Blogs from Andalusia, Spain, Europe - page 276


Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Córdoba May 15th 2006

Hey guys! I´m in Cordoba now and oh man, its HOT! It´s gotta be about 90 deg at least and the sun is scorching! No clouds to give even a moment of shade. There are a lot of shaded plazas though and sitting there under the shade feels great. I´m gonna hop in the shower here in a few and clean up and then head out to do a little shopping. I need sandals of some sort because all I have with me right now are boots, so its no wonder I´m dying! Cordoba is not as great as I was expecting it to be. There´s a lot that is going under construction right now, so it kind of ruins it some. La Mezquita was really neat though! It´s architecture has an Islamic influence. Its really ... read more
La Mezquita

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Ronda May 15th 2006

2 weeks to go! My last few weeks here have been amazing. Last Wednesday we went out with a professor because it was our last day of class with her. She tooks us out for tapas and drinks and she got us DRUNK. She has to be at least 50 but that did not stop her from taking us out to the bars, dancing, and getting us special student prices. We even ended up getting free absinthe shots...wooo weee. The next night, I was surprisingly alive, and I went to a costume party thrown by the Irish. It was a blast..I dressed up as a usual. This weekend, as a school, we took a trip to Granada. Saturday was spent exploring and sweating and climbing in the heat....and eating Kebabs..oh god soooo good. They ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada May 14th 2006

Hey guys! Well, I´m here in Granada and I´m in love. I think it is either the first or second most beautiful place I have ever been (Ronda in southern spain is up there too). I just LOVE southern Spain. I really feel like I am in Spain when I am in southern Spain. Theres tons of shops all around with flamenco and bull fighting items, tons of beautiful tiles and scarves and fake pasminas, its just so bright and colorful. I absolutely love it. It´s also soooo hot here. About 85 to 90 deg and i only have boots and jeans with me! I was going to buy some shoes today that i could wear with skirts, but i forgot that all the clothing shops in spain shut down on sundays. Granada is a much ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada May 13th 2006

We are now in Granada. We got the train here yesterday. Spanish trains are very nice - much better than at home. We spent 3 hours passing through the Andalusian countryside before reaching Granada. We were hoping to get a taxi to the hotel but as there was not a single one to be seen we decided to walk instead. This would have been fine if we actually knew where we were going. We had forgotten that maps in LP guide books tend to only have about half the roads on so it makes things a bit tricky. After much wondering we seemed to be near the centre and we found someone who could speak a little English and was able to point us in the direction of our hotel. After all of that we were ... read more
The Alhambra
Carving in the Alhambra
The Alhambra (Palacio Nazaries)

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada May 12th 2006

We are currently in Andalusia. We started in Seville, which is a really nice city. We did quite a bit of sight seeing including the Alcazar palaces and the bullring. Lots of time was spent relaxing in street cafés drinking cold drinks and eating olives. We then caught the train to Granada where we did more sitting in street cafés drinking cold drinks and eating olives! We visited the Alhambra, which was amazing. I really liked the Moorish architecture. So did Laura judging by the number of photos she took! ... read more
The Alhambra

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Seville May 11th 2006

As we had to get up VERY early to catch our flights we were in Seville by 11. The hotel was opposite the Murillo gardens so we took advantage of that and spent plenty of time sitting in gardens under orange trees We had time for a Boccadillo Jamon before exploring Seville. The first place we visited was the very impressive Alcazar palaces. This is a collection of palaces that were built in stages over the last 11 centuries (although the majority of it was finished by the 15th). They are in the Moorish style, so they are filled with really amazing tiling and carving. I would really like some of those tiles! The gardens were also really nice and full of orange trees. After that it was time for a siesta (we had been up ... read more
The Alcazar
Seville Cathedral

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Ronda May 8th 2006

The last few weeks have been relatively tranquilo. Last Saturday I went to Sevilla with some friends to celebrate to Feria (Spanish for enormous fair that lasts until 4 am). We hopped on a bus at 10am to get to Sevilla and didn't return until 24 hours later. We explored Sevilla during the day and stayed up all night enjoying the lights, the rides, the drinks, and the churros. It was a good time and I discovered that I really don't need that much sleep. Thursday I successfully made a cake for my friend Linnea's b-day. I haven't been able to cook in so long so it was wonderful to get back in the kitchen! This Saturday, I went to Marbella, a coastal city, and enjoyed the beach with my friends. I'm going to miss not ... read more

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada May 2nd 2006

thursday: (Approximately 3:45 pm) It began with a conversation very much like this: “hey Amber, wanna go to Madrid tomorrow?” “hey sure. why not?” this is my life. and i love the hell out of it. Friday: Upon arrival on friday afternoon we took the subway into the neighborhood of Huertos, where my satisfaction with being in a city once more was multiplied exponentially by having a beer at the legendary “Museo de Jamon,” where I once again questioned the likelihood of my long-held vision of an eventual conversion to judaism. All those legs of pork hindquarters, hanging at an angle in neat rows… it does something to a girl’s heart. We found a little room quickly. Hostal Castro is resided over by a small amiable woman who probably, as a young girl, kissed a framed ... read more
little piggies all in a row.
hostal castro.  or the young catholic ladie's association.
large marge.

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Grazalema April 29th 2006

This was another day trip we went on in April 2006. It was an easy hike through some very beautiful country. The clouds were hanging over the mountains and we were actually above them for a while, though I don't think we were at a really high altitude. The sun was shining, the plants were vividly green and there were goats everywhere. ... read more
above the clouds
Billy the goat
jeff dwarfed by the landscape

Europe » Spain » Andalusia » Granada April 27th 2006

Back in April we spent a very nice few days enjoying the sights (and foods!) of Granada in lovely Southern Spain. Granada is a very old city, with plenty of history as well as a great Southern Spain nightlife. We went to Granada at a very busy time of year (just after Easter) and were lucky to find hotels as we did. We stayed in 2 different hotels, both very central (something vital in a hotel is its location!). We spent time wandering the lovely central area, with its big squares, cafes and shops. We went into the Cathedral. This is well worth a visit - with very nice architecture, though a little bare with white washed walls. We also went to see the tombs of Ferdinand and Isabella, which are also in the centre of ... read more
In the Alhambra gardens

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