Blogs from Chelyabinsk, Urals, Russia, Europe


Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk June 10th 2018

A couple weeks into the trip and so far it has been memorable. I've visited relatives, went exploring, and had done activities in the village. One of these activities is cow herding. Every morning, cow owners let their cows go to let them roam with the other cows, heading off into the grassy fields. All day, the cows graze the fields. When its around 7:30 to 8:00 PM, the cows follow the road back home, and we meet them at the Taboon. The Taboon is a fork in the road where cow owners and other people in place of cow owners gather to wait for the cows. I've joined in because my great aunt Liba can't walk far, and her house is a 15 min walk to the Taboon. So I've took her place and herded ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk June 5th 2018

Ten days here so far and everything is going great. I still have to take naps due to jet-lag but it doesn't hold me back from exploring what this village has to hold. South of my grandmother's house is a forest of white bark and green circular shaped leaves, and I've began to recently explore what lives in the forest. In the forest, you have never ending trees of white that streach over the wide hill, many species of mushroom that are either poisonous or edible, forgotten items, and beautiful flowers of yellow, white, blue, and purple. Just recently I've found a shoe with a bunch of plants growing from it. Nature always gives and takes. To the west, you have another wide hill, which has to be my favorite sight to look at. There are ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk May 26th 2018

I let Darina drive me to her apartment in the beautiful city of Ufa. Darina was a fulltime employee who took care of her mother and her 8 year old son. There in her apartment was her mother and her son eager to greet me. Tehy gave me some Russian dishes to try when I got a bit hungry. They had prepared sliced potatoes and a special Russian soup called Borsh. I got to talk with the young boy and we ended up talking about school and translations for Russian and English words. Still struggling to speak in Russian, I managed to hold a conversation with everyone without many problems, just sometimes. When it was time to go to bed, it was already 12:00 AM and it was time to go to sleep. Since there were ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk May 14th 2015

Day 14 - Ufa to Chelyabinsk We had checked a few websites for ideas but had found nothing inspiring to see in Ufa. Like the others in preceding days, Ufa is a big busy city with lots of grungy high rises, wide dusty streets, and a tram and electric bus system. The tram tracks form part of the street and can be driven on as a seperate lane. You need to be careful though, as the road surface next to the rails is quite cut up. Unlike other trams I've seen, these brake using giant pads that press down onto the rail itself between the wheel bogeys. The pads look like huge versions of the calliper brakes on a bicycle. The electric buses are an odd feature, taking their power from overhead wires. The arm on ... read more
Wholesome lunch

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk July 24th 2013

For the next stage of my journey I had a second driver, Andrey, and we covered the 600 kilometres to Chelyabinsk without any problems. It is a great geographical myth that the Ural mountains are high, or really even mountains at all. Perhaps there’s a feeling that Russia is so impressive in other dimensions that these famous mountains ought to be big, or that there should be a suitably dramatic barrier between Europe and Modor. The highest point (Mount Narodnaya, 1894m) is in the far north of Russia, and the Urals are in the middle of a big continent, furthering their appearance as gentle hills. All the same, the appearance of some inclines contrasted the plains of the Volga region. In May I attended the wedding of Ilya and Nadia, some of my closest friends in ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk May 16th 2012

Ural, jedny z nejstarsich hor na svete nas privital na konci dubna snehem a chladnym pocasim. Nasi prvni zastavkou byl Nizni Tagil, ktery se stal zakladnou pro vylety po okoli. Za dobu pobytu jsme nekolikrat prejeli hranici Evropa-Asie, pili vodu z ricek , pramenu a meli moznost se podivat do malych vesnicek uprostred lesu. Jako v celem Rusku, i zde nas lide mile privitali, pohostili. Priroda stredniho Uralu by se dala srovnat s Ceskomoravskou Vysocinou..lesy, jezera, reky, jen zde je vse nekolikanasobne vetsi, lidi malo a lesy neprostupne , kde ziji medvedi, vlci, losi. Po tydnu stravenem v Niznim Tagilu se nam tezce loucilo s nasim hostitelem a jeho rodinou. Jedno s mist, ktere jsem chtel navstivit se nachazi v blizkosti Ekaterinburgu a jmenuje se Ganina Jama. Byla to stara sachta kam bolsevici hodili tela zavrazdene ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk August 31st 2010

Not a long time has passed since my trip to Altai. Now, three weeks after we returned to our homes and lived up to the end of summer, having nice conversations in the evenings with Dasha (appears under the alias of D. in the Altai story) and dreaming of our return to the mountains, we have had our fun in Chelyabinsk. Ludochka (the second girl) was also there, so there were three of us. Chelyabinsk is not as old as other cities like Kazan or Nizhny Novgorod for examples. It’s sort of a diary, so I write about every little trip for me to remember; moreover, I might have said earlier that Samara was the beginning (better say, continuation) of my Russian cities tour; so Chelyabinsk is next. You had the opportunity to see Yekaterinburg in ... read more
The Organ Hall
The Organ Hall
A Chapel near Train Station

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk August 26th 2007

Thème : Tcheliabinsk l’été On m a fait remarque que je ne décris pas assez la ville ou j habite et c est vrai que je ne vous fais pas trop partager cette facette la de ma vie ! Bien sur que c est important, je ne pourrai pas vous faire une description concrète de la ville car j ai pas trop eu le tps de m y plonger bien profondément encore ! Il faudrait d abord que je sache comment ca s écrit Chelyabinsk ! Y a un « T » ou pas, franchement j en sais rien et j ai vu de partout les deux écritures donc ce qu’on va faire, on va dire qu’on peut écrire comme on veut ! Un p’tit briefing de la ville vite fait et ensuite je vous décrirai ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk August 25th 2007

Samedi 25 Aout 2007 journee a Kopieck En effet, je ne devais pas rentre trop tard la veille car j avais RDV a la gare a 12h 30 avec Macha pour aller voir Iveguenia qui nous avait invite pour la fête de sa ville (voir journal du Samedi 18 Aout). Je suis arrive a l’heure a la gare, pourtant c’était chaud car tous les marchroutes étaient blindaves… La gare c’est l’endroit où t’as pas trop envie de rester trop longtemps tout seul…J’ai rencontré Macha et Katia (Katerina) et on s’est dirigé vers la gare routière. On a pris un bus et par chance on a eu une place assise mais c’est pas pour cela que l’on était à l’aise !! En effet, le bus s’est vite rempli et on s’empilait les uns sur les autres… Apres ... read more

Europe » Russia » Urals » Chelyabinsk August 25th 2007

Samedi 25 Aout 2007 sortie au Pierce avec Evguéni et Kolia Je me suis endormi dans le marchroute en revenant de Kopieck et quand je me suis réveillé, j’étais tout seul et j’ouvre les yeux et la je me dis « putain j chu ou la ? » Impossible de me repéré et en plus je savais même plus comment s’appelait l’endroit où je devais sortir et la le chauffeur me dit « vous allez ou ? » « euh j sais pas trop en fait », heureusement il a devine et j’ai pu rentrer chez moi trankil…Je me suis posé vite fait et j’ai appelé Kolia un peu plus tard et on est parti rejoindre Evguéni en ville. On s’est ballade vite fait et ensuite on a voulu se poser dans un bar où on ... read more

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