Blogs from Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir, India, Asia - page 9


Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Nubra June 25th 2012

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Indus valley
2012-06-06 16.50.07
2012-06-07 11.21.10

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh June 11th 2012

Throughout this trip, I have met some amazing travelers...very open minded, cultured people travel to India, not quite the same quality of people who travel to countries like Thailand where the main draw is the full moon party. But the locals...who are a mix of Tibetans, Nepalis, Indians and Kashmiris are special people. I can't walk down any of the streets in the small towns I spend most of my time in without several locals stopping me to shake my hand and say namaste or tashi delek (hello in Tibetan). It really makes me feel welcome and happy. I spent 6 weeks in Dharamkot (the village the Dalai Lama calls home) and it felt like home to me as I've always lived here. Buddhists would say I must have lived there in a past ... read more
view from the car
made it to the lake
our host at Pangong lake

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh May 31st 2012

“… I will prefer an aisle seat please..” is my standard script at the check-in counter at any airport. And it has been so for the past… ummmm.. 10,…12 … I really do not remember honestly. Well, it’s been since long, to keep it simple. The reason was the advent of Low Cost Airlines. In the foray to fit in as many rows of seats technically possible, they perhaps forget to realize that a person with even marginally longer legs will not feel too great to get their knee caps buffed by the seat in front for the entire tenure of the flight. The aisle seat offers a lucrative option of stretching your legs out on the aisle for almost all through the flight. But this time around I changed my preference. It was September and ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Pangong Tso May 8th 2012

Mornings were pretty cold in September there. When the morning alarm went off, if I remember correctly, it was about 5 in the morning and I jumped out of the bed, only to realize that I was not geared to fight the morning cold. Almost in a reflex action I fumbled in the dark for the pullover and jumped into it. It barely took me about half an hour to get ready and even before I knew it, I was back in the Xylo that I had hired for those 5-days in Leh. We were off to see the colours of pangong Tso. I was told it takes about 5 hours to reach the lake and so I started as early as possible. The first 3 hours into the journey went off easily while I was ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Khardung La March 5th 2012

Hey Everyone, I have just booked into a 10 days vipassana retreat! I am really nervous and excited at the same time!!! It starts on the 24th of March... Having an amazing time here still!!! I had a very special ayavadic massage today. Hot oils massaged over my entire body. I will give more details another time. It was something out of this world! The Dr said that this massage would help with my Migraine. Yes that's right I had a really bad Migraine yesterday that knocked me for 6. The Dr gave me a head massage and put oils on my head and told me to sleep. I HAVE NEVER RECOVERED IN SUCH A SHORT TIME FROM SUCH A BAD MIGRAINE. THE DR'S HERE ARE SOMETHING SPECIAL! Ops the capslock key came on. I think ... read more

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Leh November 11th 2011

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Lamayuru November 6th 2011

Quelle excursion! L'air frais du matin (-4C), les ruisseau geles, le soleil brillant, le ciel sans nuages.... et les montagnes! Incroyable! Nos avons alonge l'Indus jusqu'a sa confluence avec la riviere Zanskar. Une vrai union d'amour: le Zanskar, avec ses eaux bleu turquoise penetre l"indus majesteuse avec ses eaux vert emeraude. Le spectacle est eblouissant et touchant: les eaux coulent parallele pour un moment et par apres elles s'unissent dans une seule couleur, une veritable histoire d'amour. Et puis la route! WOW! Des laces hyper serres, large juste assez pour une voiture, sans garde-fou, pas mal de trous, montant a peu pres 700 m. Decidement la plus dangereuse que j'ai jamais faite. Mais quel paysage! des roches de toutes les couleurs, peut-etre plus impressionantes parce qu'il y a juste de roches, aucune vegetation. Les chauffeurs doivent ... read more
route Leh- Lamayuru
Lamayuru - dieu protecteur

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Stakna November 4th 2011

Nous sommes en train d'aprivoiser la region: petites balades le matin dans les ruelles de notre "ville" (au fait un village plus grand - 28.000 habitants), decouverte de tous les restos du coin, balade de soir parmi les vaches et anes qui courent dans les rues. Les chiens nous connaissent tous deja, ils ne levent meme pas la tete quand on passe. Hier nous sommes montes a bord d'un minibus local, portes ouvertes pour laisser les locaux monter et descendre a tous les 30-50 m. Nous sommes alles au monastere de Stakna, a 15 km, sur une petite coline, apres un pont en bois flanques de drapeaux de priere. Le minibus nous a laisse au milieu de nulpart, ou il y avait un petit "coin cafe" comme dans les films de western. Nous avons marche 2 ... read more
Stakna -cour interieur
Stakna - stupa avec vue sur les montagnes
Stakna - pont sur l'Indus

Asia » India » Jammu & Kashmir » Ladakh » Hemis November 1st 2011

Quelle journee benie! Le matin notre hotesse a fait comme d'habitude le tour de la maison avec le pot d'incence brulante en incantant son OM. Ca nous a mis sur la bonne voie. Nous sommes partis (en vrais touristes, en taxi) vers Hemis, a 45 km de Leh. Quel bonheur de voir le paysage du Ladakh: les montagnes arrides en roche beige, les sommets couverts de neige, la verte riviere Indus sautillant a cote de la route, les voiliers d'oiseaux dansant hypnothiquement entre les rochers, et soudainement l'apparition du petit village de Hemis et apres 3 tournantes bordes d'argousiers , le monastere d'Hemis. Le plus grand et plus important au Ladakh. Niche entre les montagnes, garde au nord par un Budha dore perche sur les rochers, au sud par un stupa en lapis lazuli, magnifique sous ... read more
Hemiss - cour interieure
Hemis- Budha en temple
Hemis - un the au Himalaya

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