Blogs from Oita, Japan, Asia - page 2


Asia » Japan » Oita » Yufu City » Yufuin March 23rd 2012

Yufuin onsen was voted "female's favorite onsen" in Japan. I can definitely see why! The town is quite small it doesn't take more than half a day to go around. Whats impressing was, there were so many sweets shops. Oh maybe that's why its so popular among females. My top 3 food from Yufu - 1) cheese cake - so smooth and eggy. Just the way I like it. 2) beef croquette - words can't describe how good this is. Just gotta try it! 3) tofu pudding - fresh and soft. yummmmm. Ok here comes my first onsen experience. The place we stayed at is called Yadoya Oohashi ( It's basically what you see on their website but BETTER. All rooms come with outdoor onsen so you can enjoy onsen with your partner in your private ... read more
huge takoyaki

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu November 23rd 2011

So after a very long hiatus and rather hectic 2 months, the quater is over and I can finally relax and enjoy a 2 small break from school. As other graduate students and Masters holders would tell you, grad school is the part of the education process where you never really stop working. Reading has to get done, presentations have to be made and presented, final term papers of 5000 words have to be written and so on. I have paid my dues and spent way too many nights not falling asleep before 2am to tell you that it is a long and very tiring process. I have really enjoyed my classes this quarter, but I am really looking forward to my much lighter quarter that gives me Mondays off! Maybe I will be able to ... read more
personal nabe

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu October 23rd 2011

Well, after a year of sitting around at home I decided that it was time to move on with my life and go back to school. That's right, grad school was the next step for me. A little background information might help some of you on this. I did my undergraduate studies in Asian Studies with a concentration in Japanese Studies. After being in Osaka for a study abroad, I graduated and moved myself to Sendai, Miyagi for 3 years. I didn't just live in Japan, I became apart of Japan. I traveled extensively, made Japanese friends, and studied Japanese. While I'm a little embarrassed about the fact that I'm not as fluent as I feel I should be, I'm getting there. So when it was time to get back to school I decided that I ... read more
new friend
ocean side

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu April 14th 2011

Het Sakura-feestje was heel erg leuk en gezellig. Wij hadden ook stroopwafels meegenomen en uitgedeeld - ze vonden die erg lekker. Er waren kinderen tussen de 8 en 11 jaar en een heel aantal tussen de 17 en 30 - in totaal waren we waarschijnlijk met 15 man, minstens. We zijn opgehaald en teruggebracht met een jeep, Alexander was natuurlijk veel te lang en dat bracht de nodige hilariteit mee, en we hebben email-adressen uitgewisseld. Er waren hapjes en drankjes en we hebben heel veel gekletst - kortom, het was een hele leuke ervaring! De volgende dag stond in het teken van reizen en vulkanen. Eerst hebben we met verschillende treinen gereisd. In tegenstelling tot het openbaar vervoer in Nederland, rijd in Japan alles op tijd - eventuele afwijkingen van het schema zijn slechts seconden. Dit ... read more
Toegang tot een van de 'hellen'
'Shiny Uncle' beeld in Beppu centraal

Asia » Japan » Oita » Yufu City » Yufuin March 29th 2011

Spring or fall is the best to visit Kyusyu, if you don’t like the sticky summer weather or coldness of the winter. But the weather in Kyusyu isn’t super severe. It hardly annoys you whenever you travel over there. Only the rainy season between the mid-June through the mid-July is probably best avoided to pay a visit. ... read more
Nihon-no Ashitaba
Nihon-no Ashitaba
Nihon-no Ashitaba

Asia » Japan » Oita » Yufu City » Yufuin March 24th 2011

Yufuin ( in Oita Prefecture is one of the most famous and popular onsen (hot spring) resorts in Japan. It’s quite close to Mt. Aso. You should not miss both of them when in central Kyusyu. My wife usually stays at Nihon-no Ashitaba (or two bundles of reed., when she visits Yufuin. It's probably the most magnificent hotel in the area with the gorgeous bathing facility and great hospitality. ... read more
An open-air hot spring bath.
An open-air hot spring bath
A Japanese style room.

Asia » Japan » Oita » Yufu City » Yunohira Onsen June 19th 2010

Yunohira Onsen Town (湯平温泉) is a picturesque small town on Kyushu about 20 minutes by train from Yufuin on the JR line that connects Oita with Yufuin. A bus service operates between the Yunohira train station and the town and only takes a couple of minutes. The town slopes along the river with many small cobblestone roads, boardwalks and bridges. Yunohira 's hot springs have been valued as curing water for the stomach and intestines for many years. Many of the locals do not have bathing facilities in their homes and use the onsen as public baths which gives us a great chance to bathe with the friendly people of the village after their return from work. I recommend a stay there as the town is magical at night. Check here for more onsen tips.... read more

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu April 4th 2010

And we're in Beppu, hot spring ('onsen' in Japanese) paradise, doing some well deserved relaxing after 7 days of intense sight seeing! To start from where we left off: after having spent 4 full days in amazing Tokyo, we left for Kyoto Tuesday night, arriving (very) early Wednesday morning. Kyoto is also one of Japan's biggest cities, but couldn't be more different from Tokyo in terms of architecture and atmosphere. Where Tokyo is hectic and bustling, packed with sky-soaring glass and metal facades with neon lights glaring you down from every street corner, Kyoto is far more down to earth: the buildings are shorter and less imposing, the streets less packed with busy business suits... the general feel of the city is more peaceful, almost suburbian. After having dropped off our packs at the hostel, we ... read more

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu September 23rd 2009

Hallo zusammen, und da kamen sie nun, die Tage, an denen fast ganz Japan frei hat. Gluecklicherweise konnte uns die Touri-Info noch ein Zimmerchen in Kumamoto auf Kyushu besorgen. Unser traditionell japanisches Zimmer (mit Futon-Unterlage auf Tatamimatten) befand sich in einer kleinen japanischen Pension mit einer japanischen Wirtin, die kein Englisch konnte. Daher haben wir auch erst am zweiten Tag herausgefunden, wo sich die Dusche befand... Von Kumamoto sind wir zum Aso-san gefahren, einem von den Japanern hochverehrten Vulkan. Das Vulkangebiet hat eine riesige Caldera mit einem Umfang von 128 km, die durchaus besiedelt ist und in deren Mitte sich die Vulkane neueren Datums befinden. Der Aso-san hat in seiner Geschichte schon 150 Ausbrueche hinter sich und ist damit der aktivste Vulkan der Welt. Am Tag unseres Besuchs hat er das fuer uns optimale Niveau an ... read more
Hexenkueche im Krater des Naka-dake
Heisse Quelle in Beppu
Blick von oben in den Krater des Naka-dake

Asia » Japan » Oita » Beppu April 16th 2009

Je suis certain qu'ils y en a parmi vous, chers 8 lecteurs et demi, qui se disent "Kessé ça BEPPU???". Ben j'vous le dit pas. Fin de l'article. Phil Ok, si vous insistez, c'est une petite ville dans le sud du Japon qui est réputée pour ses "hot springs", ou "onsen" comme ils disent ici. C'est comme si la ville était en feu en permanence, il y a des nuages de fumée partout créés par les onsens. Ça a donc été une première occasion pour nous d'essayer les "shinkansens", les trains ultra-rapides du Japon, qui rende le voyagement presque aussi rapide qu'une téléportation. Oui j'exagère, mais pour vous donner une idée, après 2 heures de train, on était déjà rendu à Nagoya, 380 kilomètres plus loin, et on avait eu le temps de faire 3-4 arrêts. ... read more

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