Blogs from Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer, Morocco, Africa - page 11


Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat August 5th 2009

Lucas & I visited Morocco for 5 days (returned this past Sunday). My friend and colleague Karen lives there with her husband Adil, and 2 children - Amira and Salah. We had a great time visiting Rabat & Casablanca, and Lucas loved playing with his new friends. ... read more
Lucas & Amira
Lucas & Amira 2
Dining in the old medina

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat July 17th 2009

I may have more to write when I get home but I want to get these down while I am still in Morocco. I just finished my final exam which was divided into two parts, reading comprehension and grammar. It wasn't too hard and I am not too worried about how I did. Overall my satisfaction with AmidEast is mixed. The homestay has been awesome because I have been able to improve my speaking (in modern standard Arabic) ability exponentially. But as for the classes, I found them to be a little disappointing. I don't feel like I have learned all that much from the classes to be honest. We moved at such a high speed that it was difficult to retain any new grammar much less vocab. At home, Prof Blosser would give us like ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat July 6th 2009

So I got back from Asilah at around 8 pm on Saturday night (4th of July) and as I got close to the apartment I heard really loud music. When I got to the apartment building entrance I noticed that a large truck was parked right up to the door and there were men in uniforms scrambling around carrying things up the stairs. As I made my way past them I was eyed cautiously because they were probably wondering "Who the hell is this French tourist crashing this family's party." I say French because in Morocco if you are white they assume you are French and will speak French to you. Anyways, as I climbed the stairs the music got even louder and I finally reached the enclosed patio and looked in to see around 50 ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat July 5th 2009

On Thursday night my family brought a rather large sheep home for the party they were having on Friday and Saturday. The sheep was delivered in the trunk of a BMW sedan and the dad, the butcher, and I carried it up 3 flights of stairs in their apartment building to the apartment where it was tied up outside. Then a bunch of female relatives and the daughter of the family, who is married and just had a son, who the party is for, started rearranging the apartment and I kept offering to help because they were moving some pretty heavy stuff but they kept refusing my offer. The next day I woke up to find the sheep in the tiny bathroom just chilling. The dad explained that they had to bring it inside to make ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat July 2nd 2009

First off, I would like to give a warm welcome to Peggy Thompson. Her daughter, Emily, joined us in Morocco two weeks ago (around the last time I updated) and Mrs. Thompson found the blog through googling UVa and Morocco. Thanks for being a fan. Also, thank you to everyone who has sent me messages over the course of these six weeks. Sorry I have not responded (the blog website is strange about that) but I appreciate your messages. Tomorrow is our last full day in Morocco. Since I left off we have spent a weekend of service at a circus school for street children, heard discourses from the advisor to the prime minister and an author of a book we read, went to a Morocco-Togo world cup qualifier game and probably spent the best weekend ... read more
The Barbershop

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat July 1st 2009

well today is wednesday, and i havent had much to write about but id figure id try to put another post up. i guess ill do one about an average day in rabat and then some just funny stuff ive seen. typical day: wake up between 7 and 7:30am. Then breakfast from 7:45 to around 8:10. 8:10 I get a taxi to AmidEast. 8:30 through 12:20 class. Then lunch from 12:20 to 1pm. Then Darijah (Moroccan colloquial) class till 2pm. Then MSJ usually do homework and surf the internet from like 2 to 4pm or so. Then we might go somewhere, and hang out till around 7pm and then I'll go home. At home we will have tea and watch TV till around 10pm. Then we eat dinner, then I got to sleep "early" anytime between ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat June 24th 2009

This post picks up from where the last one left off. So Jess went to have tea with a Moroccan family and Sara and I decided to take a cab to her neighborhood so she could figure out exactly where it was. After riding from Agdal to Hassan and walking around for a bit we found her house. She went inside and I continued to explore the area on my own. I walked to the Hassan Tower and took some pictures, spoke Arabic to horse mounted guards, and just wandered around aimlessly. Me, Sara, and Jess (from now on will be abbreviated MSJ) had decided to meet at 5pm at Bab al-Had, a big traffic circle just to the south of the Medina. At around 4pm I called Sara and asked if she wanted to walk ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat June 23rd 2009

Yesterday was the first full day of classes. The morning class is Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) and the afternoon class is Darijah (Moroccan colloquial). The MSA class is kind of intense and we get a lot of homework. The Darijah is fun b/c the teacher doesnt speak English and it is all oral with really no homework. After spending the afternoon doing MSA homework Sara's home stay family came and picked her up. Jess' host dad was going to come to get her but was busy. My family doesn't have cars so they expect me to be able to maneuver my way around Rabat. I am starting to get the hang of it and don't feel so overwhelmed in the streets. So me and Jess decide to share a cab. Her neighborhood is to the northwest ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat June 22nd 2009

Well my first night here Michael took me to get some leather slippers to wear in the house. It was hard to find some that would fit me but once we found some we bartered the guy down to around $10 USD. The slippers are really nice, hand made. When we got home Rashid asked what I got and so I pulled em out and handed them to him. He thought they were cool and put them on. Yesterday I couldn't find them and asked Rashid where he put them. He got this sad puppy face and went and got them. He explained to me that he thought I got them for him as a gift. I didn't mean to convey that by simply showing him the slippers, I felt really bad. Oh well. I tested ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer » Rabat June 21st 2009

I arrived in the Agdal neighborhood around 4pm (Moroccan time). Agdal is a wealthy part of Rabat btw. Inside of amideast's HQ I met up with Michael. He has been here for a month and really knows his way around and his Arabic is really good - I am impressed. I am living with the host family he had. They came and picked me up and the mom - Fatima, tried to carry my backpack. It was really funny because it was heavy and she was really struggling but wouldnt let me carry it. We got a cab and I was really shocked because no one bothered with seatbelts, lanes dont matter, and redlights are ignored. Oh and there are traffic circles everywhere. While on foot, Michael says be prepared to play Frogger. I felt brain ... read more

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