Blogs from Ko Lanta, South-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 17


Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta December 7th 2010

Lots has happened since my last entry. I left Bangkok and went to Ko Tao for 4 days to do my open water diving course. I was nervous at first about the diving and excited. It was a busy 4 days but I passed and loved it. We started in the pool, there were 3 of us in the group which was nice as you can get up to 8. We then did 4 dives in the sea at different sites over two days, the last dive was my favourite. I'm looking at going again in a couple of days and am really looking forward to it. I left there on Saturday and made the journey to Krabi. I stayedvin Krabi for 2 nights which was enough to be honest it is my least favourite place ... read more
Photo 13
Photo 14
Photo 15

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta December 4th 2010

This entry will be a bit short since I'm a bit drunk on mojitos right now. I only had two, but man, they really getcha! Also, I don't have Zach's camera (which is waterproof) so I can't upload the underwater pics tonight. I will pop on tomorrow to do that. Well last Sunday... I think it was the 29th or something... we planned on going to Koh Phi Phi. We got rained out so ended up lounging around. Annie, from our bungalows, had her son drive a few of us around Lanta for a free tour because she felt bad we couldn't do our tour. It was really sweet of her and her son, and it just ended up being one of the many kind things the staff here did for us. Monday, the weather could ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta December 3rd 2010

I am so far behind it isn't even funny! It has been a combination of bad internet connections, being busy, and trying to have a moment alone with the blog. I know it is weird but I can't type when Zach is right next to me. I told him to start his own blog since he has so many ideas on what he wants to say. Where I left off.... This day took place on Thanksgiving. We headed out to Koh Lanta on a minibus. It cost 1300 baht total for the both of us from Khao Sok to Krabi to Koh Lanta. We left at 8:30 in the morning and arrived on Koh Lanta by 2:30. It was a nice ride but my IPOD was dead and Zach's was nearing its doom as well, so ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta November 28th 2010

I left you whilst still in Krabi where i managed to tone my leg muscles fairly impressively by walking the 1237 steps at the Tiger Temple; I had decided i should do a little site seeing after the previous day of doing nothing, so after much deliberating over the cost of tours versus hiring motorbikes versus buses i decided that by far the safest ,and actually cheapest way, would be to take a local bus. On the bus i met two lovely German girls who i then spent the day with! So, whilst climbing up the aforementioned 1237 steps i think i must have lost my own body weight in sweat ... and by the time i reached the top (which did seem to take quite a long time?!) i looked like i might explode! ...and ... read more
Loi Krathong
My Lantern
the rain!

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta November 26th 2010

A short entry about the festival we just attended here in Thailand. One of the many beautiful festivals that takes place in Thailand is the one for Loy Krathong. This is celebrated on the full moon in November. The word loy means to float, and a krathong is a banana leaf cup. People place a candle and incense sticks in their krathongs and then float them on a local river, pond or in the ocean. You should place some coins, a piece of a nail and some of your hair in your krathong and as you push away the krathong, ask for forgiveness for polluting the waterways during the past year but also for good luck in the coming year. A friendly spirit arranged so that we could learn how to make our own krathong and ... read more
Banana leafs on banana tree trunk
like doing christmas decorations back home

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta November 15th 2010

Hej på er! Nu skall vi försöka sammanfatta våra tio fantastiska dagar i Thailand... Den andra november lämnade vi Vietnam och flög till Bangkok. Vi var lite trötta på storstäder så vi bestämde oss för att skippa Bangkok och ta nattbussen till Krabi, som ligger på Thailands sydvästra kust. Eftersom Mia kom ihåg att det inte var helt säkert att ta en buss ifrån Bangkok centrum så ville vi ta oss till Bangkoks busscentral där man kunde ta de säkra government VIP-busses. Vi tyckte att vi hade riktigt god tid på oss när vi satte oss på bussen från flygplatsen till busscentralen. Vi hade dock inte räknat med Bangkoks galna trafik! Det stod helt stilla många gånger, så vår bussresa som egentligen skulle ta max en timma, tog istället TRE timmar! Med andan i halsen hann ... read more
Var 300 baht/natt bungalow
Eremitkrafta i var bar pa Koh Lanta
Mr Bao's underbara Mojito

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta November 15th 2010

14th November 2010 As I peeked out from behind the curtains, the darkened glass contained within our windows couldn’t disguise the strength of the sun. It was a bright day, there was no disguising it, and yet we still struggled to get out of bed to seize the day. After checking about if we had breakfast included in our room price (I had stupidly forgotten to ask for this on arrival) I discovered that it wasn’t and as such when we did venture outside it was not in the direction of the beach but rather in the opposite direction to the nearby restaurant we had visited the night before that was only a couple of minutes walk from our place. We were both hungry and so instead of sharing one of their ample portions of ... read more
Graceful gliding
Wingtip display

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta November 13th 2010

12 November 2010 7:30 am and no rain. I looked out of our bedroom window towards the sea. Where, yesterday, there had hung heavy grey clouds today there hints of blue. However, yesterday started this way and the last weather forecast we saw predicted more of the same for today. This made deciding what to do today difficult. There are two things in particular that we wanted to do, firstly walk to the island view point and secondly take a boat trip snorkelling which includes a stop at Maya Bay - “The Beach”. It may not entirely surprise you to discover that the day passed without either of these outings having formed a part of it. We met Scott & Sara for breakfast during which time the sun came out to play and the temperature began ... read more
A cat chasing a bird...
Gregg & Sara in Garlic
Thai Pancake stall

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta November 12th 2010

For our last night in railay we moved our things to stay at cabanas, the rasta run bar and bungalows in the jungle. its definitely one of my favourite places we've stayed, basic bungalows but the vibe is so chilled out, all the travellers sit around the bonfire listening to bob marley and chilling all night! we heard that a lot of backpackers stay at tonsai beach, which you can only reach by longboat or a half hour trek through the jungle, so we decided to check it out. somehow the six of us ended up falling asleep for the afternoon (tired from elephant trekking in the morning) so when we woke it was dark! still, after some more pad thai we were pretty sure we could still make it in the dark. now if your ... read more

Asia » Thailand » South-West Thailand » Ko Lanta November 12th 2010

Last night consisted of Luke and Scotty going out for a few beers with the Sweedish girls, with Luke and Scott returning home at 3am (local time) to wake Al and Mikey up for the Manchester derby. Luke and Mike regretted sitting through the 0-0 bore draw as they had to be up early the following morning for the snake show! This mornings snake show was an experience Mikey and Luke said they would never forget, attacking their fears by holding snakes and coming face to face with king cobra's. The rest of the day was a bit of a 'wash out' however the evenings entertainment came with a DF pool tournament in which Mikey beat a 'supposedly' former champion of Thailand and increased his lead to 2-1 over Luke on the Thailand strip. Koh Lanta ... read more

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