Blogs from Honduras, Central America Caribbean - page 19


Geo: 14.82, -89.15Dette er reiseruten som ikke har vært planlagt på forhånd. Helge har derfor vært litt nervøs for hvordan vi skulle komme oss frem til hit vi er nå. Men, alt ordner seg underveis. Kontaktet en travelagent i Flores som ga oss gode råd, og vi fikk bestilt buss iallefall halve vegen, så da reiste vi med buss fra Flores i Guatemala i dag tidlig. Kjørte buss i ca 4 timer til Rio Dulce. Herfra var det 30 mil til bestemmelsesstedet og ingen transport. Vi fant en travelagent som satt oss i kontakt med en drosje som kunne kjøre oss for 175 dollar, så vi slo til på det. Det var verdens søteste, hyggeligste drosjemann som babla i vei på spansk. Helge med sin Spanglish greide å holde en samtale i gang og gjøre seg ... read more
Helge med de kongelige boenhetene i bakgrunnen
Rio Dulce
Camilla passer bilen ved et pitstop

Spending a restless night in what we are sure was a haunted hostel we jumped into the back of a 4x4 Jeep, bumping up and down whilst holding on as tight as we could we arrived at the gorgeous jungle river lodge! White water rafting was an experience, our guide was very adventurous and we are sure that it would not be legal if it were anywhere else but here!! First we started by getting into the water and then he led us up and down massive bolders jumping to and from rocks and even into the white water! We jumped into the water from as high as 6 meters which i must say was very nerve racking! The fact that the rock was verticle and he said that if we dont just run and jump ... read more
The beginning of our waterfall trek in Omoa
The top of the waterfalls
Omoa, Honduras

I thought id dedicate a blog to my special day as it was just oh so special :) To start with i woke up on July 4th to find out we were leaving our hostel to stay somewhere else!! With no directions, and the word lighthouse on a key i was given i had to get us to where our new accomadation was! Lighthouse... where could that be?! We walked to the end of the island and this gorgeous hotel was on a dock on the water! it was beautiful, our room was bright and breezy, had a panoramic view of the bay, nicer and cleaner than home!!! it had a bath :) A/C :) a TV with english speaking channels and a hammock on the balcony! could i of asked for anything more!!! Steve informed ... read more
The view from our balcony :)
The Lighthouse Hotel
The Jade Seahorse, Hotel

Lago de Yojoa Part 2: Sorry, have totally forgot to update my blog. Arrrgh! As I've mentioned, lots of great people around the hostel, and for the last two days I ended up doing some stuff with some of them. The third day's morning was spent in an almost futile effort to get cash... Neither of the town's two main banks had ATMs that were working, and the next closest town didn't even have a bank! Had to resort to using my emergency traveller's cheques at the main bank. Spent a good forty minutes watching the bank staff run back and forth, conferring with each other, trying to find the right paperwork, etc... I doubt most of them has even seen a traveller's cheque before, let alone cashed one in. Between running around between banks and ... read more

Next stop was Comayagua, the former capital of Honduras, known for its colonial architecture. I stayed two nights here. It was a bit underwhelming, but there were definitely some nice churches, and a cool cafe or two, that made the stop not a total bust. Stayed at the "Hotel American Inc.", with nary an American in sight. Somewhat generic, with broken internet, but clean enough, with actual working hot water. Saw very few other tourists during my stay, only perhaps three or four, which was kind of neat in some ways, but one of the times when I felt a little bit more lonely than usual. Normal enough while travelling solo, and hanging around in the main town square was good for people watching. The city hall and main cathedral are the focus points of the ... read more

Since I was a little girl, I would travel often to the beach with my family. I most frequented the Jersey Shore, the Atlantic City area. As much as I love the beach, the ocean in those parts is often cloudy, dirty, not to mention COLD. So when I learned we would be spending our last full day in Honduras, I was psyched to get to go Tela, located on the Caribbean Sea. From past experiences, I recall the water in the Caribbean being much warmer, cleaner, and bluer. My only concern was the additional sunlight my body would be consuming, as I had already been burned enough this trip. But since I was so tired, when we arrived in Tela, I hung out in the shade with Marco, AnaLucia, and a few others for about ... read more
Live music everyday!
Luis and Fran just chillin
Ray gettin' his hair did

Hola! I can’t believe it is almost the end of my stay here in beautiful Honduras. I have had so many amazing experiences and met so many incredible people. I will be bringing home lots of stories, memories, and stuff I bought today… Did I mention today was our trip to the market and last day of work? So the trip I have been looking forward to all week- El Mercado! One of my favorite stops during all of my travels, where I can buy things for friends and family, but most importantly add to my classroom museum where I display cool things from foreign countries. And did I make out well! Fortunately I had my new buddy Hector with me; to let me know if the final price I was given was truly the best ... read more
Enjoying my mocha frozie drink thingy
All dressed up for a night of dancing!
El Mercado

Feliz Día de Independencia! I am all the way down in Central America and I still got to see fireworks tonight! I couldn’t believe it; Ana Lucia went out and bought them, along with a cake for all of us Gringos who were missing the celebrations in the States. It was very cool! The boys from the Children’s Home celebrated with us as we sang the Star Spangled Banner, ate cake, and set off fireworks and firecrackers. This was in-between the power going out and coming back on sporadically. But back to today. Regular wake-up time and a long day of working at the trench. We had to fill in the trench surrounding the property with concrete and rocks, to build the foundation for the wall which will be built in the near future. So today ... read more
4th of July cake
My buddy Jeffrey
3rd graders hard at work

Am I sore! I have never worked so hard in my life! I don’t think I am cut out for this manual labor. Mixing cement, sifting dirt, laying brick, filling in cement walls, etc. And this is all in over 100 degree heat! So I am sunburned, and had to forgo the tank top this afternoon. I gave in and cut the sleeves off of one of my t-shirts. Not as good as a tank top but my back can’t take any more sun! And the mosquitos love me! Almost as much as the kids do! Especially the ones I bought ice cream today, from the ice cream truck! Aside from the heat, bites, sunburn, and sore muscles, today was still a great day. The highlight for me was sitting in on one of the classes ... read more
El Centro Educativo
Working on their responses
Mi amiga Yoselin

OMG longest day EVER! Have mentioned our wake up time is 6:30 every day? Except tomorrow, tomorrow breakfast is at 6:30. Yay! Long days but good days. As much as I hurt right now (sunburn, bugbites, and muscles, I feel really good. Working here in Villa Soleada and helping the community with their schools is amazing. All of the Hondurans with whom we work are awesome. The kids are adorable. So friendly and loving. And the student volunteers are great as well. Even though I am the second oldest person on the trip (yikes), I have been making friends with everyone (not surprising) and having fun getting to know people. As I write this blog, all of the volunteers (close to 50) are hanging out in the volunteer lodge, playing games, singing, dancing, and just having ... read more
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Mi amigo Leo
Josh and Jeffrey

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