Blogs from Delhi, National Capital Territory, India, Asia - page 14


Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi » Qutub Minar July 7th 2012

Aujourd'hui, je decide de me rendre a Connaugh Place, un rond point tres courru a Delhi. Ce Rond point est entoure de commerces dans de grands edifices a colonnes qui donne un joli look a l'ensemble. Au centre du rond point, il y a un parc nomme simplement " Central Park". Apres m'etre repose dans ce joli petit parc, je me promene un peu, et la, un homme m'approche. Il m'explique qu'il nettoie les oreilles, qu'il fait ca depuis des generations et puis il me vend sa salade. J'ai beau lui dire que je ne veux rien savoir, il est persistant. Il me montre son carnet de temoignage de clients satisfait et surpris de la salete qu'il retire. J'insiste et continue de dire que je ne veux rien savoir, il ne bronche pas et persiste. Quand ... read more
Central Park
Central Park...
Un arbre a Central Park

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi » Qutub Minar July 6th 2012

Ben dis donc, ca fait maintenant une semaine que je suis a Delhi. Y'a des hauts, ou je me dis que c vraiment chouette. Y'a des bas, ou je me demande qu'est-ce qui m'a pris de venir ici pis je me dis que je veux retourner chez-moi. On va y aller avec les bas, qui, soit dit en passant, je ne porte pas souvent parce qu'il fait drolement chaud par ici. Mon voisin de siege dans l'avion, un americain demeurrant au Texas mais pas Texan, habitue de l'Inde, me disait : "Delhi is a rip off" Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas cette expression, ca veut dire "Une arnaque". Apres une semaine seulement a Delhi, j'ai depense pres de la moitie de mon budget. Bon, relativisons. Quand on sait que par la j'entends 400$, que j'ai ... read more
simili mendiante
Salle de lavage

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi July 1st 2012

1er juillet. Ben oui tiens. J'ai revu un de mes "amis" d'hier. Il m'a dit que si j'acceptais de visiter quelques boutiques pour quelques minutes seulement, meme sans rien acheter, il aurait un 100rs (roupies indiens, 1$ canadiens equivaut a 50 roupies) de commissions pour chaque boutique. Parfait, tu es sur que tu as des commissions meme si j'achete rien? J'ai verifie et reverifie en lui garantissant que je n'acheterais rien. Il m'a confirme que j'avais juste besoin de regarder. Alors j'ai fait comme presque toute les fois ou je magasinent pour vrai, j'ai regarde, j'etais pas satisfait et j'ai rien achete. Voila mon ami, 300rs pour toi, j'ai fait ma B.A. de la journee ;p J'ai oublie quelques trucs que l'on m'a offert hier, ce n'est pas anodin. - You want woman, I can get ... read more

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi June 30th 2012

Comme je disais, je suis arrive en Inde et je suis en bonne Sante. J'ai dormi de 11h00 PM hier a 14h00 PM aujourd'hui. Le vol etait impeccable et mon transport pour l'hotel etait absent. Premiere aventure indienne... j'ai pris un taxi officiel de l'aeroport, le chauffeur etait tres gentil, il m'a redemande l'adresse des dizaines de fois une fois qu'on approchait, l'hotel etait cache apperemment... On y est arrive tout de meme dans une region relativement bonde (ouais, en passant, desole pour les accents, y'en a pas ici...). Les dernieres routes menant a l'hotel etait tres etroite, ce qui donnait l'impression parfois d'etre en sens inverse dans un one way... Arrive a l'hotel, le receptionniste avait envie de me reprimande : "You told us 3PM, my guy was there!" trop fatigue pour l'engueuler, je lui ... read more

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi June 26th 2012

I got really sick in Delhi. I had a very high fever, migraine and diarrhea. It went away after 5 days but I was very weak for a few days after. I did not take any medication as I prefer natural remedies. I took grape seed extract, cumin seeds and fennel seeds which helped greatly. Many of the spices used in Indian cooking are great for maintaining health such as turmeric which has antibiotic and antibacterial qualities. However, I discovered that there are not a lot of food options for the sick in India. I guess most people had mothers, wives or sisters to take care of them, but for travellers, whatever can be found in restaurants, shops, etc. are all not good for a sick stomach. Thank god I was staying at a friend’s house ... read more

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi June 13th 2012

Geo: 28.6137, 77.1834I would dearly love to beguile you with tales of beautiful lotus temples and ancient tombs, however, the most I saw of the nation's capital city was the inside of my hotel room and the street outside for about 200m each way!!! Not being able to keep food down, in 40 degree plus heat is not an experience I care to repeat, although with the countries I have yet to come, I fear I shall not be able to avoid it! On arrival in Dehli, I was feeling slightly human, and went out for some noodles, from a Nepalese restaurant… it went pretty well, until the morning! Fortunately (if you can call it that!) it had confined itself to spewing only now, which I guess was a blessing. The following day was spent in ... read more
Noisier city!!!
Sunset from the window
The Chaotic Square

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi April 29th 2012

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Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi April 27th 2012

I am sitting in a train to Agra, chai vendor has already walked by three times, people are eating a late breakfast and the train is heading towards the South. So Delhi is done for us, at least for this time. Delhi started for Vanya about 7 hours earlier compared to myself, when I still was in a hotel in Bangkok and he was already in Delhi airport. So he is now an expert in all colours and shades of the Indian military and security forces, where to buy food at the airport and where to take a nap. Driving from the airport to the hotel in an overpaid but still cheap taxi was fun, surely noone sticks to the lanes on the road and cars go in 7 rows instead of 5, honking whenever they ... read more

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi April 10th 2012

THE NATIONAL MUSEUM, DELHI & RETURN TO UK. Tuesday 10 April, 2012. This morning we met the Quo Vardis agent, Ashicur, for breakfast. He very kindly let us have a car and driver for the day and negotiated an extension on the hotel room until 3.00 pm. We spent the morning packing and at 2.30 we were collected by the driver. After stowing our luggage in the boot he took us to the National Museum in Delhi. This is one of the top 35 things to do in India. We paid our entrance fee and collected our headsets for the self guided tour which takes about 2 hours. This worked out perfectly as the museum closes at 5 pm. We followed the tour around. Some of the exhibits were closed but we saw the Indus Valley ... read more
Our Delhi Hotel Suite
M in the Restaurant
M at Delhi Airport

Asia » India » National Capital Territory » Delhi » Qutub Minar April 5th 2012

DELHI, NATIONAL CAPITAL TERRITORY, INDIA. Thursday 5 April, 2012. Our guide, Shaitevda, was waiting for us in the hotel reception and the trusty Mr Barun was in the car. We drove through the amazingly clean and completely Holy Cow free streets of, mainly residential, South Delhi, into New Delhi and out to Old Delhi which was the first stop of our tour. Mr Barun dropped us just outside the famous Red Fort. We did not visit this, Delhi's most famous monument, as it is exactly the same as the Red Fort in Agra which we had already seen. However, this was a great place for us hire a rickshaw for a tour of Old Delhi with its narrow streets. M and D had one rickshaw and Shaitevda had another. Though it is not, in fact, the ... read more
India Gate
M at Humayun's Tomb
Lotus Temple

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