Blogs from Camiguin, Mindanao, Philippines, Asia


Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin March 11th 2019

K vcerajsku. Pri bare sa zislo osadenstvo z dormu. 2chalani, jedna baba. Spoznali sa niekde na ceste tak cul cestuju spolu. Prisla aj skotka. Uz boli trochu pod paru. Monolog vacsinu viedol span. Neskor sa rozhodli ist do hot springs. Tak som tam ostal sam. Neskor dosol fra, ten sa najedol a siel spat, zajtra ide potapat. Potom sa dovalil izraelsky par (najskor som myslel, ze su span). Ti stratili kapsicku s dokladmi ale nastastie len tu v areali tak im ju majitel uskladnil. Inak ludia a ani ja som sa s nimo moc nesocializoval, bol to moj posledny vecer, pit som nemohol, a noha nahovno. Neskor som si dal este na neskoru veceru konzervu s chili tuniakom. Vecer nebola voda v sprche, byva to kazdu nedelu, bo je na okoli velka spotreba. Rano som slohol ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin March 9th 2019

Rano prisli novy potapaci z okolia. Ja som vybehol na hlavnu a cakal neaky povoz do mambajao. Cakacka hadam aj cez 10min. Premierovo sa veziem na motorke, ktora ma za sebou kabinu pre 8ludi + 2ludia po strane motorky a samozrejme na motorke sedi vodic. Postupne sme sa naplnili na maximum. Vyskakujem pri obchodaku. Vonku sa pohybovali policajti (?) a zastavovali motorky ak videli daky priestupok. Jednych zastavili bo nemali nasadene prilby. Riesene dohovorom. Pri vstupe do obchodaku sbs, ten mi preskrkol citaci kod na flasy od vody co som mal so sebou. V potravinach kupene male kelinkove polievky, konzervy a dake sladkosti. Platba kartou s problemami. Pica chcela vidiet moj pas, ci sedi meno na karte s mojim. Potom zistovala ci mi moze predat veci za 130p a nakonec mi po zadany kodu dala na ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin March 8th 2019

Okolo 9.00 tu uz boli ludia co sli potapat. Spaniely a francuzi. Ja berem motorku. Najskor upratovacka mi vravi, ze asi 300 alebo 250p. Majitelka dava 300p, este sa snazim zjednavat, tak ide volat manzelovy ale ten nedviha. Uvidime nakonec aku mi daju cenu. Pytam si prilbu s prednym chranicom, fasujem klasicku motorkarsku prilbu co chrani celu hlavu. Ha, rezerva je na nule a pumpa v nedohladne. Smer mambajao. Asi po 10km zastavujem na prvej pumpe a davam do nadrze za 80p, to by mi malo stacit na dnesnu jazdu. V mestecku vydrbane jednosmerky. Dolu k moru sa mi dari prist az na druhy krat. Mestecko ani more niako zaujimave. Ale co je dolezite, je tu zradlo. No a nesmie chybat i love you… toto ako som uz tusim spominal maju hadam vsetky skoly i srdiecko ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin March 7th 2019

Rano mi noha trochu odpuchla tak fajn. Ranajky klasicky uz nachystane na stole. Cs ma naklada do auta a vyvaza na bus terminal agora. Rozlucka a cez krytu trznicu do terminalu. Pred vstupom sa musi platit fee, samozrejme nesmela chybat prehliadka batohu. Na vyber mam non ac bus (ten bol vsak prazdny, tak ktovie kolko by sa cakalo) a ac bus. Volim druhu alternativu. Tu nesmel chybat zachod a ani tv s filmom. Bus poloprazdny. Do balingoan prichadzame zhruba po 2.5hod. Listky na ferry sa predavaju tu. Z prveho okienka ma poslali okolo budy do druheho okienka. To som uz vsak sledoval domaceho, ktory mal rovnaku trasu ako ja. Chalan pracuje u policie. Drze filipinky sa normalne predbehli. Spine nevychovane. Dostavam listok, jasne, ze filipiny a ich pridrbane poplatky za vsetko. K listku mi pripinaju doklad ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin March 8th 2017

Geo: 18.9238, 121.902... read more

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin February 18th 2013

Our next island to visit was one we’d seen back in 2009. At that time we were sat on Anda Beach, Bohol and thought how nice it looked with it’s own personal volcano stuck out there in the middle of the sea.. we never thought we’d be visiting it 3 years later and had been looking forward to it since we arrived in the Philippines, we hadn’t anticipated we’d be so delayed in getting here but we were finally on our way. With the camera’s arrival now unknown we didn’t want to hang around Dumaguete for another few days so reluctantly headed over to Camiguin. We say reluctantly because it would mean we would have to make a return journey to Dumaguete for the 4th time and ditch the plans to go to Mindanao but part ... read more
Bugong Beach sunset
Bugong Beach kids

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin October 29th 2012

I’m walking along a rocky shore with Sir Boyet, gazing at the boulders painted gold by the late afternoon sun. A pair of high school teens in festival costume pretend they don’t notice and try to pass us by on their way to the covered basketball court for their dress rehearsal. Sir Boyet asks them in Tagalog what time the festival starts the following day. As he talks, the teens exchange confused glances first with each other, before turning to Sir Boyet. Dili kami kabalo, they say. They don’t understand. They laugh as they walk away. We laugh, too. The happiness of Camiguinons is contagious. We’ve encountered it a lot of times since we’ve arrived this morning. Our host, Teddy, shrugs potential hiccups in schedule like they’re some sort of normal details in the trip. Our ... read more
The Sunken Cemetery
White Island
Mantigue Island

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin January 21st 2010

Sea cat is a fast craft that now has a regular scheduling plying from Cagayan de Oro City to Benoni in Camiguin everyday at 8:30am, cheapest ticket at Main and View deck for 400 pesos. I got there early to buy my ticket, as in Pinoy time of course it did not leave on time as there are late comers. It was smooth sailing, the day started hazy but cleared up and the sea was generally calm until we got out into the open sea and I got wet with sprays from the front as the wind picked up considerably, this did not bother so much as the pesky people smoking in the deck and 2nd hand smoke blows in every direction, then they throw out the butts in the sea! even the gringos do the ... read more
island of Camiguin
giant camel tree
Mt. Hibok Hibok hike

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin » Butuan city May 3rd 2009

The world is far too beautiful to stay in one place forever. Every day I'm overwhelmed with it all. I guess that's why I'm always trying to capture the moment, but the pictures can never do its justice. You've got to be there, feel the water, and taste the air and so on. I'm never as happy as I am when I'm traveling, in the ports/ terminals, even on the plane and bus... there is something very appealing to me about being on my way to discovering something new. I make a conscious effort to avoid trendy destinations and seek out roads less traveled... We all know there are good and bad people anywhere we go in the world but forgive me if I disagree that any single location is the best place to be... For ... read more

Asia » Philippines » Mindanao » Camiguin October 26th 2008

Die Fähre von Jagna benötigte für die Überfahrt gute vier Stunden (400 P) und es wurde bereits dunkel als ich am Hafen, einige Kilometer östlich von Mambajao, dem Hauptort der Insel, ankam. Dort geriet ich glücklicherweise an einen Allesfixer, der mich eigentlich nur auf seinem Motorrad in die Stadt bringen wollte. Kurze Zeit später hatte ich ein hervorragendes Mietmotorrad (1000 P für 3 Tage) und ein Zimmer in einem Chalet direkt am Strand für 500 Pesos. Dieses Resort war so neu, es hatte noch nicht einmal einen Namen („friends“ von meinem Allesfixer natürlich). Alle anderen Beach Resorts wollten während der Festivalzeit mindestens 800 Pesos für ein Zimmer in Strandnähe. Ich konnte hier zwar nur eine Nacht bleiben, da das Chalet für den nächsten Tag reserviert war, aber somit hatte ich nicht nur das Glück, dass mir ... read more

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