we had a plane to catch up to Vancouver, Canada (after saying goodbye to Jen!) Vancouver was rainy and overcast to Andy's dissappointment (he'd wanted to show me this beautiful corner of the world having visited it on his gap year). Anyway, being Brits we braved the drizzle, got on the Seabus and headed up Grouse Mountain on the gondola. At the top we made friends with 2 grizzly bears in the reserve there, but swiftly ran away as Andy got a little close with his zoom lens and made Mr grizzly a little angry! Also the rain had turned more to hail so we rushed back to our hostel, changed clothes and went to a lovely Greek restaurant for dinner (judging by the queue we waited in it's one of ... read more

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Tofino August 26th 2007

Vendredi 24 août, Nous devons être pour 10 heures au kayak. Nous avons réservés pour 4 heures avec un guide qui nous emmènera dans les îles qui environnent Tofino et sur Clayacot pour voir les arbres géants. Nous n'avions jamais fait de kayak de mer avant et cela est légèrement différent du kayak "normal". Nous partons à 3 kayaks, le guide (beau comme un dieu... ;-) ) avec une allemande, un couple de canadiens de Toronto, et Youri et moi (qui passons toujours pour un couple.... pour draguer c'est pas facile !... enfin bon ! ;-) ). C'est partis... ça fait pas 30 minutes que j'ai déjà mal aux bras.... ça promet ! Le guide nous arrête près d'une minuscule île où on peut apercevoir un nid d'aigle à la cime des arbres. Et l'aigle est ... read more
Sur Clayacot
Sur Clayacot 2

North America » Canada » British Columbia » Vancouver Island » Tofino August 23rd 2007

Mercredi 22 août, Aujourd'hui, nous allons observer les baleines.... Mais nous avons encore le temps, c'est seulement cet après midi. Nous déjeunons tranquille et nous retournons à Grice Bay pour reprendre des photos, mais de jour cette fois. La mer est un peu plus agitée qu'hier soir, mais les paysages n'en sont pas moins beaux ! C'est vraiment un beau coin et nous restons là quelques instants pour admirer l'eau, les montagnes, les arbres, le soleil. Nous prenons la route pour Tofino, c'est à environ 25 minutes en voiture depuis le camping. Je m'arrête acheter des cartes postales.... ma dernière dizaine de cartes postales du voyage... J'ai trouvé une place où les cartes étaient vraiment belles et représentaient bien le coin. Nous nous posons dans un café pour que Youri puisse transférer ses photos sur son ... read more
Vue du Zodiac
Autre vue du Zodiac
Lion de mer

After the rain and wind in Johnstone Strait, we were hoping for better from Toba Inlet and Desolation Sound. We would have to wait. We woke to overcast skies and occasional rain. We packed up to catch the ferry to Cortes Island, via Quadra Island. We were not sure what time the ferries ran, but it worked out anyway, as the ferry was just getting ready to load cars. The Campbell River to Quadra ferry ran once an hour, a short ten-minute journey, while the Quadra to Cortes ferry ran every two hours, taking 45 minutes. Luck must have been shinning on us, as the second ferry was waiting for the convoy of cars transitioning from our ferry to the next. A few minutes later, and we were aboard for the longer ride to our ... read more

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