Blogs from Kunming, Yunnan, China, Asia - page 17


Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming October 16th 2009

VIETNAM THE jump from Macau to Vietnam was a short one: 1,5 hour plane-ride with the only service, a can of coke or other soft drink for a handful of Dollars, or a cup of Nescafe coffee for another handful of Dollars in a styrofoam cup. Arriving in Ho Chi Minh city, previously Saigon is a pleasant revelation: a large modern terminal with a number of ATM’s and a welcome with an excellent map of the city, the country and other places. We are a distance from the city center, I don’t see busses, but a guy with a car, obviously there to catch the tourist, is there to take me into town, to a coffee shop and a cheap hotel, By then, the ATM has taught me that the national currency is the Dong, ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming October 11th 2009

These seven simple words put the current situation into perspective. The situation I speak of is arriving into a music disco with men, women, dancing, beer, all your normal pawns in a crazy game of Saturday night chess…but something didn’t seem quite right. Something didn’t gel. Yes, there were more men dancing up on stage than women, but I have seen this before. Asian men like to dance. (Wes - that one’s for you). Many guys were talking to me and gan be’ing constantly, but as our table happened to be the only foreign table in the place, this is also normal. So what prompted this unusual comment? For now, I will keep you in suspense as before then I would like to discuss the major difference of ‘friend relations’ between Chinese and that of some(by ... read more
Park Pagoda
Me and Patrick
Jacob's Girl

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming October 10th 2009

Once in Kunming, similar to Hekou, it seemed that no one cared we were there! We could see no obvious way of getting into the centre of town and the people I asked in the station didn seem to know much either! Instead we followed our trusty guide book and searched outside on the main roads for a bus 64. Luckily we saw one drive by, our eyes following it, and we waited at the same bus stop for the next one. Next mission was finding the hostel which happened to be hidden down a quiet street of course! It was worth it though - the HI Cloudland is a good hostel and provided us with a much needed breakfast after our night on a bus and trek into town! I spent the day walking around ... read more
Saturday morning gossip
In Green Lake Park

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming October 3rd 2009

So today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, or in Chinese, Zhongqiu Jie (中秋節). It is a popular harvest festival celebrated by Chinese people dating back over 3,000 years to the moon worship in China's Shang Dynasty. The Chinese Moon Festival is on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month, which this year is on the 3rd of October. The legend says that Chang Er, the moon goddess of immortality, flew to the moon where they lived happily ever after. You might still see her dancing on the moon during the Moon Festival! ;) On this day families and friends gather to celebrate together, eat moon cakes and obviously admire... the bright mid-autumn full moon. In China, the Moon Festival is as important as Christmas in the West. The typical ... read more
Pork and sugar moon cakes
Home made moon cakes
More moon cakes

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming September 30th 2009

Since I’ve been here I have not been quite the social butterfly I was at home. Life mostly consists of getting settled in the apartment, going to class, going to find food for lunch and dinner and studying for the remaining hours of the days. However, I have enjoyed the occasional night out. In fact, that night has been every Friday night. In DC, it was opposite, Friday’s were always my “day off” from going out, since within my lifestyle and groups of friends, there was something to do on practically every night of the year, almost always involving my friend, Mr. Beer. But here, along with my weight, my level of alcohol consumption has dropped--two not entirely unrelated things. I’m not sure how long this “only going out on the weekends” will last, but while ... read more
Uprock Dancing
Bing Pijiu - Literally

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming September 30th 2009

We very often say we won't make something or that we won't survive it. And then we somehow survive everything. Literally everything. I've been always saying to myself and other people that impossible doesn't exist. Something may be hard or very hard. But it's never impossible. Our life puts us to many tests, makes us go through many difficult situations. If we give up or make it, depends only on us. The point is to always go forward. Slower or faster but always forward. With bravery, strength and self-confidence. Because sometimes in hard moments we can rely only on ourselves. I take my stay here in China for such a test. Life test, testing myself. I have a feeling that every day changes me. Every tear and downfall make me stronger. Every day I learn someting ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming September 29th 2009

In addition to my Chinese classes, I started going to an optional Chinese painting class (Zhong Guo Hua’r Ke) once a week. Essentially, I go and listen to an old Chinese teacher/painter talk in mumbled Chinese for about 45 minutes, as he demonstrates painting something, then we make an effort to do it ourselves for 45 minutes. Apparently, today he was talking about how we swirl our wrist to make the brush do what we want, but joked that his hand was unsteady because he is old and has drank too much! Too bad I only get it through translation, but at least someone told me. Good to know our Laoshi (teacher) has a sense of humor. So, last week we just practiced brush strokes, but this week we started to actually paint a scene. So ... read more
Shrimp and Grits, Shrimp Po Boy...
Boiled Shrimp, Shrimp Cocktail, Shrimp Scampi
My supplies

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming September 20th 2009

So, I’m here to study Chinese, right? Or as the title says "Wo xuexi Hanyu" (I study Chinese). Well, you may be wondering how my classes are going. Classes began on September 1. We were given a list of the different classes available, entirely in Chinese. The gossipy teachers who were registering us directed me toward the Beginner class, even though I was insisting that I was at a higher level than that. But they said that for the first week or so that we could switch between classes to find the one that fit better. So, I went to the beginner class. The teacher, who was speaking half in English and half in Chinese, went around the room so we could all introduce ourselves and say how long we have studied Chinese. The resounding answer ... read more

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming September 19th 2009

So, on my first day of classes I ended up going to the market with my friend and classmate, Paula, before going over to her apartment to do our homework and study. Well, she wanted to make chicken curry for dinner and needed to buy some chicken. The market we went to was a huge semi-outdoor one with at least 50 different vendors selling everything from carrots to cow tongue to cashew nuts. The options for chicken for Paula’s dish were many. She had frozen chicken pieces, fresh butchered chicken (half chicken or whole chicken) or fresh live chicken (technically hen…I think). After perusing the options, she decided to go with a live chicken! This was a new experience for me, as I had always bought my meats already butchered and wrapped in saran wrap at ... read more
Are you our dinner?
That's our dinner in her hand

Asia » China » Yunnan » Kunming September 14th 2009

As many of the chinese parks, also this one is a very special piece of it's surroundings. Spacially it seems like they just wanted to create as much of the most enjoyable enviroment there...a shore with weeping willows. And they sucedded. The park is a set of islands, bridges and walkways connecting them, all one a remaining piece of whater that once belonged to the Kunming's lake Dian Chi. Who liked hanging out in Ljubljana's Trnovo under Plecnik's willow trees before they had to cut just loving this park already to start with. As you take in it's's a lot of elderly citizens just having fun, playing cards, streching, chatting, excercising, dancing, singing...with one word...PLAYING. Actually the chinese have a word for it...and it would serve as 'to have a good time' or as ... read more
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