Blogs from Europe - page 14502


Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik March 6th 1972

Day 24 - Monday 6th March The weather would be an important factor in deciding whether to hitch-hike from Dubrovnik and unfortunately it was raining. We decided to head for the road and see what happens. Whilst walking through the centre, we met a couple of English lads heading south and a large group of English heading home after finishing a boat tour. Michael tried hitching but with absolutely no luck, which we attributed to the fairly constant and occasionally heavy rain. So it was quickly to Plan B. The bus to Kotor left at 12 noon and the Japanese lad from yesterday was there at the bus station - his name was Tamio. The road edged around the fiord and provided extremely beautiful views. We decided not to stay in Kotor but to head further ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik March 5th 1972

Day 23 - Sunday 5th March A good night's sleep. The room looked out over some palm trees and an orange tree but alas this scene was not reflected in today's weather - cloudy, overcast and threatening. First stop of the day was a pastry shop for a coffee and two delicious cakes. Tony was leaving for Athens today. We walked to the harbour and then along a oneway street in search of main road to Kotor - he was planning to hitch-hike. We walked for 4Km right under the cliffs and admired the magnificent coastline. There were a few more western travellers around in Dubrovnik and we stopped for a friendly chat with a group of five - American, Argentinian and British. At last we arrived at a reasonable hitching point and I left Tony ... read more

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Zadar March 4th 1972

Day 22 - Saturday 4th March The ferry arrived in Split at 6am and as it would not leave for 2 hours, we could have some time to explore. We walked along the promenade and found a foreign exchange bureau - £1=43.80 Dinar. We found a local market selling fruit, vegetables and cheese etc. I bought some tuna, milk, oranges and some fresh bread which still warm. The market was a really enjoyable experience thanks to the stall owners who were very friendly and understanding. One of the interesting aspects of a long journey is how food changes from country to country especially the bread and cheese. Split was noticeably cleaner than most of the cities visited to date. We wandered through a nearby shopping arcade and had a look in most of the shops before ... read more

Europe » Italy » Marche » Potenza Picena March 3rd 1972

Day 21 - Friday 3rd March Hurray this time the promise of a lift was true (unlike Varese). However it was a slow journey as my driver stopped at several chemists along the route - maybe a sales representative ! The scenery along the route was fairly pretty but not devasting - it was also noticeable where the main tourist beaches were situated. I arrived at Ancona at 11am. Plenty of time to exchange some travellers cheques ( a good rate for Lira) and to buy some food for the next couple of days journey before reaching the next main destination of Dubrovnik. I found a nice looking supermarket with friendly staff and just about managed to avoid knocking over one of their displays. As the ferry was due to leave in the late afternoon, there ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome March 2nd 1972

Day 20 - Thursday 2nd March. The challenge today is to travel to Ancona on the east coast. The route is not particularly obvious but anyway it always depends on the luck of the lifts being offered. I left the hostel at 10am. The first lift drove me to the Ring Road and almost immediately a second lift to the autostrade. However I was dropped at a quite difficult spot as there were two prostitutes hanging around and a line of other hitch-hikers. After a walk further along the road, a car stopped and after much map pointing it appeared that he was heading in the right direction. Unfortunately the driver did not speak English or French and so it was a quiet journey just enjoying the scenery. The route was slightly rural as we drove ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome March 1st 1972

Day 19 - Wednesday 1st March Another day just for sightseeing. I decided that it was probably best to look around by myself so that I could concentrate on my own preferences and after waiting 20 minutes in the foyer, there was still no sign of Michael and Heather and so I left the Hostel and headed into Rome to St Peters Square. The Vatican is awe inspiring and simply amazing with its pillars, the overall superstructure and the statues. Inside the building is so very beautifully decorated especially its primary altars. The work of Bernini, the statue of St Peter, Michelangelo's Deity and the prayer chapel with St Peter kneeling before an altar. Just amazing architecture and paintings. Next stop the Vatican Museum for 500 Lira but unfortunately it closes at 2pm whereas you could ... read more

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome February 29th 1972

Day 18 - Wednesday 29th February A full day in Rome and with so many sights it seemed best to buy a guidebook - 600 Lira. First of all, must head to Poste Restante to collect any post (good there were three letters) and post off the completed film (alas no developed photographs were ever received). Places visited: Spanish Steps - not over impressed although a nice fountain and lots of artists to watch. Trevi Fountain - grand structure but slightly spoilt as unfortunately there was no water ! Victor Emmanuel Monument - a gleaming grand structure and really impressive. Walked to the top for an excellent view. Roman Forum - closed but some areas were visible through the hoardings. Capitol - government headquarters in old Rome and of course, the Romulus and Remus statue. Colosseum ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence February 28th 1972

Day 17 - Tuesday 28th February Left the Youth Hostel at 10am to start the 175 mile journey to Rome. The local bus route took us close to the autostrade but surprisingly charged us extra for our rucksacks. Today was a "hitch alone" day. After an hour, a brilliant piece of luck as I was picked up by a 30 ish year old very smart looking lady in a sports car and as an added bonus she was travelling to Rome. She was secretary to the American ambassador but surprisingly we conversed in French (in my case simple schoolboy French). She kindly helped me improve my Italian concentrating wisely on the key areas of days, numbers and food - at least I would now have a better level of pronunciation! The scenery for the journey was ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Florence February 27th 1972

Day 16 - Sunday 27th February Breakfast at the hostel was 150 Lira for rolls, jam and coffee. This is only the second time that I have stayed in the same place for a second day and so at last some proper time for sightseeing. So here goes. Unfortunately it rained nearly all day. Medici Chapel - with its four sculptures by Michelangelo of the four times of day. Medici Riccardi Palace - with its frescoes of the three kings. Baptistry of San Giovanni - with its three gates of paradise and biblical scenes in gold. The Cathedral - with its beautiful frontage and tower but we did not go in because there was a service taking place. Palazzo Vecchio (old palace) -closed at noon ! Uffigi Gallery - ceilings just so beautiful : Michaelangelo, Boticelli ... read more

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Pisa February 26th 1972

Day 15 - Sunday 26th February As we should have arrived in Florence by now, we only have a short time to look around Pisa. It is a beautiful city and fortunately we are already in the centre by the Leaning Tower. The Cathedral is especially stunning and inside you cannot help but be inspired by its paintings, its ceiling and the wood carvings. We ate our lunch by the very picturesque River Arno and then at noon decided to start our hitching. Pisa looked very special and clearly we did not do justice to its charm (must add to list of cities to visit later in life). The first lift in a Fiat drove us to the autostrade. Good fortune followed as the next lift was going all the way to Florence - not such ... read more

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