Blogs from Lower Normandy, France, Europe - page 36


Europe » France » Lower Normandy July 8th 2006

Bonjour, notre fils et notre filles et tout les enfants. Aussi, bonjour nos amie's et nos ami's, The Paris we visited was different from our previous experience, where we stayed in a hotel near the Arc de Triumph and followed the museum trail. This time our apartment near St Germaine was in a narrow back street, behind huge wooden doors. We were about 8 steps up on a mezzanine floor and when we entered, we went up another 6 steps with a petite bathroom on one side and a smaller kitchenette on the other. That left just enough room for a bed, a small table and a TV. But the real Paris was outside our door. A bar on the corner and another across the road, our own boulangerie and boucherie, fruit market and just along ... read more
Paris address
Paris courtyard

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 26th 2006

This was an interesting day! For a number of reasons 1. I got to drive the car 2. GD thinks he is claiming on our insurance for whip lash All jokes aside, it was certainly an interest insight to how GD and I operate. We laugh about it now! We traveled to the D-day beaches of Normandy. The first place we went was the cemetery, and it is such a humbling experience just to realise just how many people lost their lives on that one mission - I still get goose bumps thinking about it! A picture tells a thousand words in this case the rows of tomb stone crosses just go for miles. From here we headed to Point du Hoc Ranger Memorial - this is where the American soldiers scaled 30m cliffs. The ground ... read more
Cemetry Monument
Cliff faces at Pointe du Hoc
Pointe du Hoc

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 25th 2006

We managed to get to Paris after 5 airports and 36 hrs of traveling. We arrived Saturday evening about 6pm. It was then straight to hotel to get some sleep! Sunday - we had the mission of picking up the car and heading to Rouen. Heading to Rouen easy - picking up the car from the airport and driving back to the hotel - took about an hour half. Putting this into perspective our hotel was 2.8 km away from the airport. We got so lost! Anyway, by midday we were on our way to Rouen, which took abut 2 hours heading towards the North West of Paris. Part of the Normandy province, Rouen is well known for its Gothic architecture, Cathedrale of Notre Dame, and the place of where Joan of Arc was executed at ... read more
The place of Joan of Arc execution
The Cathedrale Notre Dame

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 18th 2006

we continued our d-day theme here in Normandy. saw Juno beach which is the Canadian one. its a huge beach community nowadays with many french and British vacationers. it reminds me of ventura a bit. very nice. had some weird dish which was the only vegetarian thing there aside from an omelet. i thought it was a vegetable plate and i guess it was. it had fries, boiled potatoes, tomatoes, pasta, and a tiny thing of a few pieces of lettuce. all sampler size. because it was a seaside town, almost everything on the menu was seafood which is understandable. we asked if they could make me up a salad or a sandwich and they said no lol. anyway, got dessert and that's all that matters. got an ice cream cone.i guess a major reason why ... read more

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 18th 2006

We have been at Mont St. Michel for 2 days and have really enjoyed it: This is the one place I have wanted to visit since in high school French and it has lived up to my expectations. Magnificent from near and far. Amazing engineering feat: We were not able to tour it the first day there since the Prime Minister of France was coming to kick off a major environmental project in the bay: Visited it yesterday and tour was great: We went bicycling in the countryside yesterday afternoon and got to cheer the runners completing a marathon that started at St. Michel and looped around to finish there: On our run we stopped to have some cidre bouche (non-alcoholic), a well advertised local product. No hint of apples in it. Tastes more like beer: ... read more

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 17th 2006

today we spent a lot of time looking at d day stuff. we went to a couple of the beaches and a port that used to be used by the Germans. the bunkers were still there and everything and we were able to go inside. it was creepy going in there. i kinda expected there to be a swastika on the wall and low and behold, there was a giant one some kid must have made inside and someone else wrote a bunch of racist bullshit like "SS", "88", and some other neo nazi symbol with a cross inside a circle. its disgusting but like i said, i figured there would be something there. went to a couple cemeteries as well. first we saw the German one. we didn't want to spend much time there but ... read more

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 16th 2006

left paris today. i don't know if i said this earlier, but Paris started to grow on me the more i got used to it. i probably would never go back to Paris though because i pretty much saw everything i wanted to see. its pretty much just people watching and walking around here that's fun to me. the food is too of course. we got picked up by our driver for the next 3 days for Normandy. he is our driver tour guide there. he must think we are rich or something because it is a private tour. i think a tour for 3 people cost the same though if we were going to do 3 days individually with different people so it worked out. hes a nice man a bit younger than my parents. ... read more

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 7th 2006

0825 TGV 8001 晴   Le Mans至Laval……夠45分鐘吧,後面的男女竟然不停站討論了45分鐘!忍到如此地步才敢打斷他們,已算仁至義盡,我有權利出聲吧……   唯有將一切罪名推在那對男女身上,就算前往Mont St. Michel的巴士上昏睡了,到達後一直沒有心情,修道院入場費€5,走進去便發覺可以省回,因為內部建築根本nothing special,充其量只是一座建築在山上的迷宮而已,半路上我已發現真正好看的應是它的外部。   午餐時看見有很多雀鳥在穿梭盤旋,活了廿多年,首次對雀鳥能飛表示羨慕。   垃圾時間多得很,於是走出那茫茫無際的河灘,向那小島進發。來回幾近一小時,靠近小島時,終於要脫下鞋子,拉起褲管,踏著淤泥走過去。小島令我想起<鳥的天堂>(雖然我未曾讀過),特色倒沒有有,更具賣點的反而是往返的道路,方圓一公里,一個人也沒有,來到歐洲後從未試過。感覺似乎較好,但自覺得仍然未能放得開,難道仍然逃離不了「第二站症候群」的怪圈? 2116 McDonald’s   進來剛好播放法國對中國的友誼賽,坐下不久,便見Cisse給人弄傷離場(好像又斷骨了),又看見施丹滑倒射失12碼…… 2237 hostel Rm 529 bed 1 天未全黑   老實說,Paris的確夠浪漫,但二人同行始終較好,否則會有點浪費。市內的人種甚多,我看不出有甚麼「融和」的跡象,但至少各有各天地,互不干涉,在複雜之中維持著status quo,不是已經很好嗎?我已經將它看作是一項成就。 這幾天穿梭於巴黎小巷時口邊常哼著的,是Julie Delpy的'Ocean Apart' ... read more
Mont. St.Michel
walk alone

Europe » France » Lower Normandy June 6th 2006

本來「法國」與「克羅地亞+意大利」兩段路,究竟誰放在行程中的最先/最後,一直未有定案。到我想起6月6日這個熟悉的日子,法國一行放在首段便是逃不了。 on d-day, i visited the normandy beaches, out of my imagination, the site is very cool and windy, how the soldiers beared the weather to do the must-die mission 62 years ago? in the guided tour i came across an australian boy, finally could say some english. i discoverd my listening has become good. 問了幾句,那澳洲青年便招認出他是二戰迷。不想冒犯,但我實在很難明白那些戰爭迷的想法,我倆同樣看過"Saving Private Ryan",我看到的是血腥與恐怖,但他在Normandie卻不斷流露出興奮的神情。至於我為甚麼來到這裡?全因為我相信62年前的今天,在這裡發生了一件改變了世界的大事,我到來只是為了憑弔。 在美軍墓地走著,忽然軍樂響起,全個墳場的人皆面向傳來樂曲的一方肅立。我走了幾步,雖然不知如何才好,心想還是停下來會恰當一點,有人甚至向著同一方向行敬禮,剎那間,全場靜默。... read more
Cathedrale de Bayeux
"We Shall Remember"

Europe » France » Lower Normandy May 30th 2006

Hey everyone. We have spent the past three days in the Normandy region, visiting many of the WW2 sites. We took a guided tour of Omaha Beach, the main American invasion point. It was definitely a little eerie standing in the sand where so many died. The important part of our visit here was visiting the town of St. Mere Eglise, the first town in Europe to be liberated during the first few hours of June 6, 1944. My grandfather, John Ryan or Pap to us, was an 82nd Airborne Pathfinder, one of the first men to drop out of the sky and into the town. There is a great Airborne museum there now, so we decided to bike there, about 15 km each way. We went to the tourist office to doublecheck the route and ... read more

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