Home and Away's Guestbook

24th September 2016

Enjoying your journey
Hi Bob, I have been following your blog entries and sympathize with your trials and tribulations, but appreciate your repeated Lessons and reunions. Great that you are meeting so many Angels. I hope your ankle comes good and allows you to cover more of the miles on your own two feet. Best wishes, Greg (of the GregCath blogging team)
24th September 2016

Enjoying your journey...
Today I start walking from Lugo...the last 105 km. I feel confident that my ankle is well enough to do it. I´m walking about 10-14 km per day. Thanks for following my blog entries. I have 2-3 more coming related to this trip.
23rd September 2016
Bull on a hill - common sight in Spain

Oh, those bulls!
A very funny memory of Spain!
23rd September 2016
An upscale Pilgrims meal - Entree

I like your style!
Delicious food, stays at the Marriott, lots of wonderful conversations with other pilgrims and good lessons--well-done! So glad you found your guide book and were given another walking stick. While I loved the walks to, and the towns of, Villafranco de Bierzo, O Cabriero and further on, you're wise to leave them since they are in the mountains and not on the highway for buses (the reason liked them). Hope your ankle is feeling better, and I look forward to your upcoming blogs about some of my favorite towns. Buen Camino, pilgrim!
24th September 2016
An upscale Pilgrims meal - Entree

I like your style...
Sometimes I think I´m getting close to the line for violating the True Pilgrim experience, but it´s my Camino!
21st September 2016

You need to keep eating the icecream...
It sounds like the icecreams are good! Well done on attempting such an arduous journey in the heat, Bob!
21st September 2016
Albergue Maribel Roncal in Cizur Menor

Tight for space
This space looks a bit cramped!
21st September 2016
Where's Bob...at the Ljubljana airport trying to access the internet

Lucky you to find some kind ladies who helped you out. :-)
21st September 2016

Buen Camino!
Sorry to hear about your sprained ankle Bob. Despite this, it sounds like you are really getting into the swing of things on the Camino. Hope to read that you are better and on track again in the next blog... take care.
21st September 2016

Oh, The Heat!!
I remember well the heat last year biking the Rioja area. I envy you the journey but not the heat. I am loving reading your blog which is feeding my wish to do the same.
19th September 2016
Templar church in Puente la Reine...note the stork nests

Angels on the Camino!
So glad angels have shown up just at the right moment. I walked the Camino in 2003, and it sounds as if things are more organized now with refugios/albergues having smaller, nicer rooms--I often had 50 syncopated snorers in a room and even food trucks along the way. Brilliant and caring to go slowly at your own pace, use a baggage transfer service (amazing) and a taxi when necessary. Thanks for bringing back great memories, especially the countrysides, storks and their giant nests, Roman bridges, Romanesque churches and ancient history. Buen camino!
19th September 2016

Oh to be a pilgrim
Remember this Bob..."It's happening, I am not dreaming, Must keep going. Just like the yak...one foot in front of the other...Must keep going." I'm looking forward to the next instalment.
17th September 2016

All the best Bob!
All the best Bob! Great to hear you are finally on the road, and just about to begin the Camino - I know you've been planning it a while! A great introduction to your trip, spending a couple of days in Barcelona, despite the jet-lag (I totally get you on that one!). Hope the final preparations have gone/are going well, look forward to reading about the journey itself. All the best :)
16th September 2016

Congratulations on heading for the Camino!
I'm laughing about your send off from Rosana and Linda...oh, the love. Glad you planned a couple of days to rest from the jet lag. Well- the Camino adventure has begun and we will be following along each step of the way. This is exciting. Hope all goes well. Eager to hear the ups and downs. And....hopefully a cool breeze will be headed your way soon. enjoy each moment, meditate and take lots of photos.
13th September 2016
Sagrada Familia

May the Light be with you!
What a wonderful way to start your journey in beautiful Barcelona! Best wishes on the temperature dropping, or you may be one of the very early morning walkers. I walked the Camino in 2003 when 30,000 people in Spain and France died in the heat. But now it's September, so you hopefully, you'll have a cooler Camino. Best wishes, and I've confidence you'll make it fine, pilgrim! Buen camino!
13th September 2016

Hey there!
Bob this is a region of the world that we are dying to take a road trip in. My local friend has been raving about the Andalucia region as well. Looks really awesome, and can't beat the Gaudi style buildings. I'll have to reference your blog when we finally go!
13th September 2016
Casa Mila

Look forward to reading your blog from the hike
Emma and I have been thinking about hiking to Santiago de Compostela. We still hope we will get there one day. So I look forward to reading about your experience there. By the way, I just love Gaudi's work of art (yes, I call it art rather than architecture) and Park Guell and Casa Mila are my favourites. /Ake
13th September 2016

I would love to walk the Camino one day also, so looking forward to reading your blog about your pilgrimage! Hope it will cool off a bit soon as I did see that Spain was getting temperatures around 40C! Hope that's not the case anymore and you're experiencing some cooler weather... Fingers crossed! Buen camino :)
13th September 2016

Good to hear you are at last on your journey.We still recount passing pilgrims back in late March tramping through the snow on a mountainous section west of Ponferrada.They were still pressing on even when the amount of snow turned us around to take a route at a lower altitude.We are sure you won't have the same conditions.All the best and looking forward to following your journey
12th September 2016

Love the pictures and blog entry. I'm now inspired to visit Barcelona! Enjoy your adventure and keep us updated. Love you, Dad.
12th September 2016

Safe Travels!
Best of luck on your journey! I'm sure you'll do fine and we look forward to your updates along the way. Barcelona is a good choice to visit before you are on your way. Good luck!
12th September 2016

I´ve started my Camino...
but can´t post any blogs yet because I haven´t been able to log on to my TB account with the computer at the Logrono Marriott AC hotel which is my rest day at the end of my first week. All I can do is leave a comment on this blog as a non-member. So I´m taking notes and will post a blog about Barcelona and another one about my first week on the Camino from Pamplona to Logrono. It sure has been a hot weather week and with a fall on the way down the Alto de Peron which left me with a sparined ankle my pace is much slower than I hoped. But I´m doing OK.
24th August 2016

Ah! I misread your blog entry last year - you'll be starting the Camino September 4th of this year - wow! Exciting, not long to go now - look forward to reading about it on here :D
10th June 2016
Bob with Austen

Miracles and happy endings
I'm glad I knew from the blog title that happy endings were coming or I would not have enjoyed reading. What a few days your family had to endure. I feel for the strain your family has been under. I think all of you need to sit down, reflect, again be thankful and yes, eat another bowl of ice cream. It is the only sensible thing to do at this point.....and count those blessings.
9th June 2016

Bob -- I'm soooo glad to hear that everyone ended up being okay! Two very miraculous stories — so glad your daughters and new grandson are okay — and a great congratulations to Will! p.s. Pineapple Ice Cream sounds delicious!

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