Home and Away's Guestbook

27th April 2017

A sweet reminiscence!
Bob, It must have been great to catch up! Your hair looks perfectly fine after the haircut (or may be hairdo...you didn't tell the truth!!) Margie was definitely lucky after the engine failure. I gather it must have been a single engine Cessna type! By the way, how did Linda got back home after seeing you off at the airport, because you parked the car for 4 days in the airport. Last, but not the least...Good luck with the $200 voucher from the airline! Please tell me next year if you have received it or not! LOL
5th April 2017

I've just finalize my plans...
and will be gone from 4 - 18 July!!
28th March 2017

new trip
It sounds like a logistic nightmare. I am sure that you will organise in the end whichever one works better for you. As you are walking you need to carry as little as possible. Difficult choices to make I think and which will need a lot of planning. I do have Norway on the radar and the other Scandanavian countries. Glenn not so keen on colder climes though. Still all the fun is in the planning and you will make the right choice I am sure
28th March 2017

The plans are coming together!!!
Linda has agreed that I can be gone for two weeks using Option C. So I will fly from Colorado Springs to JFK and catch Norwegian Air from there to Trondheim and back. Heidi, the director of the pilgrimage center in Stiklestad is providing me answers to all my logistics questions, so as soon as I hear back from her regarding the best time in summer to start my pilgrimage I will be ready to update this planning blog!
25th March 2017

another year another plan
Sounds fantastic Bob . The scenery I guess will be wonderful and it should be a different experience to the Camino . Looking forward to watching and waiting and seeing this take shape
26th March 2017

Very different from the Camino...
As I continue to plan, my research is revealing many major differences. One is to bring long underwear even in summer. Another is to bring sufficient food for several days, as not all accommodations have food. Another is to be prepared to camp out. If this is true, then I may decide on the Via Francigena as I don't want to carry so much for longer stages.
24th March 2017

Making that first step,
This pilgrims walk sounds very interesting and exciting , Bob. I look forward to hearing about it... I don't know about Norway but in Sweden summer holidays seem to end in the middle of August , lots of places close down and campsites etc are deserted.... and it definitely feels like autumn has come early so maybe bear that in mind when looking at your start dates. Good luck Lynne
25th March 2017

Making that first step...
Planning for this trip has been a challenge in that the logistics is so complicated. And as you mention...the weather. I was in northern Norway in mid August '68 and the weather was fine, but every year can be different. The advice I get is to finish in Trondheim by 1 Sep. My main concern is accommodations. First the distance between them and then what is available, so which are like camping, and I don't want to bring camping gear as that would add extra weight. There are many tradeoffs. Thanks for your advice!
22nd March 2017
In 1995, visitng the church on Notteroy Island in the Oslo fjord where my great great Grandfather Carl Borgersen is burried.

Oh to be a pilgrim
Oh to be a viking...pretty sure you are...oh to be a pilgrim...yep we know you are. Now you are planning Bob...the land of your forebears awaits. Sounds challenging...sounds fantastic!
22nd March 2017
In 1995, visitng the church on Notteroy Island in the Oslo fjord where my great great Grandfather Carl Borgersen is burried.

I recall your recent blog when you were a Viking. You need to add Scandinavia to your Bucket List. And you and Denise always love to walk.
22nd March 2017

I really enjoyed reading this blog -- the stream of consciousness and planning made me nostalgic for our travel-fliled moments where we were almost immediately planning our next destination. I love how you factor in (or out) based on what you and Linda want -- it's so thoughtful and funny. Can't wait to see what you do and I'm starting to think you may have to give yourself the new nickname of pilgrim! ;)
22nd March 2017

Pilgrim here!
I've discovered that a pilgrimage is ideal for traveling alone, as such an experience is intended to feed ones soul. It has the side benefit of keeping me in the training mode as I definitely need such an incentive to exercise every day. Also, Linda can't walk long distances due to arthritis so has an excuse for not joining me.
22nd March 2017

A year of travel- plan, plan, plan
Sounds like a dangerous plan making this without Linda....negotiation is a good plan and after these years of marriage I imagine she is used to your plan and process. You are right there are no coincidences...so off to Norway. Sounds fantastic. Hopefully you'll find a house sitter for the future.
22nd March 2017

Planning with Linda...
Yes, planning with Linda can be a challenge. But as you've seen from previous blogs she is perfectly willing for me to take separate vacations when my destination doesn't interest her. However, we usually find some place we both like...like Hawaii which will likely get added for our 45th anniversary trip in December.
21st March 2017

Negotiaition is always a big part of planning
Plan C sounds exotic. But I have a feeling will require intense negotiation with Linda. Touching 4 close island countries to reach your goal of touching 100 countries won't be appropriate, in my opinion. It will take toll on your long standing reputation as a globe trotter. Don't take that short cut to complete your 100, Bob. I suggest ST. Olavsleden, but please make sure it does not bring undue stress on your health and Linda totally goes for it. I look forward to hear more on your planning.
21st March 2017

Completing 100
I understand where you are coming from...what constitutes having been to a country is widely debated here. I think the consensus was to spend at least a night in a country, although purists would say immersion for weeks or months is needed to qualify. In that I'm choosing to go to a country that I have visited many times, I hope you understand that my hitting 100 countries is not a top priority for me. Walking across Norway is. I'm enjoying reading your blogs. Keep on traveling!
21st March 2017

It seems like there is a very good reason not to have pets! I'd hate to have to take separate holidays. But, we have acquired a couple of goldfish who are fairly easy care. We have a house sitter this time who is keeping an eye on them! Have fun!
21st March 2017

That would solve our problem. Now to find someone who Linda would feel comfortable with.
21st March 2017

We very much enjoyed our 2 weeks in Norway in mid 2016(check our blogs if you wish)and may even get back there some day.Rather than trek by foot like you we drove, taking on some magnificent roads over mountains and tunnels under the sea.A one day trek to and from Pulpit Rock from the National Park car park was a great experience.We used cabins in motor camps and found them clean and well equipped although if we hadn't had our own bed sheets we would have had to rent them which can make a one night stay quite expensive.Trondheim was a quaint place to visit and plenty to see when you get there.We look forward to reading more of your plans and eventual pilgrimage.
21st March 2017

Enjoying Norway...
I remember reading your blogs about your travel around Norway. They may have inspired me, too!
1st December 2016

a wrong location
Sorry to bother you Bob but someone has taken Nottinghamshire out of locations and replaced it with Newark on Trent. Newark should be in the cities not the counties . Not sure who to tell . Hope you are still keeping well
2nd December 2016

Wrong location
Just post the issue on the Travelblog Support Forum. Jo or Michelle will take care of it. Good to hear from you!
13th November 2016

Oh Canada + Seattle
Vancouver is one of our favorites. WE lived in the Seattle area for 7 years so it was great reading for us....great memories.
30th October 2016

Good to see you in my neighbourhood!
Well, not quite...I'm on the other side of the Rockies in Calgary. But, thank you for visiting Vancouver. Lovely place and I am proud of. ! Yes, Stanley Park is my favourite. You have skipped my another favourite - Whistler. Perhaps, the next time, Bob!
30th October 2016
Chuckamuck Drive near Bellingham

What a great visit!
You guys really packed in a lot of fun and yummy adventures in that beautiful Northwest, and how great that the weather cooperated a bit! Regarding your pets and travel, once I lost my dog, I was keen on pet-sitting for friends and strangers when they went on holidays. I also have friends who volunteer with Trusted Housesitters and organizations like that--just a thought. Happy enjoying your home for awhile!

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