Blogs from Oita, Japan, Asia - page 3


Asia » Japan » Oita February 25th 2009

에피소드#3 Feb. 18th the third day in Beppu. 씨웨이브 호텔 레스토랑에서 아침을 먹고 가볍게 짐 정리를 하고, 아침 8시에 벳부역 동쪽 출구에서 아소-유휴고원 일주 버스를 타고 아소산 부근을 순환 관광을 함. 코코노에 유메 오츠리하시를 걸고, 아소 신사를 둘러보고, 아소산 정상의 분화구를 봄. 점심은 도시락(벤또)으로 일주 버스 안에서 먹음. 17시 40분경에 벳부역에서 도착함. 저녁 식사는 어제 먹었던 식당에서 다시 먹음. 일본 현금이 다 바닥남. 이 문제를 어떻게 해결할지 고심함. 내일 점심, 저녁 식사는 크레디트 카드로 가능하지만 후쿠오카 시내에서 지하철, 택시를 이용할 교통비와 야나가와를 여행할 경비가 부족함. 내일은 우선 후쿠오카 시내에 도착하면 신한은행을 찾아서 현금을 찾아야함. Episode #3 Feb. 18th, the third day in Beppu. We had a Japanese style breakfast in the restaurant, Sea wave hotel. and packed lightly to get on the Aso-Yufuin round trip bus. this bus set off at the eastern exit of Beppu ... read more
Nakadake in Mt. A-so
Kurogawa hot spring village
me on the bridge

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu February 23rd 2009

에피소드 #2 2월 17일 후쿠오카에서 유후인으로 여행 둘째 날 센트랄 호텔에서 아침을 먹고 체크아웃하고 JR하카다역에서 유후인노 모리 1호(특급)를 타고 유후인으로 갔음. 유후인행 특급 열차에서의 차내 서비스가 정말 좋음. 승무원들이 친절하고 기념촬영 기회도 줌. 유후인으로 도착하여 스카보로 관광차를 타고 유후인을 둘러봄. 유후인역 주변의 사계절(식당)에서 점심으로 우동을 먹고 유후3호(디럭스)를 타고 오이타로 와서 다시 소닉 42호(고속열차)로 갈아타고 벳부역으로 와서 역 근처 시웨이브호텔에 체크인함. 벳부 스파 비치 공원을 걸음. 태평양을 봄. 저녁 식사는 고기 요리를 먹음. 다케가와라온천에서 온천욕을 즐김. 시웨이브호텔에서 2박(17일, 18일)을 함. 조용하면서 저렴하며 쾌적한 호텔임. 타게가와라 온천은 8년 전에도 100엔 지금도 100엔으로 사용료는 변함없음. 벳부에서 가장 역사가 오래되고 서민적인 온천임. 아쉽게도 8년 전에 여행 중인 일본 아가씨들과 함께 점심을 먹은 식당은 사라졌음. Episode #2 Feb. 17th, Second day in Yufuin village and Beppu city. we ate breakfast at the restaurant in Central hotel. and checked out. we moved ... read more
a railway to Yufuin
a storage in the Jpn temple
beer cup like a handgun empty catridge

Asia » Japan » Oita May 31st 2008

Being a bit spent of all my memory card emotion, it was time to get positive again, and back to the purpose of seeing this beautiful country and it's gracious, polite people! That morning was himid, and I got up and went for a long walk into the huills of Mt Ogi and Tsurumi, above Beppu town. The colours and agriculture were beautiful and reminded me of my times in north queenlsland. On the memory stick front, I picked up one for 3000 yen for a 1gb memeory stick, sony of course, and got busy with some sightseeing. Beppu is lovely, and after some cleansing activity at the train station with the staff regharding my lost items, and kooban (police station, no it is not the TORENDI uniformed policeman that made me visit there, but my ... read more
pride in their work!
first glimpse of coastal Miyazaki ken
hand cleansing in Beppu

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu May 28th 2008

I have sad news, well it is incredibly sad for me being here and having lived the memories that the pictures have maybe 10% conveyed......I have no more memory sticks. So you will have to use your imagination as I try to describe things.... The loss of the sticks goes like this.... It is wet now, torrential,, flooding in streets. It was not wet in Kagoshima, just hot and sultry. Hence, I went on to kirishima Jingu early today from kagoshima, and on to Takachiho Gawara 35 mins away for a spot of hiking. Met some good fit japanese almost thrice my age! Great chance to get wetter and some moody misty shots, plus excellent footage at summit in howling wind and rain. Empited contents of bag carefully to dry things that got wet, camera included, ... read more

Asia » Japan » Oita April 5th 2008

After our stay in Mt. Aso, we went to visit my Auntie Tamaki, who lives in a small town called Shitanoe. My auntie must be about 90, and she lives with her daughter, Yoko. Because Auntie Tamaki was raised in the states, she speaks and reads English pretty well, but unfortunately, her hearing is starting to go. Oftentimes, we communicated using paper and pen. While this wasn't necessarily the ideal way to communicate, Nicole and I ended up with a transcript of our visit. We talked over tea while going through some boxes of my Auntie's pictures. We ended up talking about my family's history. While some of the details were a little unclear, it seems that before World War II, my auntie immigrated to China with my grandparents (who had themselves immigrated to America), where ... read more
Orange Groves
Steve and Yoko at Beach
Steve and Yoko at Beach

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu March 15th 2008

Nachdem ich total besoofen um 5 Uhr Morgens ins Bettgefallen war klopfte es um 11 Uhr an meiner Tuer "Can i come in" "Yeah" lallte ich immernoch stark angetrunken. Die freunliche japanerin von der Rezeption betrat den Raum "I will stay one more day" "oh ok, by the way is this yours". In ihrer hand hielt sie mein Portemonaie "oh yes Thank you". Hatte ich doesbaddel doch tatsaechlich mein Portemonaie in der Kueche liegenlassen. Japaner sind wirklich ehrlich. Aber aufpassen Benny sowas kann auch mal ins Auge gehen dacht ich im nachhinein und wie recht ich bald haben sollte. Nachdem sie den Raumverlassen hatte viel ich wieder in mein Suffkoma. Um 12 Klopfte Ruben, der verrueckte Hollaender dann an die Tuer. Ok zeit aufzustehen. Am nachmittag Fuhren wir dann nach Usuki und schauten uns die Steinernen ... read more
Karate Kid

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu March 13th 2008

13.03.08 Vulkan gucken in Aso. Ich stand frueh auf, latschte zum Beppu Hauptbahnhof und fur mit dem Bummelzug zum groessten Vulkanisch aktiven Gebiet der Erde, Aso. Von Aso aus fuhr ich mit dem Bus auf den Mt. Nakadake. Dort traf ich einen netten japaner mit dem ich mich kurz unterhielt und einpaar Fotos machte. Der Mt. Nakadake war ganz nett vorallem aber die Aschewueste war einen Blick wert. Die 2000 Yen fuer die Gondel zum Krater hätte ich mir sparen können, da mann auch zu fuss auf dor hin gelangen konnte. Naja hab sie dann auf dem rueckweg gespart. Fitnes durch geiz. Da mein Bus noch etwas brauchte, ok ich wusste nicht wann er abfahren wuerde und dadurch waere ich fast auf dem berg geblieben, heheh, hatte ich die moeglichkeit durch eine Restaurant Ruine zu butschern. ... read more
Weisser Rauch
Ruinen in Aso

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu December 26th 2007

冬天刚开始的时候,诺漫底冷得要命,草木皆“冰”的胜景。 现在是圣诞节的假期,天气暖和了好多,可是早上居然下了雨,外面清冷清冷的。 冬天让我想起温泉,在日本的时候,泡在微烫的泉水里⋯⋯ 诺漫底的冬天多雨寒冷,因为昨天玩Wii太猛,伤了皮肉筋骨,于是现在开始更痛,整个手臂都不能动作太大,不然从前臂到肩背都是肌肉撕扯着的痛苦。 现在大概是最难过的时候了吧,又冷又湿又生病。 头脑昏昏沉沉的,咳嗽不断,伤筋痛骨的。 就这样躺在床上,睡睡醒醒地混沌了一天。 希望能快点好起来,毕竟这样子浪费假期是很可怕的,我还有很多事情要做⋯⋯ 干燥温暖健康的冬天啊,梦中幻景的遐思⋯⋯ 我得尽量把我的病痛化为诗意,冥想冥想⋯⋯ 在这里没人真正关心我,所以我也不能去做积极理疗,在家养着吧。 我突然想到换host-family的事情了,其实这也不是第一次有这样的念头了。 总结一下原因,我是一个喜欢清静的人,但是在这里有太多小孩,众口难调,难免摩擦不断。 虽然我大多时候都是作为一个旁观者,总是静观其变而不发一言,但是胸口翻江倒海的感觉时时挥之不去。 上次和这家无事生非的大女儿产生不可愈合的冲突后,我就在想,靠,我呆这儿受气的还是怎么着?于是就开始跟他们商量换住家的事情。 但是想来那一次有些武断和草率,因为接下来很多工作都不确定,着实有些悬。 那次冲突让所有人摸不着头脑,并且哭笑不得。后来我们一致总结是因为那位青少年的逆反和嫉妒心理作祟。 现在我屁股后面还有一大堆事情要做,所以得等所有事情都办妥了再正式开始商量。 我总是在思考Kurt的话,一个人在国外,要学会忍。 不过现在想通了,该忍的要忍,不该忍的不能憋着。我们中国人好欺负怎么的⋯⋯ 我也看了很多中国学生无事生非硬把责任往人家头上扣的例子,于是我开始很无聊地想像你们会不会这么想我。 不过我一向知书达理的形象还是深入人心的吧,我想。 觉得来了法国后,自己脑子里想的乱七八糟的事情越来越多,其实原来也多,只是现在觉得自己都有点看不下去了。 当人太理性的时候就会变得懦弱。 不过说的现实一点,寄人篱下,你还想怎么着。... read more

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu October 16th 2007

Hey peeps, its Amit checking in. I just drank a bunch of shochu and wanted to stay and hangout more but I still have to pack for my train in 4 hrs... but let me start at the beginning. So Shugi and Susan and I planned on leaving Kyoto, getting some Fugu and stopping off at the Fukoka, in the island of Kyushu, for a night of ramen and bi-jin: the two specialties of Fukoka (i.e. noodles and hot women). As fulfilling as this would have been I thought we might be better served by checking out the small town of Beppu on Kyushu which sits on some considerable geothermal activity and has steam vents and onsen (hot springs) all over. It also is near the sea in which fugu are found and we were pretty ... read more

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu August 27th 2007

Now just incase I wasn't depressed enough from Hiroshima, I decided to go to Nagasaki...the second place to have an atomic bomb dropped on its innocent people. I chose not to go to the museum this time, and just to Nagasaki's Peace more upset Lucy please! Again I decided to go out in the evening in search of live music. The result of this one was good...found a place called Tin Pan Alley which had a live 7 piece cover band. Was great watching all the drunk business men have a boogie on the dance floor...arms were flying everywhere and they seemed to enjoy hugging each other all the time! After cycling around pretty much all of Nagasaki, I decided to change my cycling destination to Beppu. This town is very famous for its many ... read more
London Black Taxi...
Mountainside view...

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