Blogs from Spain, Europe - page 1188


Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona April 23rd 2007

This was my mission to head to the market first thing in the morning at 7 am sharp. Well mission one failed. Slept till 9 and then headed out, ok so a little lateness is allowed, ok? Went to the Mercat La Boqueria which is a indoor produce and meat market. They had alot of good looking stuff and reminded me a bit of the Tsukiji fish market in Japan. Also, pertaining to any girl or someone who really appreciates pastrys, there were some good looking pastry shops in the area. Some looked too good to eat, even i got some pastries to try and was getting hooked before i slapped my hand from trying to order everything in this bakery. The counter girl kept giving me free samples and was attempting to speak english with ... read more

Europe » Spain » Basque Country » San Sebastián April 23rd 2007

Und so beginnt die Reise durch die Welt. Meine Studien meiner Alma Mater sind beendet, ich sitze zuhause, und habe den Kopf voll mit Reiseplänen. Meine Der Bericht vom Besuch bei meinem Bruder in San Sebastian.... read more
auch die Felsenkueste
spanische Erdbeere
die Felsenkueste

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada April 23rd 2007

Hola Tod@s! The above as I've discovered is how people address things when they want to include both women and men in the normally patriarchal language that is Spanish. Anyway..Toledo and Madrid this weekend! So on Friday we met at Correos at 8:00am and headed to Toledo. We probably arrived there at around 1:30pm...long ride! So, we had a little bit of free time when we first got there in which I ate my sandwiches that Monica had packed for me and got some actually ice cream (in the form of a hot fudges sundae) from McDonalds....I know, that's tacky while I'm in Spain, but it was good! Then we had a guided tour around the city...and I bet you'll never guess what sorts of things we saw...churches! The tour was really great, the tour ... read more
No Pictures!
Steve in the Door

Europe » Spain » Canary Islands » Gran Canaria April 23rd 2007

The persisting rain hits the surface of the ocean creating a cinemascope strafing effect. The sea as screen, the ‘Meteor' deck as audience, mother nature taking care of the projection. Five weeks into my very first experience as seaman and the ‘Meteor’ stays moored, sheltered from winds and storms, at Saint Catalina wharf, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. After more than two months of pure wandering, five consecutive weeks sleeping under the same roof seem as long as an entire geologic age. We’re talking about a period long enough to allow the apparition of the first, unavoidable routines. Officially, my role on board is english-spanish (and vice versa) interpreter between the Melville family, owner of the boat (a 35 meters long hydrofoil built in Ukraine) and Salvador 'Salva', the Chilean engineer employed a few weeks ... read more
Glorious Sunset over Las Palmas Harbour
Keep it Clean!

Europe » Spain April 23rd 2007

It was market day in St-Jean so we had a walk around and bought cheese and vegetables from some of the local farmers’ stalls. Then we headed into the Pyrenees and the van crossed its first mountain pass, the Ibaneta at 1045m into Spain. Following which we drove west via Pampona and stopped for the night at Burgos, which we plan to explore tomorrow. ... read more
Market hall
Ibaneta Pass

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville April 23rd 2007

We arrived in Sevilla in anticipation of experiencing the Feria de Abril. While we had heard much about the colour and flair of the city and the festival, it soon became apparent that the festival was not really a tourist event. Like one travel writer describes it "(the festival) is like a thousand private parties that you are not invited to". Nonetheless it was great to be a spectator at times and just take in the granduer of the spectacle. Sevillians love to dress up, and all through the streets of Sevilla were women dressed in their finest undertaking the most mundane of activities. I felt a little uncomfortable staring at times, until I realised that perhaps that was the basis of the event, and indeed the entire parade. Sevilla is a busy, vibrant ... read more
Entrance to the Feria de Abril
Parading around ,Sevilla style
What a cutie!

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona April 22nd 2007

Ok, so i have finally arrived in Barcelona... But it took 5 planes, 6 airports, 2 taxis, 1 train, and 1 metro line. Including the countless citys, so it feels like that one song for Comfort Inn (i think it is?) Where the guy sings about alll the places he has been and the chorus is, "I´ve been everywhere". Anyway´s i got to Sabadell sunday night around 8:30 and just collapsed for about 10 minutes, got situated, and took a long shower. I have been wearing those clothes for day and half!!! Had some of the Johnny Walker and was out the door to a small tapas place the hotel staff suggested. It was a small hole in the hole but was very good as it specialized in fish tapas. The owner was cool guy but ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Ronda April 22nd 2007

I thought I should take Jane somewhere romantic for our honeymoon after the Thailand toilet situation. Ronda seemed like to perfect place. After all, Ernest Hemingway lived there and he had four is enough for me! Ronda really is a spectacular place, and when we arrived the sun was shining which made it all the more beautiful and was a welcome change from the cold, wet Granada. It really is a tourist town, most visitors come up on day trips from the coast. But after all the tours head home, it is a beautiful place to wander around and just soak up the atmosphere. Ronda is perched on top of a cliff about 750 metres above see level and the old town is linked to the centre by three bridges. The newest bridge Puente ... read more
Viewing Platform
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Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona April 22nd 2007

Here in Barcelona at an internet cafe. Ive been here since Thursday night and will be leaving on Weds morning for the Peripignon area. Barcelona has treated me well, but I think it´s ranking about third in my big-city preferences. Maybe that will change after we go to the beach and wander around a bit more. I was a bit worried coming to spain not knowing more spanish than "hello," "goodbye" and "thank you," but it seems like more people know english here than in Paris. The city is fun and bustling, but I have yet to really lock into its vibe. Last night, Amy, Marie and I decided to go and explore Barcelona's night scene; however, our plans were cut short after an unexpected expense: sangria. You know, that wine/grape juice concoction that costs a ... read more

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