Blogs from Hong Kong, Asia - page 27


Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island June 26th 2014

My first trip was when I was one year old. My family moved to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia from Colorado for my Fathers work. I don't remember anything of those days so let us leave it. We moved and traveled quite often but the first time I traveled solo was flying from San Francisco, California to Miami, Florida. I believe I was fourteen years old. Perhaps older, perhaps younger, but fourteen is close enough. My Father was a pilot for United Airlines, and I could fly for free. So I decided to take a day trip to Miami. I cannot tell you why I chose Miami but there I was, a boy dressed in Khakis and a nice shirt flying across the country. No hotel reservation, no car, no friends or family waiting, a few dollars in ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island June 17th 2014

In May, we were lucky to go to Hong Kong to renew our visas. We left on Sunday morning and took a flight to Shenzhen airport. Though it is much cheaper to fly into, it is also a bit far to get to Hong Kong. After a bus, a couple of subway rides and border crossings, we arrived at our hotel in the Kowloon area of Hong Kong. The room was snug but very modern and much more comfortable than the one we stayed at in Korea. After a quick rest we took the subway 3 stops to downtown on Hong Kong Island. Though it is very busy and packed tight, Hong Kong has a lot jammed into its tiny space. You can find a lot of Western style restaurants mixed in with local food and ... read more
Elevated sidewalks
Ferry to Macao
Old Portuguese buildings

Asia » Hong Kong » Lantau Island May 23rd 2014

What up What up friends, so some of you have been asking me about my travels and I figured in order to not spam Facebook I will make a separate blog to share my experiences. If you're here to hate, I suggest you stop reading now. Because I don't care about the opinions of close-minded people. Anyways let me begin. So this year started off pretty rough, I'll save the details. Thankfully I saved up some money to travel and decided that I would hit up a couple of places this summer, the first destination that I am visiting is Hong Kong. Now when you hear Hong Kong, the first thing you probably think of is high-rise urban buildings and people cluster. However, where I am staying in Hong Kong is not the stereotypical overpopulated, people ... read more
View from condo

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon May 20th 2014

What’s the saying “It’s not the destination it’s the journey”? Well truth be told sometimes the journey doesn’t live up to satisfy such serenity. In this age it’s often marked by long lines, uncomfortable seating, and disruptive wailing. I’m certainly speculating but would venture to guess the originator never encountered the present era of first-world problem complainers. Like myself when I learn my plane is to be delayed two hours ensuring a missed connection to my final destination. Plus when two hours turns to three and three to four “the journey” turned sit and wait starts losing mass appeal. So when I’m left in the dark and forced to tack on an on an extra four hours to my Toronto layover only learning after boarding the plane was in the hanger for emergency maintenance to resolve ... read more

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island May 20th 2014

It's a cliché, but yes the world is getting smaller. 

I have now lived in Hong Kong for nearly seven years and have witnessed part of this cliché myself. More specifically, I am referring to food. When I first arrived here in 2007, there were a number of treats and goodies that I missed from home. I remember the extortionate price of cheese (admittedly my income was fairly pathetic). On my first pay check, western imports to overpriced gourmet supermarkets were inaccessible. Familiar brands from the UK were switched for Asian brands, or Australian brands. Cadburys chocolate was always made in Australia, where the recipe is slightly different. There is a never-ending debate about whose is better, and of course whatever you grew up with always tastes best! The ever stubborn Starbucks was here long before ... read more
UK Food Festival
M&S Bakery
Grand Opening

Asia » Hong Kong » Kowloon May 15th 2014

It getting more difficult to obtain space in Hongkong, every direction you walk...crowded, crowded, crowded!! What'd happen nowaday? report said there are more than 30 million visitors arrived in this 6 million populated Hongkong last year, and this figure are only for the visitors from mainland China. Back some years ago I still could walk leisurely in the city between 10am to 4pm. hangout in local foodstand or cafe in a more quiet environment. look at today in this city, with the rent rocketed to astronomical figure, beside those stupid LV and Prada showroom, there are only gold & jewellery shop, pharmacy and cosmeceuticals store left in Hongkong. see...walk in the city not just suffocated but also bored! Well...lifted myself from ground level seem like a reasonable escape. I quickily concentrated on the Lionrock hill that ... read more
The Lionrock from my window
the Amah Rock
the trench

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island May 11th 2014

According to our indispensable travel companion, Trip Advisor, Hong Kong’s number one attraction is its stunning skyline. I’m glad we’ve been lucky enough to see this cityscape on previous visits here as, this time, the whole island was permanently shrouded in fog for practically our entire stay. A thick, grey cloak rendered the famous Victoria Peak invisible and obscured the tops of the city’s innumerable impressive skyscrapers. The weather on arrival was a shock to our system as it was much more like Bolton than Bangkok. We’d left the latter in with the mercury touching 37 degrees and expected lower but still warm temperatures when we landed in HK. We didn’t get them. The visibility on the flight was absolutely nil from about 20 minutes out and, being totally engrossed in my Ross Kemp on Gangs ... read more
The Hong Kong Skyline
Rattling Along On The Tram
A Few Days In Macau

Asia » Hong Kong May 6th 2014

Geo: 22.33, 114.18Home again, home again jiggedy jig.....but let's not get ahead of ourselves. There were still a few shopping hours till departure. The shopping potential was determined by the the available space in the suitcase.I used the sit, bounce and zip method to create just a little bit more space after putting all the heavy stuff in Mac's bag. I have to confess I did this little swaparoo when he was in the shower! He will never know until he picks it up.So with wallet in hand and a level of determination intensified by an imminent departure we hit Nathan Road again. But with no particular goal in mind it once again meant aimless rambling. Into nooks and crannies, in venues that are literally holes in the wall, or conveniently located pieces of bitumen with ... read more
It almost fits
Love the door to door pickup
The last little feast

Asia » Hong Kong » Hong Kong Island May 4th 2014

1st May - arrived in Hong Kong picked up in Mercedes limousine - arrived at the hotel in style about 10.30am - crashed out for a couple of hours to catch up on lost sleep. Went into town to explore with our map but got a bit disoriented - not lost but got taxi back to hotel!!! 2nd May - refreshed after a nights's sleep so decided to catch a ferry to one of the islands. Cheung Chau is one of the outer islands (half hour by fast ferry) and is "pedestrianised" with no cars. A busy traditional fishing community. They were preparing for their annual 'Bun' festival which celebrates good health and peace in the community. Back in time for a snack in the hotel bar then back down to the harbour for an evening ... read more
Ferry service on the Island!
Shipmates on Light Show cruise
Hong Kong from The Peak

Asia » Hong Kong May 1st 2014

We arrived in Hong Kong on April 23 at 10:30 pm and were glad to have a prearranged car to take us to our hotel. Hong Kong is overwhelming. Every sense perception is maximally stimulated without letup until you can find a refuge in some small, quiet space where the hubbub still continues, but from a distance. The next morning, we joined up with John Coker, David's lifelong friend, who spends about half his time living and working in Hong Kong. We fell into a delightful routine of exploring Hong Kong and Kowloon on our own during the daytime while John was at work, and then joining him and his gracious Chinese boss and various members of her lovely family for fine evening meals in their favorite Hong Kong restaurants. We rode the cable tram up ... read more

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