Blogs from County Dublin, Ireland, Europe - page 125


Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 16th 2007

Slept pretty late today. Too many late nights I guess. But still lots of time to check out Dublin, in the rain. It rained here (BC style) all day, and then it poured after dinner. Can't remember being this wet. Really limited what you wanted to do around town. As I mentioned before, it's very hard to get information about what to do, or how to do it. Finally at 5:00 today, I came across a mall, which had tourist maps, that was the clearest map I'd seen, and listed some things I hadn't even heard of before. Maybe I'll have time on Friday, before I catch a bus out to Belfast, to see some of these things, and try and get some photos taken. I did spend a few hours at the Dublin Castle, which ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 15th 2007

Greetings from Dublin! It seems crazy to believe, but we are finally here! It's happening! and it's COLD!!! When we landed in Dublin it was 50 degrees Fahrenheit outside. Brr! But, we got our flight changed to Turkey (yay!) and (finally) found and checked into our hostel. Which is pretty nice: a private bath & shower with HOT water! We spent the day taking a giant nap and then wandering around Dublin. Can't wait to get more into things tomorrow. In a haircutting accident, I, John, had to correct some mistakes by shaving my head. I look like the Comic book supervillan, Bullseye, who is incidentally Irish. My head is cold. Another kind of funny thing (the above is funny to me as I, Janie, still have all my hair is that I thought we ... read more
Janie's chocolate ad

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 15th 2007

Hi everyone Howzit going! We are all well and having a great time except for the weather lately, its been cold and raining since last week monday ( Guess its a sign of things to come) but they say it should clear up soon... Anyway we had a great weekend we sarah and terri's family went to Dublin Ireland, we got return flights with ryanair for £10. We left from Gatwick airport last week thursday at 9 in the evening and after a quick 1 hour flight we landed in dublin as we had to get to our hotel at the new comfort inn just outside dublin we hired a car and after very skillfull driving and map reading from terri's parents we arrived safley and very tired at our destination... The next morning after ... read more
On The Way to Ireland
On The Way to Ireland
Dublin airport

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 15th 2007

I'm here. Not sure how, but I'm actually sitting in an internet cafe, here in Dublin. Crazy morning. Packing took much longer than I thought, as I had to pack only what would fit in 1 bag (that's all they allow on these cheap flights), and leave the rest with the hotel. Then decided I really needed to do laundry. Only one more day of undies, and have run out of socks. The laundrette isn't too far away, so I wheeled my bag down there. Everything went into one washer (at £3 a load, sorting whites & coloureds just didn't seem so important). Missed breaky, so found this cafe that makes breakfast all day. Got an omlette and chips, as there was no way on earth I could've even eaten 1/4 of what they served for ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin May 13th 2007

Due to's site crash, the memory of this blog was lost and had to be re-published. Apologies for the missing material and all articles will be up in time Day One’s Nuclear Resolution Another Sunday, another city—the highlife of Dublin deep in the Temple Bar district of an old city—and another Irish spring day, south within the Republic of Ireland. A layer of clouds hid the morning sun with a chilled line of pavement beneath our feet. As dawn’s stiffness flexed its weary muscles, the sound of cracking toes echoed down the empty spaces of Grafton Street. The small group of thirteen international Peace Walkers moved north out of Ireland’s capital and reversed the colloquial saying of the land. It was an old Gaelic Éire, now with a new face and a new meaning: All ... read more
Roads From Dublin
Peace Queens
River Liffey

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 13th 2007

This is it -- no more entries after this one! We got up early to start the long drive back to Dublin from Belfast. Unfortunately Kevin has more faith in his map-reading skills tham might be warranted -- we ended up off course (which is pretty hard, since the Belfast-to-Dublin highway is pretty much a straight lin). After some cursing, we finally got back on track and made it down to our first stop, the site of Newgrange. Newgrange is home to an ancient Irish burial mound. Centuries ago, years before the Pyramids were built, the local inhabitants built this place out of stone and covered it with grass, as if it was just part of the hillside. It's really impressive... a lot bigger than you might imagine. But the cool thing about it is that ... read more
Rain's a comin'
Getting soaked at Newgrange

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin May 11th 2007

Coral: What a whirlwind trip we've been having. I think it's... 9 days in now but it seems like we've done enough for a whole month. Well from Liverpool we got on a ferry to the Isle of Man where my great grandpa and all of his family were from. It was a very windy day and the sea was so choppy I got very sea sick. When we were back on dry land we really enjoyed seeing all the family history there. We went to the Laxey mines where my great great grandpa worked and died. The man who works there handing out hard hats for going into the mine had a newspaper article from the centenial of the mine disaster that listed my great great grandpa James Henrey Corkill as one of the workers ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin May 10th 2007

I'm in Dublin, back where they speak english and drive on the same side of the road as at home, novel really. Now Dublin is a city that appears to have it's act together, good public transport, easy to get from the airport to the city and enough history to go around. Spent the first night after arriving at the hostel, (really nice actually, conveniently located with all the mod cons expected) at the theatre seeing a play about life in the estates of england in the 60's called 'Saved'. It got rave reviews and was quite enjoyable, although a bit too confronting in the last scene before the interval. But that is the pivotal scene of the whole play, not to mention it has had a chequered history so to speak in the forty years ... read more
O'Connell St Dublin
New business card
Kilmainham Gaol

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin May 9th 2007

On our second complete day in Dublin, there weren't a lot of big-time "sights" to be seen... but in short, what we DID see encapsulated the best and worst of Dublin tourism. First, we stopped at the famed "Georgian house" (No. 29 Fitzwilliam). Georgian homes were built up in the 18th and 19th century by the English inhabitants. They've very British. They're also known for their colorful doors -- while the exteriors are classic brick, the doors might be bright red, yellow, blue... whatever color they choose, as long as it doesn't match the neighbors. The houses themselves weren't very wide, since they couldn't get much property... but they built upward, so they're usually four or five stories of house with a larger basement area. Anyway, in the Georgian House, you get a tour of the ... read more
Dublin Doors
Central Holding Cells
Kilmainham Cells

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin May 8th 2007

Well Im now back in Dublin for a few days with 2 very flat (sorry guys, u know u r :P) and sick boys (if I get sick.. oooo!!!) but I am so glad that they were here because if they werent... Well.. I'd be in big big trouble... Because smart Michelle has had her wallet stolen, yup right out of her bag on a very busy tram.. Smart smart Michelle! Not! Warning for all people travelling.. BANKS ARE USELESS!! When you're trying to deal with banks back home and you have no money they are useless! So thank god for my dear knights in shining armour, Brad and Cal, who have lent me money, no questions asked until Emma arrives in London bearing my bank cards... The experience has put abit of a dampener on ... read more

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