Blogs from Olympic Park, Beijing, China, Asia


Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park October 1st 2017

I knew that my flight was going to be badly delayed when they started serving the food while we were still sitting on the tarmac. I had just eaten a rather large and expensive breakfast at the airport, so just picked at mine. If I had of known I would have just waited for the plane food. The flight was maybe couple of hours and uneventful. I took the subway to where I was staying. A couple of annoying things about the subway. One you can't buy a through ticket, when I got off the airport line, I had to queue up to buy a ticket for the rest of my journey. Then when I got to what should have been my stop, the train sailed through it. I later to I d out that thirty ... read more
Olympic Mascot
Olympic Mascot
Olympic Mascot

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park July 21st 2017

Une solution pour échapper a la chaleur Et se faire plaisir...... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park November 16th 2016

The 2008 Olympic's took place in Beijing, so I decided to take a tour of the facilities.... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park August 3rd 2015

Ich durfte tatsächlich als Letzter einsteigen und lande am 03.08 in der Pekinger Dunstglocke. Peking begrüßt mich mit seinem Smog und einer Schwüle, an die ich mich die kommenden Tage gewöhnen muss. Nach einer gefühlten Ewigkeit bekomme ich endlich meinen Koffer und treffe meinen Freund und Gastgeber Liu (auch Uncle Lu genannt). Wir starten Richtung Innenstadt zum Olympiapark und besichtigen das Vogelnest und das Schwimmstadion, welches derzeit leider umgebaut wird. Die Architektur des Vogelnestes ist sehr beeindruckend, obwohl ich mir nicht erklären kann wie man an der Ein oder anderen Stelle die Naturgesetzte überwunden hat. Nach dem Sightseeing stärken wir uns beim BBQ ganz in der Nähe. Wegen meiner Müdigkeit wage ich zum Mittag noch keine Experimente, es gibt Lamm- und Rinderspieße. Das einzige Experiment sind die Austern in Knoblauchsoße und die Schweinehaut. Beim bestellen kommt ... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park August 2nd 2015

Kaum zu glauben wie schnell die Zeit manchmal vergeht. Einer meiner seit langem gehegten Wünsche geht endlich in Erfüllung. Ich reise nach China und das nicht als Tourist, sondern ich bin zu Besuch bei meinen MBA Kameraden um Land und Leute kennen zu lernen. Was bleibt am Ende ist mein guter Vorsatz euch in dem kommenden Wochen von meinen Erlebnissen zu berichten und die Welt mit spannenden Fotos zu beglücken. Ob es mir gelingt alle Eindrücke mit Worten und der Kamera von meinem ollen Iphone einzufangen, sei dahingestellt. Jedenfalls freue ich mich auf viele Leser, denn so wird der Austausch im Anschluss viel spannender. Rechtschreibfehler und inadäquate Ausdrucksweise dürfen dabei getrost ignoriert werden.... read more

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park July 14th 2014

The journey to Beijing was very tiring but also exciting. There was plenty movies to watch and free drinks and food too. The stop in Dubai airport was also exciting as the airport was filled with shops. We arrived in Beijing late at night and met our guide Jack, we then got the bus to the hotel at the Olympic Park and got a very well deserved sleep! In the morning we had breakfast which was different to what we would normally have as it was mostly rice, noodles and vegetables. We then got the bus to the university for a lecture about the history and culture of China and after we went to a restaurant famous for its Peking duck. That was very delicious :) We went to Hanban headquarters after lunch and we saw ... read more
Day 1 (6)
Day 1 (12)
Day 1 (22)

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park October 3rd 2012

I managed to hand wash my clothes last night and they were dry by this morning, an indication of how warm my room really is. I had a bad experience in a laundarette in Buenos Aires once. I dropped my clothes off for the laundry service and on my return I was served by an old woman who resembled my grandma, who duly handed over the perfectly wrapped clean bundle of clothes to me. When I returned to my hotel I discovered five pairs of M & S pants had been stolen! Since then I have had a policy of never using a foreign laundrette. Clean undies aside let's get on with today's blog. Having missed out at the London Olympics I thought I would drop by the Beijing Olympic village to see if I could ... read more
Olympic Village

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park September 3rd 2012

Apres etre revenus de la muraille, nous nous sommes promenes un peu dans Beijing, pres de la gare ou l'autobus nous a laisse (on a pris l'autobus car le train de retour suivant etait 2h plus tard). Nous avons visite un quartier moins touristique, et plus pauvre que les autres vus jusqu'a maintenant. Puis nous avons soupe dans un resto franco-vietnamien qui etait dans notre guide de voyage, ok, c'est pas du vrai chinois, mais tant pis!! On pouvait se faire comprendre! Nous sommes ensuite alles voir le quartier olympique, des jeux de 2008. Nous avons vu le fameux "cube d'eau", mais de loin car tout le site etait cloture, il semblait y avoir un evenement quelconque. Nous avons aussi vu le "nid d'oiseau", de plus pres cette fois. Tout le site (ce qu'on a pu ... read more
Le nid d'oiseau
La flambeau olympique?
Le mur des vainqueurs

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park August 18th 2012

The past few days have been filled with orientation and exploring the area surrounding our campus here at UIBE. My friends and I have found the "wu market" or a Chinese equivalent to a Walmart not too far from our dorm. Unhappy to see that the lines in the wu market are just as bad as in Walmart, I took my time shopping around for some essentials! Toilet paper and bottled water are a must as well as some things to eat for breakfast. It's difficult to eat rice for every meal so I purchased some oatmeal and brown sugar that can be easily made with the boiled water from the kitchen! As for lunch and dinner we have been experimenting different places and types of Chinese food. A lot of what we've been eating has ... read more
Ben and I with the aquatic bubble in the background!

Asia » China » Beijing » Olympic Park February 5th 2012

More pictures! From all over... enjoy!... read more
harpsicle students
harpsicle ensemble

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