Blogs from Essex, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 18


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex January 11th 2008

We went out of Friday night to ABBA Mania,- ‘ever thought what it must have been like to see ABBA live? NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!’ That is the claim on the ABBA Mania website! We arrived and joined the group from the dive club, we were one ticket down, and after a bit of a worry managed to get another one, and luckily it was with the rest of the group. The show started with a bang - big effect! WOW! The band began to play, FNATASTIC! Then on came ‘ABBA’, who were in full costume (bad wigs and all!). Great look, very funny. Then the started to sing. OK not so wow! ABBA is a hard act to impersonate, and they gave it a good shot. Benny on the Piano was very good although he ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Nounsley January 1st 2008

Wayne and I invited a few friends around for New Years Eve to help us celebrate. We prepared a mountain of food - Suzanne cooked a salmon which was delic. Nisa made her famous Pavlova mmmmmmmm and Jan prepared her Mud Slide (chocolate roll)-. Lots of salad, bread, cheese, veg, cravettes, prawns, beef etc made up a feast of food. Everyone arrived smartly dressed, and the eating began, we gorged and chatted for ages, lots of drink fuelled conversation. We eventually got down to business and played GAMES. Articulate, In the Bag and Pass Word took us up to Midnight. Champagne and a very bad rendition of Auld Lang Syne (no one new all the words) saw in the New Year. We continued to play Pass Word for a bit before people headed off home. We ... read more
Suzanne and her date
Shocking socks!
Suzanne and Ian - looking very Hatty!

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Chelmsford January 1st 2008

Got all dressed up for the evening, went to my good friends Wayne and Stella's for the New Year celebrations about ten of us in total. I made a yule log but came out as a mud slide but still quite edible. Stella and Wayne put on an excellent food spread but just so much food ... and drink to go round. Played silly games, stopping for sing song at midnight and then carrying on into the early hours. I stayed over and unfortunately must have eatten and drank too much and didn't feel too good. In the morning had bacon butties to start the New Year off just how it should be done. Wishing all Health, Wealth and Happiness in 2008! Photo's to follow ...... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Witham December 30th 2007

Bramston Sub Aqua Club will be running a Wacky Races fun rally around Essex, so the ladies from the committee met up for some top secret planning. We all met (with Ian and Wayne) for a big Sunday brekkie at Weatherspoons and had a catch up before we left the boys and drove towards Maldon. It was a fantastic day, we had such fun coming up with clue ideas, visiting lots of villages, meeting local helpers (Mrs Pepperpot included!). We stopped in Burnham for lunch where I had a scrummy crab salad and spuds, before heading out on our way finishing at about 4pm. Tired by all the driving and thinking I was glad to be home, but had had a lovely day out in the countryside. Looking forward to the actual race day, when we ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex December 25th 2007

Christmas Eve Wayne and I wondered to the village for a drink before midnight mass to see in Christmas day and sing some carols, we then headed back home looking at the neighbours lights. We woke up on Christmas Day and headed down stairs and made egg sandwiches to start our day off. We opened our presents - I got a laptop, a fancy watch and a really soft dressing gown. Wayne got gadgets! We were both really chuffed and fiddled with our new toys for a bit before heading out on our Christmas family tour. First stop was East Hanningfield Church, where in the rain Wayne laid a wreath on his nans grave. We then went to Danbury to Wayne’s mum and dad’s. Here we had the largest lunch ever with the entire family - ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Southend-on-Sea December 22nd 2007

Yes, it's back in england!! spent a lovely couple of days wondering around delhi, absorbing as much of india as i could...actually really quite like the place, although it was REALLY busy & crowded. also made sure i ate all the wonderful foods at every possible moment so as to make the most it while i still could! for my last night i got taken out by a friend (brother of a friend from uni)who lives in delhi...such a sweetie, took me to a swanky little place for dinner...amazing food & way too mcuh & then to 2 very plush bars! never thought id be spending the last day of my travels in such expensive luxury! quite a contrast to the rest of the trip, but it wa great! So yes, i got back to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Chelmsford December 22nd 2007

The Office closed on the 21st December and we all had a well deserved 2 weeks off! Yippee. A good night out with the girls on Friday night started celebrations - Wayne was the other end of Chelmsford with his work pals. I think it is safe to say the girls had more fun than the boys! Jan, Kate and myself headed to the Bassment and danced the night away. I headed home with Wayne sharing a cab back to Nounsley. We had a long lie in the next day. Saturday night was the gym Christmas do. It was a let down as there were too many people - to the extent that we struggled to find a seat to eat our dinner. We both didn’t feel 100% either which didn’t help, so after eating and ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Chelmsford December 18th 2007

This week at the office was our pre break build up. Monday was my annual appraisal, surprisingly fairly pain-free!! Wednesday we had an open morning for members of our groups to come in and talk to us. Loads of people turned up to chat to me about various things, mince pies and yule log fuelled discussion. The team went out for a bonding lunch - actually paid for by the office (first time for everything). The office Christmas lunch was my responsibility this year. We went to the Blue Strawberry on Thursday for a long lunch. Lots of fantastic food and some drinks and everyone seemed happy. We headed to the local pub for a few drinks and a chat before heading our separate ways. Saturday afternoon was the dive clubs trip to Chelmsford for the ... read more
The cast

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Great Bardfield December 4th 2007

Our last 2 and a half days back in England after our week in Lanzarote were spent washing, tidying, sorting and packing. We have bought a new trolley case so we have a bag each and one with all the things that we don't need to take to Europe. This is the biggest bag and consists of our summer clothes, things we have bought, books and travel guides. The one thing we did do today was to walk to Moe and Colin's. Moe who assists Nessie with the housekeeping in the B&B has popped in several times to see us. She invited us to visit her and yesterday we made a date for today. We left about 10am for the 20 minute walk. Moe has several animals (see photos) and we spent a long time exploring ... read more
Stone Cottage
European Eagle Owl

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Essex » Nounsley December 2nd 2007

The last few weeks work and life generally have gone hectic again! Sat 10th November we went to London for engagement drinks with Hazel and Andy, Wayne’s friends. I wasn’t feeling very well so we didn’t stay to late. Lots of work meetings followed including a session at Stock Primary School. Wed 14th November a group from the dive club went to see The Drifters. They were brilliant. We had a fantastic night out. Fri 16th November went to Escape to celebrate Katherine’s birthday. It was lovely to see Tamsin and Paul again after soooooooo long. Shame I had to work the next morning tho! Work meetings, training course up in London and a Staff Trustee Away Day took over the following week. Fri 23rd November we went to Colchester to see Julius Caesar for Suzanne’s ... read more

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