Blogs from Spain, Europe - page 1187


Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Tarifa April 25th 2007

Barcelona-Tarifa Und schon wieder ne franzoesische Tastatur! Dem Thema sollte sich endlich mal jemand in ner Doktorarbeit vornehmen. Schreib den Blog jetzt grad von Marokko aus, ist ja eigentlich nicht der Sinn der Sache aber hatt' halt alles schon so schoen vorbereitet. Na also an meinem letzten Abend in Barcelona wollt ausser Martin, nem Daenen mit schon ziemlich Schlagseite aber dafuer nur noch drei Zaehnen in der Vorderreihe, der mir aber dafuer wertvolle Tipps zum Umgang mit dem weiblichen Geschlecht gegeben hat, niemand mit eins zischen gehn, auch der italienische, architekturinteressierte Asket nicht, mit dem ich das Zimmer teilte und eigentlich verabredet war. Dann n bisschen frustriert rumgegeistert und irgendwann aus lauter Verzweiflung in n Irish-Pub, wo dann ploetzlich alle mit mir geredet ham. Britten, dann n finnisches Paaerchen, wo sie ... read more
Strasse von Gibraltar

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona April 25th 2007

After waking up with a hangover from cheap vodka and whatever else all the people i met bought rounds of. I headed to the hotel and showered then leisurely went out for a good meal at the hotel cafe, hit up some musuems and will continue my search for Paella. Some of these tourist streets that are crowded get so bad. I started thinking that your walking behind someone and they just stop cold and break out a map in the midst of these people, that just causes a big old traffic jam. Right? I think people should treat these type of incidents like they are driving a car. Would you stop your car in the lane to find directions? No, pull to the side and let other traffic pass... Ok, as you can see i ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona April 24th 2007

this past weekend found me in barcelona, on the second trip arranged by my program. although it was a quick jaunt, we got to spend nearly a day and a half in barcelona itself, seeing the sights and tasting the tastes. we spent our nights in an unpleasant quasi-resort town that was brimming with old folks playing cards and staring suspiciously at all of the youngsters that were sitting in our hotel lobby staring at us. this town was filled with saloons, and odd amusements, and it was a good 70 minute bus ride into barcelona. barcelona, however, was wonderful. i escaped without being pickpocketed, so i enjoyed it all the more. the subway was clean and looked new, with the subway cars sporting all kinds of clever technology. the architecture of the whole town ... read more
the trees have leafed out
here is sagrada família
the stone looks like it is melting

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona April 24th 2007

First the search for Paella is still ongoing... There are places but they all look tourist type joints, if i´m gonna have it, it´s going to be the real deal. Definately, not at a place called Paella Express, i don´t think so... So, cleaned up at my hotel before going out to the Travel bar and met the owner, was a cool guy and helped hook me up a cheap place to crash for the night nearby at a friends place who rents out bunk beds in rooms. I needed a place to crash since the trains to Sabadell stop by 11:15. So, the bar is cool, just a bunch of friendly foreigners from all over the place, the Dutch girls showed up on time which both their names are Linda (common name for Holland?) ... read more

Europe » Spain April 24th 2007

url='/Videos/2947.html' onclick='dialog("/Videos/2947.html?popped=1","tbvideo",600,600);return false;'Start of the Feria Deciding on a whim to make Spain my next destination after London was solely based on my desired body temperature. I wanted to go somewhere in Europe i knew would be hot. So when i stepped out of Girona airport and felt a liquid of some description travelling in a genral downward direction, i felt i was in a bizarro version of a Crowded House song (or a normal version if you're a "glass half empty" kind of person). But the clouds started to clear as i headed towards Barcelona. The vibe of the place hit me instantly - cool but unassuming. I cruised Las Ramblas, the main street. A huge pedestrain mall runs through it's centre, with dozens of extravagant street performers and outdoor cafe's, under rows of leafy ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid April 24th 2007

I spent 6 days in Madrid from April 10-15. Since I was there on business I had to take advantage of evenings and weekends to see the sights. I stayed at the Hotel Hesperia in Madrid and immediately after checking in took the # 27 bus along the Paseo de la Castellana to the Prado to see as much of its great Spanish and European art as possible before closing. I was especially impressed with the diversity of the Goya collection and Albrecht Duerer's painting "The Student" which I had often seen in books. The Prado was the 3rd of the big 4 art museums of Europe I had visited, the others being the Louve in Paris and the Uffizzi galaries in Florence. I still hope to visit the Hermitage in St. Petersburg at some ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid April 24th 2007

Well today is our last day in europe! It has been such a great experience for both of us. We are both really looking forward to coming home and seeing everyone, and sleeping in our own bed again! Love to all, see you soon! Jayson and Sarah. ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona April 24th 2007

Ok, i wrote up a damn good entry just to have the computer go down, so short version is now in affect. Headed to Los Ramblas (touristy street w/ sidewalk acts and the whole shabang) and finally had the fabled churros and chocalate for breakfast, it definately met the hype and will now become my breakfast stable. Surprised noone made a cereal in this flavor yet... On to the bike group tour i purchased before leaving. There was 12 of us and all were from Europe and i was the sole represenative of the "Evil Empire"... Sweet... So, we got to see a good amount of Barcelona and had a drink stop in which i met Linda and Linda from Holland. We quickly hit it off and assured them i´m nothing like that damn tv show ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada April 24th 2007

Hola! ¿Que Tal? Estoy muy bien...esta buenisima aqui hoy! El tiempo esta un poco calor, y el sol esta fuera! Me encanta! Yo he hablado con Bethany este manana y ella dice que el tiempo en Maryland ayer estaba muy bonita...espero que esta cierto para Nueva Jersey tambien! ¿Vosotros estais aprender espanol de mis blogs? Yo espero que si...! jaja ---Espanol para haha porque el "h" aqui no tiene ruidoso y el "j" es tan el "h" de Ingles. Pues, esta todo de Espanol para hoy, pero yo espero vosotros comprendeis porque iyo no voy a tranducir hoy! jaja Well, after getting back from Madrid this weekend I hung out with Laura, her father, and her grandfather for a while which was fun. Laura and I also booked a trip to Northern Italy for this coming ... read more

Europe » Spain April 24th 2007

Our campsite is situated about 2 miles from the centre of Burgos, but there is a cycle track along the River Arlanzon, so we had an easy ride into the city and were able to park our bikes right in the centre. The highlight of Burgos is its magnificent 12th century cathedral, one of the most impressive we have ever seen. It is constructed of incredibly intricate stonework and includes several impressive stained glass windows. As well as the main nave it also has many beautiful side chapels some of which are quite large. El Cid, who was born in Burgos, is buried here. If you are ever in northern Spain you must make sure you visit this wonderful work of art. The rest of the day was spent wandering around the city and enjoying ... read more
Burgos cathedral
Chapel of the Constable
City centre bike parking

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